pymatgen.analysis namespace



pymatgen.analysis.adsorption module

This module provides classes used to enumerate surface sites and to find adsorption sites on slabs.

class AdsorbateSiteFinder(slab: Slab, selective_dynamics: bool = False, height: float = 0.9, mi_vec: ArrayLike | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

This class finds adsorbate sites on slabs and generates adsorbate structures according to user-defined criteria.

The algorithm for finding sites is essentially as follows:
  1. Determine “surface sites” by finding those within

    a height threshold along the miller index of the highest site

  2. Create a network of surface sites using the Delaunay

    triangulation of the surface sites

  3. Assign on-top, bridge, and hollow adsorption sites

    at the nodes, edges, and face centers of the Del. Triangulation

  4. Generate structures from a molecule positioned at

    these sites

Create an AdsorbateSiteFinder object.

  • slab (Slab) – slab object for which to find adsorbate sites

  • selective_dynamics (bool) – flag for whether to assign non-surface sites as fixed for selective dynamics

  • height (float) – height criteria for selection of surface sites

  • mi_vec (3-D array-like) – vector corresponding to the vector concurrent with the miller index, this enables use with slabs that have been reoriented, but the miller vector must be supplied manually

add_adsorbate(molecule: Molecule, ads_coord, repeat=None, translate=True, reorient=True)[source]

Add an adsorbate at a particular coordinate. Adsorbate represented by a Molecule object and is translated to (0, 0, 0) if translate is True, or positioned relative to the input adsorbate coordinate if translate is False.

  • molecule (Molecule) – molecule object representing the adsorbate

  • ads_coord (array) – coordinate of adsorbate position

  • repeat (3-tuple or list) – input for making a supercell of slab prior to placing the adsorbate

  • translate (bool) – flag on whether to translate the molecule so that its CoM is at the origin prior to adding it to the surface

  • reorient (bool) – flag on whether to reorient the molecule to have its z-axis concurrent with miller index

adsorb_both_surfaces(molecule, repeat=None, min_lw=5.0, translate=True, reorient=True, find_args=None)[source]

Generate all adsorption structures for a given molecular adsorbate on both surfaces of a slab. This is useful for calculating surface energy where both surfaces need to be equivalent or if we want to calculate nonpolar systems.

  • molecule (Molecule) – molecule corresponding to adsorbate

  • repeat (3-tuple or list) – repeat argument for supercell generation

  • min_lw (float) – minimum length and width of the slab, only used if repeat is None

  • reorient (bool) – flag on whether or not to reorient adsorbate along the miller index

  • find_args (dict) – dictionary of arguments to be passed to the call to self.find_adsorption_sites, e.g. {“distance”:2.0}

classmethod assign_selective_dynamics(slab)[source]

Helper function to assign selective dynamics site_properties based on surface, subsurface site properties.


slab (Slab) – slab for which to assign selective dynamics

assign_site_properties(slab: Slab, height=0.9)[source]

Assign site properties.

classmethod ensemble_center(site_list, indices, cartesian=True)[source]

Find the center of an ensemble of sites selected from a list of sites. Helper method for the find_adsorption_sites algorithm.

  • site_list (list[Site]) – sites from which to select

  • indices (list[int]) – indices of sites from which to select sites from site list

  • cartesian (bool) – whether to get average fractional or Cartesian coordinate

find_adsorption_sites(distance=2.0, put_inside=True, symm_reduce=0.01, near_reduce=0.01, positions=('ontop', 'bridge', 'hollow'), no_obtuse_hollow=True)[source]

Find surface sites according to the above algorithm. Returns a list of corresponding Cartesian coordinates.

  • distance (float) – distance from the coordinating ensemble of atoms along the miller index for the site (i.e. the distance from the slab itself)

  • put_inside (bool) – whether to put the site inside the cell

  • symm_reduce (float) – symm reduction threshold

  • near_reduce (float) – near reduction threshold

  • positions (list) –

    which positions to include in the site finding “ontop”: sites on top of surface sites “bridge”: sites at edges between surface sites in Delaunay

    triangulation of surface sites in the miller plane

    ”hollow”: sites at centers of Delaunay triangulation faces “subsurface”: subsurface positions projected into miller plane

  • no_obtuse_hollow (bool) – flag to indicate whether to include obtuse triangular ensembles in hollow sites

find_surface_sites_by_height(slab: Slab, height=0.9, xy_tol=0.05)[source]

Find surface sites by determining which sites are within a threshold value in height from the topmost site in a list of sites.

  • slab (Slab) – slab for which to find surface sites

  • height (float) – threshold in angstroms of distance from topmost site in slab along the slab c-vector to include in surface site determination

  • xy_tol (float) – if supplied, will remove any sites which are within a certain distance in the miller plane.


list of sites selected to be within a threshold of the highest

classmethod from_bulk_and_miller(structure, miller_index, min_slab_size=8.0, min_vacuum_size=10.0, max_normal_search=None, center_slab=True, selective_dynamics=False, undercoord_threshold=0.09) Self[source]

Construct the adsorbate site finder from a bulk structure and a miller index, which allows the surface sites to be determined from the difference in bulk and slab coordination, as opposed to the height threshold.

  • structure (Structure) – structure from which slab input to the ASF is constructed

  • miller_index (3-tuple or list) – miller index to be used

  • min_slab_size (float) – min slab size for slab generation

  • min_vacuum_size (float) – min vacuum size for slab generation

  • max_normal_search (int) – max normal search for slab generation

  • center_slab (bool) – whether to center slab in slab generation

  • dynamics (selective) – whether to assign surface sites to selective dynamics

  • undercoord_threshold (float) – threshold of “undercoordation” to use for the assignment of surface sites. Default is 0.1, for which surface sites will be designated if they are 10% less coordinated than their bulk counterpart

generate_adsorption_structures(molecule, repeat=None, min_lw=5.0, translate=True, reorient=True, find_args=None)[source]

Generate all adsorption structures for a given molecular adsorbate. Can take repeat argument or minimum length/width of precursor slab as an input.

  • molecule (Molecule) – molecule corresponding to adsorbate

  • repeat (3-tuple or list) – repeat argument for supercell generation

  • min_lw (float) – minimum length and width of the slab, only used if repeat is None

  • translate (bool) – flag on whether to translate the molecule so that its CoM is at the origin prior to adding it to the surface

  • reorient (bool) – flag on whether or not to reorient adsorbate along the miller index

  • find_args (dict) – dictionary of arguments to be passed to the call to self.find_adsorption_sites, e.g. {“distance”:2.0}

generate_substitution_structures(atom, target_species=None, sub_both_sides=False, range_tol=0.01, dist_from_surf=0)[source]

Perform substitution-type doping on the surface and returns all possible configurations where one dopant is substituted per surface. Can substitute one surface or both.

  • atom (str) – atom corresponding to substitutional dopant

  • sub_both_sides (bool) – If true, substitute an equivalent site on the other surface

  • target_species (list) – Specific species to substitute

  • range_tol (float) – Find viable substitution sites at a specific distance from the surface +- this tolerance

  • dist_from_surf (float) – Distance from the surface to find viable substitution sites, defaults to 0 to substitute at the surface

get_extended_surface_mesh(repeat=(5, 5, 1))[source]

Get an extended surface mesh for to use for adsorption site finding by constructing supercell of surface sites.


repeat (3-tuple) – repeat for getting extended surface mesh

near_reduce(coords_set, threshold=0.0001)[source]

Prune coordinate set for coordinates that are within threshold.

  • coords_set (Nx3 array-like) – list or array of coordinates

  • threshold (float) – threshold value for distance


Convenience method to return list of subsurface sites.

property surface_sites[source]

Convenience method to return a list of surface sites.

symm_reduce(coords_set, threshold=1e-06)[source]

Reduce the set of adsorbate sites by finding removing symmetrically equivalent duplicates.

  • coords_set – coordinate set in Cartesian coordinates

  • threshold – tolerance for distance equivalence, used as input to in_coord_list_pbc for dupl. checking


Convenience function which returns the unit vector aligned with the miller index.

get_rot(slab: Slab) SymmOp[source]

Get the transformation to rotate the z axis into the miller index.

plot_slab(slab: Slab, ax: plt.Axes, scale=0.8, repeat=5, window=1.5, draw_unit_cell=True, decay=0.2, adsorption_sites=True, inverse=False)[source]

Help visualize the slab in a 2-D plot, for convenient viewing of output of AdsorbateSiteFinder.

  • slab (slab) – Slab object to be visualized

  • ax (axes) – matplotlib axes with which to visualize

  • scale (float) – radius scaling for sites

  • repeat (int) – number of repeating unit cells to visualize

  • window (float) – window for setting the axes limits, is essentially a fraction of the unit cell limits

  • draw_unit_cell (bool) – flag indicating whether or not to draw cell

  • decay (float) – how the alpha-value decays along the z-axis

  • inverse (bool) – invert z axis to plot opposite surface

put_coord_inside(lattice, cart_coordinate)[source]

Convert a Cartesian coordinate such that it is inside the unit cell.


Reorient a structure such that the z axis is concurrent with the normal to the A-B plane.

pymatgen.analysis.bond_dissociation module

Module for BondDissociationEnergies.

class BondDissociationEnergies(molecule_entry: dict[str, str | dict[str, str | int]], fragment_entries: list[dict[str, str | dict[str, str | int]]], allow_additional_charge_separation: bool = False, multibreak: bool = False)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Standard constructor for bond dissociation energies. All bonds in the principle molecule are looped through and their dissociation energies are calculated given the energies of the resulting fragments, or, in the case of a ring bond, from the energy of the molecule obtained from breaking the bond and opening the ring. This class should only be called after the energies of the optimized principle molecule and all relevant optimized fragments have been determined, either from quantum chemistry or elsewhere. It was written to provide the analysis after running an Atomate fragmentation workflow.

The provided entries must have the following keys: formula_pretty, initial_molecule, final_molecule. If a PCM is present, all entries should also have a pcm_dielectric key.

  • molecule_entry (dict) – Entry for the principle molecule. Should have the keys mentioned above.

  • fragment_entries (list[dict]) – Fragment entries. Each should have the keys mentioned above.

  • allow_additional_charge_separation (bool) – If True, consider larger than normal charge separation among fragments. Defaults to False. See the definition of self.expected_charges below for more specific information.

  • multibreak (bool) – If True, additionally attempt to break pairs of bonds. Defaults to False.

build_new_entry(frags: list, bonds: list) list[source]

Build a new entry for bond dissociation that will be returned to the user.

  • frags (list) – Fragments involved in the bond dissociation.

  • bonds (list) – Bonds broken in the dissociation process.


Formatted bond dissociation entries.

Return type:


filter_fragment_entries(fragment_entries: list) None[source]

Filter the fragment entries.


fragment_entries (List) – Fragment entries to be filtered.


Fragment and process bonds.


bonds (list) – bonds to process.

search_fragment_entries(frag) list[source]

Search all fragment entries for those isomorphic to the given fragment. We distinguish between entries where both initial and final MoleculeGraphs are isomorphic to the given fragment (entries) vs those where only the initial MoleculeGraph is isomorphic to the given fragment (initial_entries) vs those where only the final MoleculeGraph is isomorphic (final_entries).


frag – Fragment

pymatgen.analysis.bond_valence module

This module implements classes to perform bond valence analyses.

class BVAnalyzer(symm_tol=0.1, max_radius=4, max_permutations=100000, distance_scale_factor=1.015, charge_neutrality_tolerance=1e-05, forbidden_species=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class implements a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation method to determine oxidation states in a structure. The algorithm is as follows: 1) The bond valence sum of all symmetrically distinct sites in a structure is calculated using the element-based parameters in M. O’Keefe, & N. Brese, JACS, 1991, 113(9), 3226-3229. doi:10.1021/ja00009a002. 2) The posterior probabilities of all oxidation states is then calculated using: P(oxi_state/BV) = K * P(BV/oxi_state) * P(oxi_state), where K is a constant factor for each element. P(BV/oxi_state) is calculated as a Gaussian with mean and std deviation determined from an analysis of the ICSD. The posterior P(oxi_state) is determined from a frequency analysis of the ICSD. 3) The oxidation states are then ranked in order of decreasing probability and the oxidation state combination that result in a charge neutral cell is selected.

Initialize the BV analyzer, with useful defaults.

  • symm_tol – Symmetry tolerance used to determine which sites are symmetrically equivalent. Set to 0 to turn off symmetry.

  • max_radius – Maximum radius in Angstrom used to find nearest neighbors.

  • max_permutations – The maximum number of permutations of oxidation states to test.

  • distance_scale_factor – A scale factor to be applied. This is useful for scaling distances, esp in the case of calculation-relaxed structures which may tend to under (GGA) or over bind (LDA). The default of 1.015 works for GGA. For experimental structure, set this to 1.

  • charge_neutrality_tolerance – Tolerance on the charge neutrality when unordered structures are at stake.

  • forbidden_species – List of species that are forbidden (example : [“O-”] cannot be used) It is used when e.g. someone knows that some oxidation state cannot occur for some atom in a structure or list of structures.

get_oxi_state_decorated_structure(structure: Structure) Structure[source]

Get an oxidation state decorated structure. This currently works only for ordered structures only.


structure – Structure to analyze


modified with oxidation state decorations.

Return type:



ValueError if the valences cannot be determined.

get_valences(structure: Structure)[source]

Get a list of valences for each site in the structure.


structure – Structure to analyze


A list of valences for each site in the structure (for an ordered structure), e.g. [1, 1, -2] or a list of lists with the valences for each fractional element of each site in the structure (for an unordered structure), e.g. [[2, 4], [3], [-2], [-2], [-2]]


A ValueError if the valences cannot be determined.

add_oxidation_state_by_site_fraction(structure: Structure, oxidation_states: list[list[int]]) Structure[source]

Add oxidation states to a structure by fractional site.


oxidation_states (list[list[int]]) – List of list of oxidation states for each site fraction for each site. e.g. [[2, 4], [3], [-2], [-2], [-2]]

calculate_bv_sum(site, nn_list, scale_factor=1.0)[source]

Calculate the BV sum of a site.

  • site (PeriodicSite) – The central site to calculate the bond valence

  • nn_list ([Neighbor]) – A list of namedtuple Neighbors having “distance” and “site” attributes

  • scale_factor (float) – A scale factor to be applied. This is useful for scaling distance, esp in the case of calculation-relaxed structures which may tend to under (GGA) or over bind (LDA).

calculate_bv_sum_unordered(site, nn_list, scale_factor=1)[source]

Calculate the BV sum of a site for unordered structures.

  • site (PeriodicSite) – The central site to calculate the bond valence

  • nn_list ([Neighbor]) – A list of namedtuple Neighbors having “distance” and “site” attributes

  • scale_factor (float) – A scale factor to be applied. This is useful for scaling distance, esp in the case of calculation-relaxed structures which may tend to under (GGA) or over bind (LDA).


Arbitrary ordered element map on the elements/species of a composition of a given site in an unordered structure. Returns a list of tuples ( element_or_specie: occupation) in the arbitrary order.

The arbitrary order is based on the Z of the element and the smallest fractional occupations first. Example : {“Ni3+”: 0.2, “Ni4+”: 0.2, “Cr3+”: 0.15, “Zn2+”: 0.34, “Cr4+”: 0.11} will yield the species in the following order : Cr4+, Cr3+, Ni3+, Ni4+, Zn2+ … or Cr4+, Cr3+, Ni4+, Ni3+, Zn2+

pymatgen.analysis.chempot_diagram module

This module implements the construction and plotting of chemical potential diagrams from a list of entries within a chemical system containing 2 or more elements. The chemical potential diagram is the mathematical dual to the traditional compositional phase diagram.

For more information, please cite/reference the paper below:

Todd, P. K., McDermott, M. J., Rom, C. L., Corrao, A. A., Denney, J. J., Dwaraknath, S. S., Khalifah, P. G., Persson, K. A., & Neilson, J. R. (2021). Selectivity in Yttrium Manganese Oxide Synthesis via Local Chemical Potentials in Hyperdimensional Phase Space. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(37), 15185-15194.

Please also consider referencing the original 1999 paper by H. Yokokawa, who outlined many of its possible uses:

Yokokawa, H. “Generalized chemical potential diagram and its applications to chemical reactions at interfaces between dissimilar materials.” JPE 20, 258 (1999).

class ChemicalPotentialDiagram(entries: list[PDEntry], limits: dict[Element, tuple[float, float]] | None = None, default_min_limit: float = -50.0, formal_chempots: bool = True)[source]

Bases: MSONable

The chemical potential diagram is the mathematical dual to the compositional phase diagram. To create the diagram, convex minimization is performed in energy (E) vs. chemical potential (μ) space by taking the lower convex envelope of hyperplanes. Accordingly, “points” on the compositional phase diagram become N-dimensional convex polytopes (domains) in chemical potential space.

For more information on this specific implementation of the algorithm, please cite/reference the paper below:

Todd, P. K., McDermott, M. J., Rom, C. L., Corrao, A. A., Denney, J. J., Dwaraknath, S. S., Khalifah, P. G., Persson, K. A., & Neilson, J. R. (2021). Selectivity in Yttrium Manganese Oxide Synthesis via Local Chemical Potentials in Hyperdimensional Phase Space. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(37), 15185-15194.

  • entries (list[PDEntry]) – PDEntry-like objects containing a composition and energy. Must contain elemental references and be suitable for typical phase diagram construction. Entries must be within a chemical system of with 2+ elements.

  • limits (dict[Element, float] | None) – Bounds of elemental chemical potentials (min, max), which are used to construct the border hyperplanes used in the HalfSpaceIntersection algorithm; these constrain the space over which the domains are calculated and also determine the size of the plotted diagram. Any elemental limits not specified are covered in the default_min_limit argument. e.g. {Element(“Li”): [-12.0, 0.0], …}

  • default_min_limit (float) – Default minimum chemical potential limit (i.e., lower bound) for unspecified elements within the “limits” argument.

  • formal_chempots (bool) – Whether to plot the formal (‘reference’) chemical potentials (i.e. μ_X - μ_X^0) or the absolute DFT reference energies (i.e. μ_X(DFT)). Default is True (i.e. plot formal chemical potentials).

property border_hyperplanes: ndarray[source]

Bordering hyperplanes.

property chemical_system: str[source]

The chemical system (A-B-C-…) of diagram object.

property domains: dict[str, ndarray][source]

Mapping of formulas to array of domain boundary points.

property el_refs: dict[Element, PDEntry][source]

A dictionary of elements and reference entries.

property entry_dict: dict[str, ComputedEntry][source]

Mapping between reduced formula and ComputedEntry.

get_plot(elements: list[Element | str] | None = None, label_stable: bool | None = True, formulas_to_draw: list[str] | None = None, draw_formula_meshes: bool | None = True, draw_formula_lines: bool | None = True, formula_colors: list[str] = ['rgb(27,158,119)', 'rgb(217,95,2)', 'rgb(117,112,179)', 'rgb(231,41,138)', 'rgb(102,166,30)', 'rgb(230,171,2)', 'rgb(166,118,29)', 'rgb(102,102,102)'], element_padding: float | None = 1.0) Figure[source]

Plot the 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional chemical potential diagram using an interactive Plotly interface.

Elemental axes can be specified; if none provided, will automatically default to first 2-3 elements within the “elements” attribute.

In 3D, this method also allows for plotting of lower-dimensional “slices” of hyperdimensional polytopes (e.g., the LiMnO2 domain within a Y-Mn-O diagram). This allows for visualization of some of the phase boundaries that can only be seen fully in high dimensional space; see the “formulas_to_draw” argument.

  • elements – list of elements to use as axes in the diagram. If None, automatically defaults to the first 2 or elements within the object’s “elements” attribute.

  • label_stable – whether to label stable phases by their reduced formulas. Defaults to True.

  • formulas_to_draw – for 3-dimensional diagrams, an optional list of formulas to plot on the diagram; if these are from a different chemical system a 3-d polyhedron “slice” will be plotted. Defaults to None.

  • draw_formula_meshes – whether to draw a colored mesh for the optionally specified formulas_to_draw. Defaults to True.

  • draw_formula_lines – whether to draw bounding lines for the optionally specified formulas_to_draw. Defaults to True.

  • formula_colors – a list of colors to use in the plotting of the optionally specified formulas_to-draw. Defaults to the Plotly Dark2 color scheme.

  • element_padding – if provided, automatically adjusts chemical potential axis limits of the plot such that elemental domains have the specified padding (in eV/atom), helping provide visual clarity. Defaults to 1.0.



property hyperplane_entries: list[PDEntry][source]

List of entries corresponding to hyperplanes.

property hyperplanes: ndarray[source]

Array of hyperplane data.

property lims: ndarray[source]

Array of limits used in constructing hyperplanes.

get_2d_orthonormal_vector(line_pts: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Calculates a vector that is orthonormal to a line given by a set of points. Used for determining the location of an annotation on a 2-d chemical potential diagram.


line_pts – a 2x2 array in the form of [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]] giving the coordinates of a line


A length-2 vector that is orthonormal to the line.

Return type:


get_centroid_2d(vertices: ndarray) ndarray[source]

A bare-bones implementation of the formula for calculating the centroid of a 2D polygon. Useful for calculating the location of an annotation on a chemical potential domain within a 3D chemical potential diagram.

NOTE vertices must be ordered circumferentially!


vertices – array of 2-d coordinates corresponding to a polygon, ordered circumferentially


Giving 2-d centroid coordinates.

Return type:


simple_pca(data: ndarray, k: int = 2) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

A bare-bones implementation of principal component analysis (PCA) used in the ChemicalPotentialDiagram class for plotting.

  • data – array of observations

  • k – Number of principal components returned


projected data, eigenvalues, eigenvectors

Return type:


pymatgen.analysis.cost module

This module is used to estimate the cost of various compounds. Costs are taken from the a CostDB instance, for example a CSV file via CostDBCSV. For compounds with no cost listed, a Phase Diagram style convex hull optimization is performed to determine a set of compositions that can be mixed to give the desired compound with lowest total cost.

class CostAnalyzer(costdb: CostDB)[source]

Bases: object

Given a CostDB, figures out the minimum cost solutions via convex hull.


costdb (CostDB) – Cost database to use.


Get best estimate of minimum cost/kg based on known data.


comp (CompositionLike) – chemical formula


energy cost/kg

Return type:


get_cost_per_mol(comp: CompositionLike) float[source]

Get best estimate of minimum cost/mol based on known data.


comp (CompositionLike) – chemical formula


energy cost/mol

Return type:



Get the decomposition leading to lowest cost.


composition – Composition as a pymatgen.core.structure.Composition



Return type:

Decomposition as a dict of {Entry

class CostDB[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract class for representing a Cost database. Can be extended, e.g. for file-based or REST-based databases.

abstract get_entries(chemsys)[source]

For a given chemical system, return an array of CostEntries.


chemsys (list[SpeciesLike]) – Elements defining the chemical system.



class CostDBCSV(filename)[source]

Bases: CostDB

Read a CSV file to get costs. Format is formula,cost_per_kg,name,BibTeX.


filename (str) – Filename of cost database.


For a given chemical system, return an array of CostEntries.


chemsys (list[Element]) – Elements defining the chemical system.


array of CostEntries

class CostEntry(composition, cost, name, reference)[source]

Bases: PDEntry

Extends PDEntry to include a BibTeX reference and include language about cost.

  • composition (Composition) – chemical composition of the entry

  • cost (float) – per mol, NOT per kg of the full Composition

  • name (str) – Optional parameter to name the entry. Defaults to the reduced chemical formula as in PDEntry.

  • reference (str) – Reference data as BiBTeX string.

pymatgen.analysis.dimensionality module

This module provides functions to get the dimensionality of a structure.

A number of different algorithms are implemented. These are based on the following publications:

  • P. M. Larsen, M. Pandey, M. Strange, K. W. Jacobsen. Definition of a scoring parameter to identify low-dimensional materials components. Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 034003 (2019).

  • Cheon, G.; Duerloo, K.-A. N.; Sendek, A. D.; Porter, C.; Chen, Y.; Reed, E. J. Data Mining for New Two- and One-Dimensional Weakly Bonded Solids and Lattice-Commensurate Heterostructures. Nano Lett. 2017.

  • Gorai, P., Toberer, E. & Stevanovic, V. Computational Identification of Promising Thermoelectric Materials Among Known Quasi-2D Binary Compounds. J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 4136 (2016).

calculate_dimensionality_of_site(bonded_structure, site_index, inc_vertices=False)[source]

Calculate the dimensionality of the component containing the given site.

Implements directly the modified breadth-first-search algorithm described in Algorithm 1 of:

P. M. Larsen, M. Pandey, M. Strange, K. W. Jacobsen. Definition of a scoring parameter to identify low-dimensional materials components. Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 034003 (2019).

  • bonded_structure (StructureGraph) – A structure with bonds, represented as a pymatgen structure graph. For example, generated using the CrystalNN.get_bonded_structure() method.

  • site_index (int) – The index of a site in the component of interest.

  • inc_vertices (bool, optional) – Whether to return the vertices (site images) of the component.


If inc_vertices is False, the dimensionality of the

component will be returned as an int. If inc_vertices is true, the function will return a tuple of (dimensionality, vertices), where vertices is a list of tuples. E.g. [(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)].

Return type:

int | tuple

find_clusters(struct, connected_matrix)[source]

Find bonded clusters of atoms in the structure with periodic boundary conditions.

If there are atoms that are not bonded to anything, returns [0,1,0]. (For faster computation time)

Author: Gowoon Cheon Email:

  • struct (Structure) – Input structure

  • connected_matrix – Must be made from the same structure with find_connected_atoms() function.


the size of the largest cluster in the crystal structure min_cluster: the size of the smallest cluster in the crystal structure clusters: list of bonded clusters found here, clusters are formatted as sets of indices of atoms

Return type:


find_connected_atoms(struct, tolerance=0.45, ldict=None)[source]

Find bonded atoms and returns a adjacency matrix of bonded atoms.

Author: “Gowoon Cheon” Email: “

  • struct (Structure) – Input structure

  • tolerance – length in angstroms used in finding bonded atoms. Two atoms are considered bonded if (radius of atom 1) + (radius of atom 2) + (tolerance) < (distance between atoms 1 and 2). Default value = 0.45, the value used by JMol and Cheon et al.

  • ldict – dictionary of bond lengths used in finding bonded atoms. Values from JMol are used as default


A numpy array of shape (number of atoms, number of atoms);

If any image of atom j is bonded to atom i with periodic boundary conditions, the matrix element [atom i, atom j] is 1.

Return type:


get_dimensionality_cheon(structure_raw, tolerance=0.45, ldict=None, standardize=True, larger_cell=False)[source]

Algorithm for finding the dimensions of connected subunits in a structure. This method finds the dimensionality of the material even when the material is not layered along low-index planes, or does not have flat layers/molecular wires.

Author: “Gowoon Cheon” Email: “

See details at :

Cheon, G.; Duerloo, K.-A. N.; Sendek, A. D.; Porter, C.; Chen, Y.; Reed, E. J. Data Mining for New Two- and One-Dimensional Weakly Bonded Solids and Lattice-Commensurate Heterostructures. Nano Lett. 2017.

  • structure_raw (Structure) – A pymatgen Structure object.

  • tolerance (float) – length in angstroms used in finding bonded atoms. Two atoms are considered bonded if (radius of atom 1) + (radius of atom 2) + (tolerance) < (distance between atoms 1 and 2). Default value = 0.45, the value used by JMol and Cheon et al.

  • ldict (dict) – dictionary of bond lengths used in finding bonded atoms. Values from JMol are used as default

  • standardize – works with conventional standard structures if True. It is recommended to keep this as True.

  • larger_cell

    tests with 3x3x3 supercell instead of 2x2x2. Testing with 2x2x2 supercell is faster but misclassifies rare interpenetrated 3D

    structures. Testing with a larger cell circumvents this problem


dimension of the largest cluster as a string. If there are ions

or molecules it returns ‘intercalated ion/molecule’

Return type:


get_dimensionality_gorai(structure, max_hkl=2, el_radius_updates=None, min_slab_size=5, min_vacuum_size=5, standardize=True, bonds=None)[source]

This method returns whether a structure is 3D, 2D (layered), or 1D (linear chains or molecules) according to the algorithm published in Gorai, P., Toberer, E. & Stevanovic, V. Computational Identification of Promising Thermoelectric Materials Among Known Quasi-2D Binary Compounds. J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 4136 (2016).

Note that a 1D structure detection might indicate problems in the bonding algorithm, particularly for ionic crystals (e.g., NaCl)

Users can change the behavior of bonds detection by passing either el_radius_updates to update atomic radii for auto-detection of max bond distances, or bonds to explicitly specify max bond distances for atom pairs. Note that if you pass both, el_radius_updates are ignored.

  • structure (Structure) – structure to analyze dimensionality for

  • max_hkl (int) – max index of planes to look for layers

  • el_radius_updates (dict) – symbol->float to update atomic radii

  • min_slab_size (float) – internal surface construction parameter

  • min_vacuum_size (float) – internal surface construction parameter

  • standardize (bool) – whether to standardize the structure before analysis. Set to False only if you already have the structure in a convention where layers / chains will be along low <hkl> indexes.

  • bonds (dict[tuple, float]) – bonds are specified as a dict of 2-tuples of Species mapped to floats, the max bonding distance. For example, PO4 groups may be defined as {(“P”, “O”): 3}.


the dimensionality of the structure - 1 (molecules/chains),

2 (layered), or 3 (3D)

Return type:



Gets the dimensionality of a bonded structure.

The dimensionality of the structure is the highest dimensionality of all structure components. This method is very robust and can handle many tricky structures, regardless of structure type or improper connections due to periodic boundary conditions.

Requires a StructureGraph object as input. This can be generated using one of the NearNeighbor classes. For example, using the CrystalNN class:

bonded_structure = CrystalNN().get_bonded_structure(structure)

Based on the modified breadth-first-search algorithm described in:

P. M. Larsen, M. Pandey, M. Strange, K. W. Jacobsen. Definition of a scoring parameter to identify low-dimensional materials components. Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 034003 (2019).


bonded_structure (StructureGraph) – A structure with bonds, represented as a pymatgen structure graph. For example, generated using the CrystalNN.get_bonded_structure() method.


The dimensionality of the structure.

Return type:


get_structure_components(bonded_structure, inc_orientation=False, inc_site_ids=False, inc_molecule_graph=False)[source]

Gets information on the components in a bonded structure.

Correctly determines the dimensionality of all structures, regardless of structure type or improper connections due to periodic boundary conditions.

Requires a StructureGraph object as input. This can be generated using one of the NearNeighbor classes. For example, using the CrystalNN class:

bonded_structure = CrystalNN().get_bonded_structure(structure)

Based on the modified breadth-first-search algorithm described in:

P. M. Larsen, M. Pandey, M. Strange, K. W. Jacobsen. Definition of a scoring parameter to identify low-dimensional materials components. Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 034003 (2019).

  • bonded_structure (StructureGraph) – A structure with bonds, represented as a pymatgen structure graph. For example, generated using the CrystalNN.get_bonded_structure() method.

  • inc_orientation (bool, optional) – Whether to include the orientation of the structure component. For surfaces, the miller index is given, for one-dimensional structures, the direction of the chain is given.

  • inc_site_ids (bool, optional) – Whether to include the site indices of the sites in the structure component.

  • inc_molecule_graph (bool, optional) – Whether to include MoleculeGraph objects for zero-dimensional components.


Information on the components in a structure as a list

of dictionaries with the keys:

  • ”structure_graph”: A pymatgen StructureGraph object for the


  • ”dimensionality”: The dimensionality of the structure component as an


  • ”orientation”: If inc_orientation is True, the orientation of the

    component as a tuple. E.g. (1, 1, 1)

  • ”site_ids”: If inc_site_ids is True, the site indices of the

    sites in the component as a tuple.

  • ”molecule_graph”: If inc_molecule_graph is True, the site a

    MoleculeGraph object for zero-dimensional components.

Return type:


zero_d_graph_to_molecule_graph(bonded_structure, graph)[source]

Converts a zero-dimensional networkx Graph object into a MoleculeGraph.

Implements a similar breadth-first search to that in calculate_dimensionality_of_site().

  • bonded_structure (StructureGraph) – A structure with bonds, represented as a pymatgen structure graph. For example, generated using the CrystalNN.get_bonded_structure() method.

  • graph (nx.Graph) – A networkx Graph object for the component of interest.


A MoleculeGraph object of the component.

Return type:


pymatgen.analysis.disorder module

This module provides various methods to analyze order/disorder in materials.

get_warren_cowley_parameters(structure: Structure, r: float, dr: float) dict[tuple, float][source]

Warren-Crowley parameters.

  • structure – Pymatgen Structure.

  • r – Radius

  • dr – Shell width


-1.0, …}

Return type:

Warren-Crowley parameters in the form of a dict, e.g. {(Element Mo, Element W)

pymatgen.analysis.energy_models module

This module implements a EnergyModel abstract class and some basic implementations. Basically, an EnergyModel is any model that returns an “energy” for any given structure.

class EnergyModel[source]

Bases: MSONable, ABC

Abstract structure filter class.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



abstract get_energy(structure) float[source]

structure – Structure.


Energy value

class EwaldElectrostaticModel(real_space_cut=None, recip_space_cut=None, eta=None, acc_factor=8.0)[source]

Bases: EnergyModel

Wrapper around EwaldSum to calculate the electrostatic energy.

Initialize the model. Args have the same definitions as in pymatgen.analysis.ewald.EwaldSummation.

  • real_space_cut (float) – Real space cutoff radius dictating how many terms are used in the real space sum. Defaults to None, which means determine automatically using the formula given in gulp 3.1 documentation.

  • recip_space_cut (float) – Reciprocal space cutoff radius. Defaults to None, which means determine automatically using the formula given in gulp 3.1 documentation.

  • eta (float) – Screening parameter. Defaults to None, which means determine automatically.

  • acc_factor (float) – No. of significant figures each sum is converged to.


MSONable dict.

get_energy(structure: Structure)[source]

structure – Structure.


Energy value

class IsingModel(j, max_radius)[source]

Bases: EnergyModel

A very simple Ising model, with r^2 decay.

  • j (float) – The interaction parameter. E = J * spin1 * spin2.

  • radius (float) – max_radius for the interaction.


MSONable dict.

get_energy(structure: Structure)[source]

structure – Structure.


Energy value

class NsitesModel[source]

Bases: EnergyModel

Sets the energy to the number of sites. More sites => higher “energy”. Used to rank structures from smallest number of sites to largest number of sites after enumeration.


MSONable dict.

get_energy(structure: Structure)[source]

structure – Structure.


Energy value

class SymmetryModel(symprec: float = 0.1, angle_tolerance=5)[source]

Bases: EnergyModel

Sets the energy to the negative of the spacegroup number. Higher symmetry => lower “energy”.

Args have same meaning as in pymatgen.symmetry.SpacegroupAnalyzer.

  • symprec (float) – Symmetry tolerance. Defaults to 0.1.

  • angle_tolerance (float) – Tolerance for angles. Defaults to 5 degrees.


MSONable dict.

get_energy(structure: Structure)[source]

structure – Structure.


Energy value

pymatgen.analysis.eos module

This module implements various equation of states.

Note: Most of the code were initially adapted from ASE and deltafactor by @gmatteo but has since undergone major refactoring.

class Birch(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: EOSBase

Birch EOS.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

class BirchMurnaghan(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: EOSBase

BirchMurnaghan EOS.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

class DeltaFactor(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: PolynomialEOS

Fitting a polynomial EOS using delta factor.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.


Overridden since this eos works with volume**(2/3) instead of volume.

class EOS(eos_name='murnaghan')[source]

Bases: object

Convenient wrapper. Retained in its original state to ensure backward compatibility.

Fit equation of state for bulk systems.

The following equations are supported:

murnaghan: PRB 28, 5480 (1983)

birch: Intermetallic compounds: Principles and Practice, Vol I:

Principles. pages 195-210

birch_murnaghan: PRB 70, 224107

pourier_tarantola: PRB 70, 224107

vinet: PRB 70, 224107


numerical_eos: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.174107.


eos = EOS(eos_name=’murnaghan’) eos_fit =, energies) eos_fit.plot()


eos_name (str) – Type of EOS to fit.

MODELS: ClassVar = {'birch': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.Birch'>, 'birch_murnaghan': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.BirchMurnaghan'>, 'deltafactor': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.DeltaFactor'>, 'murnaghan': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.Murnaghan'>, 'numerical_eos': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.NumericalEOS'>, 'pourier_tarantola': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.PourierTarantola'>, 'vinet': <class 'pymatgen.analysis.eos.Vinet'>}[source]
fit(volumes, energies)[source]

Fit energies as function of volumes.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV


EOSBase object

Return type:


class EOSBase(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract class that must be subclassed by all equation of state implementations.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

property b0: float[source]

The bulk modulus in units of energy/unit of volume^3.

property b0_GPa: FloatWithUnit[source]

The bulk modulus in GPa. This assumes the energy and volumes are in eV and Ang^3.

property b1[source]

The derivative of bulk modulus w.r.t. pressure(dimensionless).

property e0: float[source]

The min energy.


Do the fitting. Does least square fitting. If you want to use custom fitting, must override this.


The equation of state function with the parameters other than volume set to the ones obtained from fitting.


volume (float | list[float]) – volumes in Ang^3



plot(width=8, height=None, ax: plt.Axes = None, dpi=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the equation of state.

  • width (float) – Width of plot in inches. Defaults to 8in.

  • height (float) – Height of plot in inches. Defaults to width * golden ratio.

  • ax (plt.Axes) – If supplied, changes will be made to the existing Axes. Otherwise, new Axes will be created.

  • dpi

  • kwargs (dict) – additional args fed to pyplot.plot. supported keys: style, color, text, label


The matplotlib axes.

Return type:


plot_ax(ax: plt.Axes = None, fontsize=12, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the equation of state on axis ax.

  • ax – matplotlib Axes or None if a new figure should be created.

  • fontsize – Legend fontsize.

  • color (str) – plot color.

  • label (str) – Plot label

  • text (str) – Legend text (options)


matplotlib figure.

Return type:


Keyword arguments controlling the display of the figure:




Title of the plot (Default: None).


True to show the figure (default: True).


“abc.png” or “abc.eps” to save the figure to a file.


Dictionary with options passed to fig.set_size_inches e.g. size_kwargs=dict(w=3, h=4)


True to call fig.tight_layout (default: False)


True (False) to add (remove) grid from all axes in fig. Default: None i.e. fig is left unchanged.


Add labels to subplots e.g. (a), (b). Default: False


Close figure. Default: False.

property results[source]

A summary dict.

property v0[source]

The minimum or the reference volume in Ang^3.

exception EOSError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error class for EOS fitting.

class Murnaghan(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: EOSBase

Murnaghan EOS.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

class NumericalEOS(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: PolynomialEOS

A numerical EOS.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

fit(min_ndata_factor=3, max_poly_order_factor=5, min_poly_order=2)[source]

Fit the input data to the ‘numerical eos’, the equation of state employed in the quasiharmonic Debye model described in the paper: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.174107.

credits: Cormac Toher

  • min_ndata_factor (int) – parameter that controls the minimum number of data points that will be used for fitting. minimum number of data points = total data points-2*min_ndata_factor

  • max_poly_order_factor (int) – parameter that limits the max order of the polynomial used for fitting. max_poly_order = number of data points used for fitting - max_poly_order_factor

  • min_poly_order (int) – minimum order of the polynomial to be considered for fitting.

class PolynomialEOS(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: EOSBase

Derives from EOSBase. Polynomial based equations of states must subclass this.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.


Do polynomial fitting and set the parameters. Uses numpy polyfit.


order (int) – order of the fit polynomial

class PourierTarantola(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: EOSBase

Pourier-Tarantola EOS.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

class Vinet(volumes, energies)[source]

Bases: EOSBase

Vinet EOS.

  • volumes (Sequence[float]) – in Ang^3.

  • energies (Sequence[float]) – in eV.

pymatgen.analysis.ewald module

This module provides classes for calculating the Ewald sum of a structure.

class EwaldMinimizer(matrix, m_list, num_to_return=1, algo=0)[source]

Bases: object

This class determines the manipulations that will minimize an Ewald matrix, given a list of possible manipulations. This class does not perform the manipulations on a structure, but will return the list of manipulations that should be done on one to produce the minimal structure. It returns the manipulations for the n lowest energy orderings. This class should be used to perform fractional species substitution or fractional species removal to produce a new structure. These manipulations create large numbers of candidate structures, and this class can be used to pick out those with the lowest Ewald sum.

An alternative (possibly more intuitive) interface to this class is the order disordered structure transformation.

Author - Will Richards

  • matrix – A matrix of the Ewald sum interaction energies. This is stored in the class as a diagonally symmetric array and so self._matrix will not be the same as the input matrix.

  • m_list – list of manipulations. each item is of the form (multiplication fraction, number_of_indices, indices, species) These are sorted such that the first manipulation contains the most permutations. this is actually evaluated last in the recursion since I’m using pop.

  • num_to_return – The minimizer will find the number_returned lowest energy structures. This is likely to return a number of duplicate structures so it may be necessary to overestimate and then remove the duplicates later. (duplicate checking in this process is extremely expensive).

ALGO_BEST_FIRST = 2[source]
ALGO_COMPLETE = 1[source]
ALGO_FAST = 0[source]
ALGO_TIME_LIMIT = 3[source]
add_m_list(matrix_sum, m_list)[source]

Add an m_list to the output_lists and updates the current minimum if the list is full.

best_case(matrix, m_list, indices_left)[source]

Compute a best case given a matrix and manipulation list.

  • matrix – the current matrix (with some permutations already performed)

  • m_list – [(multiplication fraction, number_of_indices, indices, species)] describing the manipulation

  • indices – Set of indices which haven’t had a permutation performed on them.

property best_m_list[source]

The best manipulation list found.

classmethod get_next_index(matrix, manipulation, indices_left)[source]

Get an index that should have the most negative effect on the matrix sum.


Get the permutations that produce the lowest Ewald sum calls recursive function to iterate through permutations.

property minimized_sum[source]

The minimized Ewald sum.

property output_lists[source]

Output lists.

class EwaldSummation(structure, real_space_cut=None, recip_space_cut=None, eta=None, acc_factor=12.0, w=0.7071067811865475, compute_forces=False)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Calculates the electrostatic energy of a periodic array of charges using the Ewald technique.


Ewald summation techniques in perspective: a survey Abdulnour Y. Toukmaji and John A. Board Jr. DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(96)00016-1 URL:

This matrix can be used to do fast calculations of Ewald sums after species removal.

E = E_recip + E_real + E_point

Atomic units used in the code, then converted to eV.

Initialize and calculate the Ewald sum. Default convergence parameters have been specified, but you can override them if you wish.

  • structure (Structure) – Input structure that must have proper Species on all sites, i.e. Element with oxidation state. Use Structure.add_oxidation_state… for example.

  • real_space_cut (float) – Real space cutoff radius dictating how many terms are used in the real space sum. Defaults to None, which means determine automatically using the formula given in gulp 3.1 documentation.

  • recip_space_cut (float) – Reciprocal space cutoff radius. Defaults to None, which means determine automatically using the formula given in gulp 3.1 documentation.

  • eta (float) – The screening parameter. Defaults to None, which means determine automatically.

  • acc_factor (float) – No. of significant figures each sum is converged to.

  • w (float) – Weight parameter, w, has been included that represents the relative computational expense of calculating a term in real and reciprocal space. Default of 0.7 reproduces result similar to GULP 4.2. This has little effect on the total energy, but may influence speed of computation in large systems. Note that this parameter is used only when the cutoffs are set to None.

  • compute_forces (bool) – Whether to compute forces. False by default since it is usually not needed.

CONV_FACT = 14.39964547842567[source]
as_dict(verbosity: int = 0) dict[source]

JSON-serialization dict representation of EwaldSummation.


verbosity (int) – Verbosity level. Default of 0 only includes the matrix representation. Set to 1 for more details.


Get total Ewald energy for certain sites being removed, i.e. zeroed out.

compute_sub_structure(sub_structure, tol: float = 0.001)[source]

Get total Ewald energy for an sub structure in the same lattice. The sub_structure must be a subset of the original structure, with possible different charges.

  • substructure (Structure) – Substructure to compute Ewald sum for.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance for site matching in fractional coordinates.


Ewald sum of substructure.

property eta[source]

Eta value used in Ewald summation.

property forces[source]

The forces on each site as a Nx3 matrix. Each row corresponds to a site.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict[str, Any], fmt: str | None = None, **kwargs) Self[source]

Create an EwaldSummation instance from JSON-serialized dictionary.

  • dct (dict) – Dictionary representation

  • fmt (str, optional) – Unused. Defaults to None.


class instance

Return type:



Compute the energy for a single site in the structure.


site_index (int) – Index of site


Energy of that site

Return type:


property point_energy[source]

The point energy.

property point_energy_matrix[source]

The point space matrix. A diagonal matrix with the point terms for each site in the diagonal elements.

property real_space_energy[source]

The real space energy.

property real_space_energy_matrix[source]

The real space energy matrix. Each matrix element (i, j) corresponds to the interaction energy between site i and site j in real space.

property reciprocal_space_energy[source]

The reciprocal space energy.

property reciprocal_space_energy_matrix[source]

The reciprocal space energy matrix. Each matrix element (i, j) corresponds to the interaction energy between site i and site j in reciprocal space.

property total_energy[source]

The total energy.

property total_energy_matrix[source]

The total energy matrix. Each matrix element (i, j) corresponds to the total interaction energy between site i and site j.

Note that this does not include the charged-cell energy, which is only important when the simulation cell is not charge balanced.


Calculates the average oxidation state of a site.


site – Site to compute average oxidation state


Average oxidation state of site.

pymatgen.analysis.excitation module

This module defines an excitation spectrum class.

class ExcitationSpectrum(x, y)[source]

Bases: Spectrum

Basic excitation spectrum object.


The sequence of energies.




The sequence of mu(E).



  • x – A sequence of x-ray energies in eV

  • y – A sequence of intensity values.

XLABEL = 'Energy (eV)'[source]
YLABEL = 'Intensity'[source]

pymatgen.analysis.fragmenter module

Perform fragmentation of molecules.

class Fragmenter(molecule: Molecule, edges: list | None = None, depth: int = 1, open_rings: bool = False, use_metal_edge_extender: bool = False, opt_steps: int = 10000, prev_unique_frag_dict: dict | None = None, assume_previous_thoroughness: bool = True)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Molecule fragmenter class.

Standard constructor for molecule fragmentation.

  • molecule (Molecule) – The molecule to fragment.

  • edges (list) – List of index pairs that define graph edges, aka molecule bonds. If not set, edges will be determined with OpenBabel. Defaults to None.

  • depth (int) – The number of levels of iterative fragmentation to perform, where each level will include fragments obtained by breaking one bond of a fragment one level up. Defaults to 1. However, if set to 0, instead all possible fragments are generated using an alternative, non-iterative scheme.

  • open_rings (bool) – Whether or not to open any rings encountered during fragmentation. Defaults to False. If true, any bond that fails to yield disconnected graphs when broken is instead removed and the entire structure is optimized with OpenBabel in order to obtain a good initial guess for an opened geometry that can then be put back into QChem to be optimized without the ring just reforming.

  • use_metal_edge_extender (bool) – Whether or not to attempt to add additional edges from O, N, F, or Cl to any Li or Mg atoms present that OpenBabel may have missed. Defaults to False. Most important for ionic bonding. Note that additional metal edges may yield new “rings” (e.g. -C-O-Li-O- in LiEC) that will not play nicely with ring opening.

  • opt_steps (int) – Number of optimization steps when opening rings. Defaults to 10000.

  • prev_unique_frag_dict (dict) – A dictionary of previously identified unique fragments. Defaults to None. Typically only used when trying to find the set of unique fragments that come from multiple molecules.

  • assume_previous_thoroughness (bool) – Whether or not to assume that a molecule / fragment provided in prev_unique_frag_dict has all of its unique subfragments also provided in prev_unique_frag_dict. Defaults to True. This is an essential optimization when trying to find the set of unique fragments that come from multiple molecules if all of those molecules are being fully iteratively fragmented. However, if you’re passing a prev_unique_frag_dict which includes a molecule and its fragments that were generated at insufficient depth to find all possible subfragments to a fragmentation calculation of a different molecule that you aim to find all possible subfragments of and which has common subfragments with the previous molecule, this optimization will cause you to miss some unique subfragments.

open_ring(mol_graph: MoleculeGraph, bond: list, opt_steps: int) MoleculeGraph[source]

Open a ring using OpenBabel’s local opt. Given a molecule graph and a bond, convert the molecule graph into an OpenBabel molecule, remove the given bond, perform the local opt with the number of steps determined by self.steps, and then convert the resulting structure back into a molecule graph to be returned.

pymatgen.analysis.functional_groups module

Determine functional groups present in a Molecule.

class FunctionalGroupExtractor(molecule, optimize=False)[source]

Bases: object

This class is used to algorithmically parse a molecule (represented by an instance of pymatgen.analysis.graphs.MoleculeGraph) and determine arbitrary functional groups.

Instantiation method for FunctionalGroupExtractor.

  • molecule – Either a filename, a pymatgen.core.structure.Molecule object, or a pymatgen.analysis.graphs.MoleculeGraph object.

  • optimize – Default False. If True, then the input molecule will be modified, adding Hydrogens, performing a simple conformer search, etc.


Determine classes of functional groups present in a set.


groups – Set of functional groups.


dict containing representations of the groups, the indices of where the group occurs in the MoleculeGraph, and how many of each type of group there is.

get_all_functional_groups(elements=None, func_groups=None, catch_basic=True)[source]

Identify all functional groups (or all within a certain subset) in the molecule, combining the methods described above.

  • elements – List of elements that will qualify a carbon as special (if only certain functional groups are of interest). Default None.

  • func_groups – List of strs representing the functional groups of interest. Default to None, meaning that all of the functional groups defined in this function will be sought.

  • catch_basic – bool. If True, use get_basic_functional_groups and other methods


list of sets of ints, representing groups of connected atoms


Identify functional groups that cannot be identified by the Ertl method of get_special_carbon and get_heteroatoms, such as benzene rings, methyl groups, and ethyl groups.

TODO: Think of other functional groups that are important enough to be added (ex: do we need ethyl, butyl, propyl?)


func_groups – List of strs representing the functional groups of interest. Default to None, meaning that all of the functional groups defined in this function will be sought.


list of sets of ints, representing groups of connected atoms


Identify non-H, non-C atoms in the MoleculeGraph, returning a list of their node indices.

  • elements – List of elements to identify (if only certain

  • interest). (functional groups are of)


set of ints representing node indices


Identify Carbon atoms in the MoleculeGraph that fit the characteristics defined Ertl (2017), returning a list of their node indices.

The conditions for marking carbon atoms are (quoted from Ertl):

“- atoms connected by non-aromatic double or triple bond to any heteroatom - atoms in nonaromatic carbon-carbon double or triple bonds - acetal carbons, i.e. sp3 carbons connected to two or more oxygens, nitrogens or sulfurs; these O, N or S atoms must have only single bonds - all atoms in oxirane, aziridine and thiirane rings”


elements – List of elements that will qualify a carbon as special (if only certain functional groups are of interest). Default None.


set of ints representing node indices

Take a list of marked “interesting” atoms (heteroatoms, special carbons) and attempt to connect them, returning a list of disjoint groups of special atoms (and their connected hydrogens).


atoms – set of marked “interesting” atoms, presumably identified using other functions in this class.


list of sets of ints, representing groups of connected atoms

pymatgen.analysis.graphs module

Module for graph representations of crystals and molecules.

class ConnectedSite(site, jimage, index, weight, dist)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Create new instance of ConnectedSite(site, jimage, index, weight, dist)

dist: float[source]

Alias for field number 4

index: Any[source]

Alias for field number 2

jimage: Tuple3Ints[source]

Alias for field number 1

site: PeriodicSite[source]

Alias for field number 0

weight: float[source]

Alias for field number 3

exception MolGraphSplitError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when a molecule graph is failed to split into two disconnected subgraphs.

class MoleculeGraph(molecule, graph_data=None)[source]

Bases: MSONable

This is a class for annotating a Molecule with bond information, stored in the form of a graph. A “bond” does not necessarily have to be a chemical bond, but can store any kind of information that connects two Sites.

If constructing this class manually, use the from_empty_graph method or from_local_env_strategy method (using an algorithm provided by the local_env module, such as O’Keeffe).

This class that contains connection information: relationships between sites represented by a Graph structure, and an associated structure object.

This class uses the NetworkX package to store and operate on the graph itself, but contains a lot of helper methods to make associating a graph with a given molecule easier.

Use cases for this include storing bonding information, NMR J-couplings, Heisenberg exchange parameters, etc.

  • molecule – Molecule object

  • graph_data – dict containing graph information in dict format (not intended to be constructed manually, see as_dict method for format)

add_edge(from_index, to_index, weight=None, warn_duplicates=True, edge_properties=None)[source]

Add edge to graph.

Since physically a ‘bond’ (or other connection between sites) doesn’t have a direction, from_index, from_jimage can be swapped with to_index, to_jimage.

However, images will always be shifted so that from_index < to_index and from_jimage becomes (0, 0, 0).

  • from_index – index of site connecting from

  • to_index – index of site connecting to

  • weight (float) – e.g. bond length

  • warn_duplicates (bool) – if True, will warn if trying to add duplicate edges (duplicate edges will not be added in either case)

  • edge_properties (dict) – any other information to store on graph edges, similar to Structure’s site_properties

alter_edge(from_index, to_index, new_weight=None, new_edge_properties=None)[source]

Alters either the weight or the edge_properties of an edge in the MoleculeGraph.

  • from_index – int

  • to_index – int

  • new_weight – alter_edge does not require that weight be altered. As such, by default, this is None. If weight is to be changed, it should be a float.

  • new_edge_properties – alter_edge does not require that edge_properties be altered. As such, by default, this is None. If any edge properties are to be changed, it should be a dictionary of edge properties to be changed.


As in pymatgen.core.Molecule except with using to_dict_of_dicts from NetworkX to store graph information.

break_edge(from_index, to_index, allow_reverse=False)[source]

Remove an edge from the MoleculeGraph.

  • from_index – int

  • to_index – int

  • allow_reverse – If allow_reverse is True, then break_edge will attempt to break both (from_index, to_index) and, failing that, will attempt to break (to_index, from_index).


Find all possible fragment combinations of the MoleculeGraphs (in other words, all connected induced subgraphs).

diff(other, strict=True)[source]

Compares two MoleculeGraphs. Returns dict with keys ‘self’, ‘other’, ‘both’ with edges that are present in only one MoleculeGraph (‘self’ and ‘other’), and edges that are present in both.

The Jaccard distance is a simple measure of the dissimilarity between two MoleculeGraphs (ignoring edge weights), and is defined by 1 - (size of the intersection / size of the union) of the sets of edges. This is returned with key ‘dist’.

Important note: all node indices are in terms of the MoleculeGraph this method is called from, not the ‘other’ MoleculeGraph: there is no guarantee the node indices will be the same if the underlying Molecules are ordered differently.

  • other – MoleculeGraph

  • strict – if False, will compare bonds from different Molecules, with node indices replaced by Species strings, will not count number of occurrences of bonds

draw_graph_to_file(filename='graph', diff=None, hide_unconnected_nodes=False, hide_image_edges=True, edge_colors=False, node_labels=False, weight_labels=False, image_labels=False, color_scheme='VESTA', keep_dot=False, algo='fdp')[source]

Draws graph using GraphViz.

The networkx graph object itself can also be drawn with networkx’s in-built graph drawing methods, but note that this might give misleading results for multigraphs (edges are super-imposed on each other).

If visualization is difficult to interpret, hide_image_edges can help, especially in larger graphs.

  • filename – filename to output, will detect filetype from extension (any graphviz filetype supported, such as pdf or png)

  • diff (StructureGraph) – an additional graph to compare with, will color edges red that do not exist in diff and edges green that are in diff graph but not in the reference graph

  • hide_unconnected_nodes – if True, hide unconnected nodes

  • hide_image_edges – if True, do not draw edges that go through periodic boundaries

  • edge_colors (bool) – if True, use node colors to color edges

  • node_labels (bool) – if True, label nodes with species and site index

  • weight_labels (bool) – if True, label edges with weights

  • image_labels (bool) – if True, label edges with their periodic images (usually only used for debugging, edges to periodic images always appear as dashed lines)

  • color_scheme (str) – “VESTA” or “JMOL”

  • keep_dot (bool) – keep GraphViz .dot file for later visualization

  • algo – any graphviz algo, “neato” (for simple graphs) or “fdp” (for more crowded graphs) usually give good outputs

property edge_weight_name[source]

Name of the edge weight property of graph.

property edge_weight_unit[source]

Units of the edge weight property of graph.

find_rings(including=None) list[list[tuple[int, int]]][source]

Find ring structures in the MoleculeGraph.

  • including (list[int]) – list of site indices. If including is not None, then find_rings

  • default (will only return those rings including the specified sites. By)

  • parameter (this)

  • None (is)

  • returned. (and all rings will be)


Each entry will be a ring (cycle, in graph theory terms)

including the index found in the Molecule. If there is no cycle including an index, the value will be an empty list.

Return type:

list[list[tuple[int, int]]]

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

As in pymatgen.core.Molecule except restoring graphs using from_dict_of_dicts from NetworkX to restore graph information.

classmethod from_edges(molecule: Molecule, edges: dict[tuple[int, int], None | dict]) Self[source]

Constructor for MoleculeGraph, using pre-existing or pre-defined edges with optional edge parameters.

  • molecule – Molecule object

  • edges – dict representing the bonds of the functional group (format: {(u, v): props}, where props is a dictionary of properties, including weight. Props should be None if no additional properties are to be specified.


A MoleculeGraph

classmethod from_empty_graph(molecule, name='bonds', edge_weight_name=None, edge_weight_units=None) Self[source]

Constructor for MoleculeGraph, returns a MoleculeGraph object with an empty graph (no edges, only nodes defined that correspond to Sites in Molecule).

  • molecule (Molecule)

  • name (str) – name of graph, e.g. “bonds”

  • edge_weight_name (str) – name of edge weights, e.g. “bond_length” or “exchange_constant”

  • edge_weight_units (str) – name of edge weight units

  • "eV" (e.g. "Å" or)



classmethod from_local_env_strategy(molecule, strategy) Self[source]

Constructor for MoleculeGraph, using a strategy from pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

molecule: Molecule object strategy: an instance of a

pymatgen.analysis.local_env.NearNeighbors object


mg, a MoleculeGraph


Get a named tuple of neighbors of site n: periodic_site, jimage, index, weight. Index is the index of the corresponding site in the original structure, weight can be None if not defined.

  • n – index of Site in Molecule

  • jimage – lattice vector of site.


list of ConnectedSite tuples, sorted by closest first.

get_coordination_of_site(n) int[source]

Get the number of neighbors of site n. In graph terms, simply returns degree of node corresponding to site n.


n – index of site


the number of neighbors of site n.

Return type:


get_disconnected_fragments(return_index_map: bool = False)[source]

Determine if the MoleculeGraph is connected. If it is not, separate the MoleculeGraph into different MoleculeGraphs, where each resulting MoleculeGraph is a disconnected subgraph of the original. Currently, this function naively assigns the charge of the total molecule to a single submolecule. A later effort will be to actually accurately assign charge.


return_index_map (bool) – If True, return a dictionary that maps the new indices to the original indices. Defaults to False.

NOTE: This function does not modify the original MoleculeGraph. It creates a copy, modifies that, and returns two or more new MoleculeGraph objects.


Each MoleculeGraph is a disconnected subgraph of the original MoleculeGraph.

Return type:


insert_node(idx, species, coords, validate_proximity=False, site_properties=None, edges=None)[source]

A wrapper around Molecule.insert(), which also incorporates the new site into the MoleculeGraph.

  • idx – Index at which to insert the new site

  • species – Species for the new site

  • coords – 3x1 array representing coordinates of the new site

  • validate_proximity – For Molecule.insert(); if True (default False), distance will be checked to ensure that site can be safely added.

  • site_properties – Site properties for Molecule

  • edges – List of dicts representing edges to be added to the MoleculeGraph. These edges must include the index of the new site i, and all indices used for these edges should reflect the MoleculeGraph AFTER the insertion, NOT before. Each dict should at least have a “to_index” and “from_index” key, and can also have a “weight” and a “properties” key.

isomorphic_to(other: MoleculeGraph) bool[source]

Checks if the graphs of two MoleculeGraphs are isomorphic to one another. In order to prevent problems with misdirected edges, both graphs are converted into undirected nx.Graph objects.


other – MoleculeGraph object to be compared.



property name[source]

Name of graph.

remove_nodes(indices: list[int]) None[source]

A wrapper for Molecule.remove_sites().


indices – indices in the current Molecule (and graph) to be removed.

replace_group(index, func_grp, strategy, bond_order=1, graph_dict=None, strategy_params=None)[source]

Builds off of Molecule.substitute and MoleculeGraph.substitute_group to replace a functional group in self.molecule with a functional group. This method also amends self.graph to incorporate the new functional group.

TODO: Figure out how to replace into a ring structure.

  • index – Index of atom to substitute.

  • func_grp – Substituent molecule. There are three options: 1. Providing an actual molecule as the input. The first atom must be a DummySpecies X, indicating the position of nearest neighbor. The second atom must be the next nearest atom. For example, for a methyl group substitution, func_grp should be X-CH3, where X is the first site and C is the second site. What the code will do is to remove the index site, and connect the nearest neighbor to the C atom in CH3. The X-C bond indicates the directionality to connect the atoms. 2. A string name. The molecule will be obtained from the relevant template in func_groups.json. 3. A MoleculeGraph object.

  • strategy – Class from pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • bond_order – A specified bond order to calculate the bond length between the attached functional group and the nearest neighbor site. Defaults to 1.

  • graph_dict – Dictionary representing the bonds of the functional group (format: {(u, v): props}, where props is a dictionary of properties, including weight. If None, then the algorithm will attempt to automatically determine bonds using one of a list of strategies defined in pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • strategy_params – dictionary of keyword arguments for strategy. If None, default parameters will be used.


Replicates molecule site properties (specie, coords, etc.) in the MoleculeGraph.

sort(key: Callable[[Molecule], float] | None = None, reverse: bool = False) None[source]

Same as Molecule.sort(). Also remaps nodes in graph.

  • key (callable, optional) – Sort key. Defaults to None.

  • reverse (bool, optional) – Reverse sort order. Defaults to False.

split_molecule_subgraphs(bonds, allow_reverse=False, alterations=None)[source]

Split MoleculeGraph into two or more MoleculeGraphs by breaking a set of bonds. This function uses MoleculeGraph.break_edge repeatedly to create disjoint graphs (two or more separate molecules). This function does not only alter the graph information, but also changes the underlying Molecules. If the bonds parameter does not include sufficient bonds to separate two molecule fragments, then this function will fail. Currently, this function naively assigns the charge of the total molecule to a single submolecule. A later effort will be to actually accurately assign charge. NOTE: This function does not modify the original MoleculeGraph. It creates a copy, modifies that, and returns two or more new MoleculeGraph objects.

  • bonds – list of tuples (from_index, to_index) representing bonds to be broken to split the MoleculeGraph.

  • alterations – a dict {(from_index, to_index): alt}, where alt is a dictionary including weight and/or edge properties to be changed following the split.

  • allow_reverse – If allow_reverse is True, then break_edge will attempt to break both (from_index, to_index) and, failing that, will attempt to break (to_index, from_index).


list of MoleculeGraphs.

substitute_group(index, func_grp, strategy, bond_order=1, graph_dict=None, strategy_params=None)[source]

Builds off of Molecule.substitute to replace an atom in self.molecule with a functional group. This method also amends self.graph to incorporate the new functional group.

NOTE: using a MoleculeGraph will generally produce a different graph compared with using a Molecule or str (when not using graph_dict).

  • index – Index of atom to substitute.

  • func_grp

    Substituent molecule. There are three options: 1. Providing an actual molecule as the input. The first atom

    must be a DummySpecies X, indicating the position of nearest neighbor. The second atom must be the next nearest atom. For example, for a methyl group substitution, func_grp should be X-CH3, where X is the first site and C is the second site. What the code will do is to remove the index site, and connect the nearest neighbor to the C atom in CH3. The X-C bond indicates the directionality to connect the atoms.

    1. A string name. The molecule will be obtained from the

      relevant template in func_groups.json.

    2. A MoleculeGraph object.

  • strategy – Class from pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • bond_order – A specified bond order to calculate the bond length between the attached functional group and the nearest neighbor site. Defaults to 1.

  • graph_dict – Dictionary representing the bonds of the functional group (format: {(u, v): props}, where props is a dictionary of properties, including weight. If None, then the algorithm will attempt to automatically determine bonds using one of a list of strategies defined in pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • strategy_params – dictionary of keyword arguments for strategy. If None, default parameters will be used.

classmethod with_edges(*args, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod with_empty_graph(*args, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod with_local_env_strategy(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class StructureGraph(structure: Structure, graph_data: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: MSONable

This is a class for annotating a Structure with bond information, stored in the form of a graph. A “bond” does not necessarily have to be a chemical bond, but can store any kind of information that connects two Sites.

If constructing this class manually, use the from_empty_graph method or from_local_env_strategy method (using an algorithm provided by the local_env module, such as O’Keeffe). This class that contains connection information: relationships between sites represented by a Graph structure, and an associated structure object.

StructureGraph uses the NetworkX package to store and operate on the graph itself, but contains a lot of helper methods to make associating a graph with a given crystallographic structure easier. Use cases for this include storing bonding information, NMR J-couplings, Heisenberg exchange parameters, etc. For periodic graphs, class stores information on the graph edges of what lattice image the edge belongs to.

  • structure (Structure) – Structure object to be analyzed.

  • graph_data (dict) – Dictionary containing graph information. Not intended to be constructed manually see as_dict method for format.

add_edge(from_index: int, to_index: int, from_jimage: Tuple3Ints = (0, 0, 0), to_jimage: Tuple3Ints | None = None, weight: float | None = None, warn_duplicates: bool = True, edge_properties: dict | None = None) None[source]

Add edge to graph.

Since physically a ‘bond’ (or other connection between sites) doesn’t have a direction, from_index, from_jimage can be swapped with to_index, to_jimage.

However, images will always be shifted so that from_index < to_index and from_jimage becomes (0, 0, 0).

  • from_index – index of site connecting from

  • to_index – index of site connecting to

  • from_jimage (tuple of ints) – lattice vector of periodic image, e.g. (1, 0, 0) for periodic image in +x direction

  • to_jimage (tuple of ints) – lattice vector of image

  • weight (float) – e.g. bond length

  • warn_duplicates (bool) – if True, will warn if trying to add duplicate edges (duplicate edges will not be added in either case)

  • edge_properties (dict) – any other information to store on graph edges, similar to Structure’s site_properties

alter_edge(from_index: int, to_index: int, to_jimage: tuple | None = None, new_weight: float | None = None, new_edge_properties: dict | None = None)[source]

Alters either the weight or the edge_properties of an edge in the StructureGraph.

  • from_index – int

  • to_index – int

  • to_jimage – tuple

  • new_weight – alter_edge does not require that weight be altered. As such, by default, this is None. If weight is to be changed, it should be a float.

  • new_edge_properties – alter_edge does not require that edge_properties be altered. As such, by default, this is None. If any edge properties are to be changed, it should be a dictionary of edge properties to be changed.

as_dict() dict[source]

As in pymatgen.core.Structure except with using to_dict_of_dicts from NetworkX to store graph information.

break_edge(from_index: int, to_index: int, to_jimage: tuple | None = None, allow_reverse: bool = False) None[source]

Remove an edge from the StructureGraph. If no image is given, this method will fail.

  • from_index – int

  • to_index – int

  • to_jimage – tuple

  • allow_reverse – If allow_reverse is True, then break_edge will attempt to break both (from_index, to_index) and, failing that, will attempt to break (to_index, from_index).

diff(other: StructureGraph, strict: bool = True) dict[source]

Compares two StructureGraphs. Returns dict with keys ‘self’, ‘other’, ‘both’ with edges that are present in only one StructureGraph (‘self’ and ‘other’), and edges that are present in both.

The Jaccard distance is a simple measure of the dissimilarity between two StructureGraphs (ignoring edge weights), and is defined by 1 - (size of the intersection / size of the union) of the sets of edges. This is returned with key ‘dist’.

Important note: all node indices are in terms of the StructureGraph this method is called from, not the ‘other’ StructureGraph: there is no guarantee the node indices will be the same if the underlying Structures are ordered differently.

  • other – StructureGraph

  • strict – if False, will compare bonds from different Structures, with node indices replaced by Species strings, will not count number of occurrences of bonds

draw_graph_to_file(filename: str = 'graph', diff: StructureGraph = None, hide_unconnected_nodes: bool = False, hide_image_edges: bool = True, edge_colors: bool = False, node_labels: bool = False, weight_labels: bool = False, image_labels: bool = False, color_scheme: str = 'VESTA', keep_dot: bool = False, algo: str = 'fdp')[source]

Draws graph using GraphViz.

The networkx graph object itself can also be drawn with networkx’s in-built graph drawing methods, but note that this might give misleading results for multigraphs (edges are super-imposed on each other).

If visualization is difficult to interpret, hide_image_edges can help, especially in larger graphs.

  • filename – filename to output, will detect filetype from extension (any graphviz filetype supported, such as pdf or png)

  • diff (StructureGraph) – an additional graph to compare with, will color edges red that do not exist in diff and edges green that are in diff graph but not in the reference graph

  • hide_unconnected_nodes – if True, hide unconnected nodes

  • hide_image_edges – if True, do not draw edges that go through periodic boundaries

  • edge_colors (bool) – if True, use node colors to color edges

  • node_labels (bool) – if True, label nodes with species and site index

  • weight_labels (bool) – if True, label edges with weights

  • image_labels (bool) – if True, label edges with their periodic images (usually only used for debugging, edges to periodic images always appear as dashed lines)

  • color_scheme (str) – “VESTA” or “JMOL”

  • keep_dot (bool) – keep GraphViz .dot file for later visualization

  • algo – any graphviz algo, “neato” (for simple graphs) or “fdp” (for more crowded graphs) usually give good outputs

property edge_weight_name: str[source]

Name of the edge weight property of graph.

property edge_weight_unit[source]

Units of the edge weight property of graph.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

As in pymatgen.core.Structure except restoring graphs using from_dict_of_dicts from NetworkX to restore graph information.

classmethod from_edges(structure: Structure, edges: dict) Self[source]

Constructor for MoleculeGraph, using pre-existing or pre-defined edges with optional edge parameters.

  • structure – Structure object

  • edges – dict representing the bonds of the functional group (format: {(from_index, to_index, from_image, to_image): props}, where props is a dictionary of properties, including weight. Props should be None if no additional properties are to be specified.


sg, a StructureGraph

classmethod from_empty_graph(structure: Structure, name: str = 'bonds', edge_weight_name: str | None = None, edge_weight_units: str | None = None) Self[source]

Constructor for an empty StructureGraph, i.e. no edges, containing only nodes corresponding to sites in Structure.

  • structure – A pymatgen Structure object.

  • name – Name of the graph, e.g. “bonds”.

  • edge_weight_name – Name of the edge weights, e.g. “bond_length” or “exchange_constant”.

  • edge_weight_units – Name of the edge weight units, e.g. “Å” or “eV”.


an empty graph with no edges, only nodes defined

that correspond to sites in Structure.

Return type:


classmethod from_local_env_strategy(structure: Structure, strategy: NearNeighbors, weights: bool = False, edge_properties: bool = False) Self[source]

Constructor for StructureGraph, using a strategy from pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • structure – Structure object

  • strategy – an instance of a pymatgen.analysis.local_env.NearNeighbors object

  • weights (bool) – if True, use weights from local_env class (consult relevant class for their meaning)

  • edge_properties (bool) – if True, edge_properties from neighbors will be used

get_connected_sites(n: int, jimage: Tuple3Ints = (0, 0, 0)) list[ConnectedSite][source]

Get a named tuple of neighbors of site n: periodic_site, jimage, index, weight. Index is the index of the corresponding site in the original structure, weight can be None if not defined.

  • n – index of Site in Structure

  • jimage – lattice vector of site


list of ConnectedSite tuples, sorted by closest first.

get_coordination_of_site(n: int) int[source]

Get the number of neighbors of site n. In graph terms, simply returns degree of node corresponding to site n.


n – index of site


number of neighbors of site n.

Return type:


get_subgraphs_as_molecules(use_weights: bool = False) list[Molecule][source]

Retrieve subgraphs as molecules, useful for extracting molecules from periodic crystals.

Will only return unique molecules, not any duplicates present in the crystal (a duplicate defined as an isomorphic subgraph).


use_weights (bool) – If True, only treat subgraphs as isomorphic if edges have the same weights. Typically, this means molecules will need to have the same bond lengths to be defined as duplicates, otherwise bond lengths can differ. This is a fairly robust approach, but will treat e.g. enantiomers as being duplicates.


list of unique Molecules in Structure

insert_node(idx: int, species: Species, coords: ArrayLike, coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, validate_proximity: bool = False, site_properties: dict | None = None, edges: list | dict | None = None) None[source]

A wrapper around Molecule.insert(), which also incorporates the new site into the MoleculeGraph.

  • idx – Index at which to insert the new site

  • species – Species for the new site

  • coords – 3x1 array representing coordinates of the new site

  • coords_are_cartesian – Whether coordinates are cartesian. Defaults to False.

  • validate_proximity – For Molecule.insert(); if True (default False), distance will be checked to ensure that site can be safely added.

  • site_properties – Site properties for Molecule

  • edges – List of dicts representing edges to be added to the

  • i (MoleculeGraph. These edges must include the index of the new site)

:param : :param and all indices used for these edges should reflect the: :param MoleculeGraph AFTER the insertion: :param NOT before. Each dict should at: :param least have a “to_index” and “from_index” key: :param and can also have a: :param “weight” and a “properties” key.:

property name: str[source]

Name of graph.

remove_nodes(indices: Sequence[int | None]) None[source]

A wrapper for Molecule.remove_sites().


indices – list of indices in the current Molecule (and graph) to be removed.

set_node_attributes() None[source]

Get each node a “specie” and a “coords” attribute, updated with the current species and coordinates.

sort(key=None, reverse: bool = False) None[source]

Same as Structure.sort(). Also remaps nodes in graph.

  • key – key to sort by

  • reverse – reverse sort order

substitute_group(index: int, func_grp: Molecule | str, strategy: Any, bond_order: int = 1, graph_dict: dict | None = None, strategy_params: dict | None = None)[source]

Builds off of Structure.substitute to replace an atom in self.structure with a functional group. This method also amends self.graph to incorporate the new functional group.

NOTE: Care must be taken to ensure that the functional group that is substituted will not place atoms to close to each other, or violate the dimensions of the Lattice.

  • index – Index of atom to substitute.

  • func_grp

    Substituent molecule. There are two options: 1. Providing an actual Molecule as the input. The first atom

    must be a DummySpecies X, indicating the position of nearest neighbor. The second atom must be the next nearest atom. For example, for a methyl group substitution, func_grp should be X-CH3, where X is the first site and C is the second site. What the code will do is to remove the index site, and connect the nearest neighbor to the C atom in CH3. The X-C bond indicates the directionality to connect the atoms.

    1. A string name. The molecule will be obtained from the

      relevant template in func_groups.json.

  • strategy – Class from pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • bond_order – A specified bond order to calculate the bond length between the attached functional group and the nearest neighbor site. Defaults to 1.

  • graph_dict – Dictionary representing the bonds of the functional group (format: {(u, v): props}, where props is a dictionary of properties, including weight. If None, then the algorithm will attempt to automatically determine bonds using one of a list of strategies defined in pymatgen.analysis.local_env.

  • strategy_params – dictionary of keyword arguments for strategy. If None, default parameters will be used.

property types_and_weights_of_connections: dict[source]

Extract a dictionary summarizing the types and weights of edges in the graph.


A dictionary with keys specifying the species involved in a connection in alphabetical order (e.g. string ‘Fe-O’) and values which are a list of weights for those connections (e.g. bond lengths).

types_of_coordination_environments(anonymous: bool = False) list[str][source]

Extract information on the different co-ordination environments present in the graph.


anonymous – if anonymous, will replace specie names with A, B, C, etc.


List of coordination environments, e.g. {‘Mo-S(6)’, ‘S-Mo(3)’}

property weight_statistics: dict[source]

Extract a statistical summary of edge weights present in the graph.


A dict with an ‘all_weights’ list, ‘minimum’, ‘maximum’, ‘median’, ‘mean’, ‘std_dev’

classmethod with_edges(*args, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod with_empty_graph(*args, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod with_local_env_strategy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

pymatgen.analysis.hhi module

This module is used to estimate the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, or HHI, of chemical compounds. The HHI is a measure of how geographically confined or dispersed the elements comprising a compound are. A low HHI is desirable because it means the component elements are geographically dispersed.

Data/strategy from “Data-Driven Review of Thermoelectric Materials: Performance and Resource Considerations” by Gaultois et al., published in Chemistry of Materials (2013).

pymatgen.analysis.interface_reactions module

This module provides a class to predict and analyze interfacial reactions between two solids, with or without an open element (e.g., flowing O2).

class GrandPotentialInterfacialReactivity(c1: Composition, c2: Composition, grand_pd: GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram, pd_non_grand: PhaseDiagram, include_no_mixing_energy: bool = False, norm: bool = True, use_hull_energy: bool = True)[source]

Bases: InterfacialReactivity

Extends upon InterfacialReactivity to allow for modelling possible reactions at the interface between two solids in the presence of an open element. The thermodynamics of the open system are provided by the user via the GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram class.

  • c1 – Reactant 1 composition

  • c2 – Reactant 2 composition

  • grand_pd – Grand potential phase diagram object built from all elements in composition c1 and c2.

  • include_no_mixing_energy – No_mixing_energy for a reactant is the opposite number of its energy above grand potential convex hull. In cases where reactions involve elements reservoir, this param determines whether no_mixing_energy of reactants will be included in the final reaction energy calculation. By definition, if pd is not a GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram object, this param is False.

  • pd_non_grand – PhaseDiagram object but not GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram object built from elements in c1 and c2.

  • norm – Whether or not the total number of atoms in composition of reactant will be normalized to 1.

  • use_hull_energy – Whether or not use the convex hull energy for a given composition for reaction energy calculation. If false, the energy of ground state structure will be used instead. Note that in case when ground state can not be found for a composition, convex hull energy will be used associated with a warning message.


Generate the opposite number of energy above grand potential convex hull for both reactants.


[(reactant1, no_mixing_energy1),(reactant2,no_mixing_energy2)].

class InterfacialReactivity(c1: Composition, c2: Composition, pd: PhaseDiagram, norm: bool = True, use_hull_energy: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Model an interface between two solids and its possible reactions. The two reactants are provided as Composition objects (c1 and c2), along with the relevant compositional PhaseDiagram object. Possible reactions are calculated by finding all points along a tie-line between c1 and c2 where there is a “kink” in the phase diagram; i.e. a point or facet of the phase diagram.

Please consider citing one or both of the following papers if you use this code in your own work.


Richards, W. D., Miara, L. J., Wang, Y., Kim, J. C., &amp; Ceder, G. (2015). Interface stability in solid-state batteries. Chemistry of Materials, 28(1), 266-273.

Xiao, Y., Wang, Y., Bo, S.-H., Kim, J. C., Miara, L. J., &amp; Ceder, G. (2019). Understanding interface stability in solid-state batteries. Nature Reviews Materials, 5(2), 105-126.

  • c1 – Reactant 1 composition

  • c2 – Reactant 2 composition

  • pd – Phase diagram object built from all elements in composition c1 and c2.

  • norm – Whether or not the total number of atoms in composition of reactant will be normalized to 1.

  • use_hull_energy – Whether or not use the convex hull energy for a given composition for reaction energy calculation. If false, the energy of ground state structure will be used instead. Note that in case when ground state can not be found for a composition, convex hull energy will be used associated with a warning message.

EV_TO_KJ_PER_MOL = 96.4853[source]
classmethod get_chempot_correction(element: str, temp: float, pres: float)[source]

Get the normalized correction term Δμ for chemical potential of a gas phase consisting of element at given temperature and pressure, referenced to that in the standard state (T_std = 298.15 K, T_std = 1 bar). The gas phase is limited to be one of O2, N2, Cl2, F2, H2. Calculation formula can be found in the documentation of Materials Project website.

  • element – The string representing the element.

  • temp – The temperature of the gas phase in Kelvin.

  • pres – The pressure of the gas phase in Pa.


The correction of chemical potential in eV/atom of the gas phase at given temperature and pressure.


Get a list of molar mixing ratio for each kink between ORIGINAL (instead of processed) reactant compositions. This is the same list as mixing ratio obtained from get_kinks method if self.norm = False.


A list of floats representing molar mixing ratios between the original reactant compositions for each kink.

get_dataframe() DataFrame[source]

Get a pandas DataFrame representation of the data produced by the get_kinks() method.

get_kinks() list[tuple[int, float, float, Reaction, float]][source]

Find all the kinks in mixing ratio where reaction products changes along the tie-line of composition self.c1 and composition self.c2.


(index, mixing ratio, reaction energy in eV/atom, Reaction object, reaction energy per mol of formula in kJ/mol).

Return type:

List object of tuples, each of which contains 5 elements

property labels[source]

A dictionary containing kink information: {index: ‘x= mixing_ratio energy= reaction_energy reaction_equation’}. e.g. {1: ‘x= 0 energy = 0 Mn -> Mn’,

2: ‘x= 0.5 energy = -15 O2 + Mn -> MnO2’, 3: ‘x= 1 energy = 0 O2 -> O2’}.

property minimum[source]

The minimum reaction energy E_min and corresponding mixing ratio x_min as tuple[float, float]: (x_min, E_min).

plot(backend: Literal['plotly', 'matplotlib'] = 'plotly') Figure | plt.Figure[source]

Plots reaction energy as a function of mixing ratio x in self.c1 - self.c2 tie line.


backend ("plotly" | "matplotlib") – Plotting library used to create the plot. Defaults to “plotly” but can also be “matplotlib”.


Plot of reaction energies as a function of mixing ratio

property products[source]

List of formulas of potential products. e.g. [‘Li’,’O2’,’Mn’].

pymatgen.analysis.local_env module

This module provides classes to perform analyses of the local environments (e.g., finding near neighbors) of single sites in molecules and structures.

class BrunnerNNReal(tol: float = 0.0001, cutoff=8.0)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine coordination number using Brunner’s algorithm which counts the atoms that are within the largest gap in differences in real space interatomic distances. This algorithm uses Brunner’s method of largest gap in interatomic distances.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination (default: 1E-4).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 8.0.

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one

of which represents a coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class BrunnerNNReciprocal(tol: float = 0.0001, cutoff=8.0)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine coordination number using Brunner’s algorithm which counts the atoms that are within the largest gap in differences in real space interatomic distances. This algorithm uses Brunner’s method of largest reciprocal gap in interatomic distances.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination (default: 1E-4).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 8.0.

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one of which represents a

coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

list[tuples[Site, array, float]]

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class BrunnerNNRelative(tol: float = 0.0001, cutoff=8.0)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine coordination number using Brunner’s algorithm which counts the atoms that are within the largest gap in differences in real space interatomic distances. This algorithm uses Brunner’s method of of largest relative gap in interatomic distances.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination (default: 1E-4).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 8.0.

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one

of which represents a coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class BrunnerNN_real(tol: float = 0.0001, cutoff=8.0)[source]

Bases: BrunnerNNReal

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination (default: 1E-4).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 8.0.

class BrunnerNN_reciprocal(tol: float = 0.0001, cutoff=8.0)[source]

Bases: BrunnerNNReciprocal

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination (default: 1E-4).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 8.0.

class BrunnerNN_relative(tol: float = 0.0001, cutoff=8.0)[source]

Bases: BrunnerNNRelative

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination (default: 1E-4).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 8.0.

class CovalentBondNN(tol: float = 0.2, order=True)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine near-neighbor sites and bond orders using built-in pymatgen.Molecule CovalentBond functionality.

NOTE: This strategy is only appropriate for molecules, and not for structures.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance for covalent bond checking.

  • order (bool) – If True (default), this class will compute bond orders. If False, bond lengths will be computed.

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_bonded_structure(structure: Structure, decorate: bool = False) MoleculeGraph[source]

Obtain a MoleculeGraph object using this NearNeighbor class.

  • structure – Molecule object.

  • decorate (bool) – whether to annotate site properties

  • by (with order parameters using neighbors determined)

  • class (this NearNeighbor)


object from pymatgen.analysis.graphs

Return type:


get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites and weights (orders) of bonds for a given atom.

  • structure – input Molecule.

  • n – index of site for which to determine near neighbors.


[dict] representing a neighboring site and the type of bond present between site n and the neighboring site.

get_nn_shell_info(structure: Structure, site_idx, shell)[source]

Get a certain nearest neighbor shell for a certain site.

Determines all non-backtracking paths through the neighbor network computed by get_nn_info. The weight is determined by multiplying the weight of the neighbor at each hop through the network. For example, a 2nd-nearest-neighbor that has a weight of 1 from its 1st-nearest-neighbor and weight 0.5 from the original site will be assigned a weight of 0.5.

As this calculation may involve computing the nearest neighbors of atoms multiple times, the calculation starts by computing all of the neighbor info and then calling _get_nn_shell_info. If you are likely to call this method for more than one site, consider calling get_all_nn first and then calling this protected method yourself.

  • structure (Molecule) – Input structure

  • site_idx (int) – index of site for which to determine neighbor information.

  • shell (int) – Which neighbor shell to retrieve (1 == 1st NN shell)


list of dictionaries. Each entry in the list is information about

a certain neighbor in the structure, in the same format as get_nn_info.

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class Critic2NN[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Performs a topological analysis using critic2 to obtain neighbor information, using a sum of atomic charge densities. If an actual charge density is available (e.g. from a VASP CHGCAR), see Critic2Caller directly instead.

Init for Critic2NN.

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_bonded_structure(structure: Structure, decorate: bool = False) StructureGraph[source]
  • structure (Structure) – Input structure

  • decorate (bool, optional) – Whether to decorate the structure. Defaults to False.


Bonded structure

Return type:


get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int) list[dict][source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one

of which represents a coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class CrystalNN(weighted_cn=False, cation_anion=False, distance_cutoffs=(0.5, 1), x_diff_weight=3.0, porous_adjustment=True, search_cutoff=7, fingerprint_length=None)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

This is a custom near-neighbor method intended for use in all kinds of periodic structures (metals, minerals, porous structures, etc). It is based on a Voronoi algorithm and uses the solid angle weights to determine the probability of various coordination environments. The algorithm can also modify probability using smooth distance cutoffs as well as Pauling electronegativity differences. The output can either be the most probable coordination environment or a weighted list of coordination environments. Please note that the default weights have been benchmarked for inorganic crystal structures. For MOFs or molecular crystals, weights and cutoffs likely will need to be adapted. A starting point could be: CrystalNN(x_diff_weight = 1.5, search_cutoff = 4.5).

Initialize CrystalNN with desired parameters. Default parameters assume “chemical bond” type behavior is desired. For geometric neighbor finding (e.g., structural framework), set (i) distance_cutoffs=None, (ii) x_diff_weight=0 and (optionally) (iii) porous_adjustment=False which will disregard the atomic identities and perform best for a purely geometric match.

  • weighted_cn (bool) – if set to True, will return fractional weights for each potential near neighbor.

  • cation_anion (bool) – if set True, will restrict bonding targets to sites with opposite or zero charge. Requires an oxidation states on all sites in the structure.

  • distance_cutoffs ([float, float]) –

    • if not None, penalizes neighbor

    distances greater than sum of covalent radii plus distance_cutoffs[0]. Distances greater than covalent radii sum plus distance_cutoffs[1] are enforced to have zero weight.

  • x_diff_weight (float) –

    • if multiple types of neighbor elements are

    possible, this sets preferences for targets with higher electronegativity difference.

  • porous_adjustment (bool) –

    • if True, readjusts Voronoi weights to

    better describe layered / porous structures

  • search_cutoff (float) – cutoff in Angstroms for initial neighbor search; this will be adjusted if needed internally

  • fingerprint_length (int) – if a fixed_length CN “fingerprint” is desired from get_nn_data(), set this parameter

class NNData(all_nninfo, cn_weights, cn_nninfo)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Create new instance of NNData(all_nninfo, cn_weights, cn_nninfo)

all_nninfo: list[source]

Alias for field number 0

cn_nninfo: dict[source]

Alias for field number 2

cn_weights: dict[source]

Alias for field number 1

get_cn(structure: Structure, n: int, **kwargs) float[source]

Get coordination number, CN, of site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine CN.

  • use_weights (bool) – flag indicating whether (True) to use weights for computing the coordination number or not (False, default: each coordinated site has equal weight).

  • on_disorder ('take_majority_strict' | 'take_majority_drop' | 'take_max_species' | 'error') – What to do when encountering a disordered structure. ‘error’ will raise ValueError. ‘take_majority_strict’ will use the majority specie on each site and raise ValueError if no majority exists. ‘take_max_species’ will use the first max specie on each site. For {{Fe: 0.4, O: 0.4, C: 0.2}}, ‘error’ and ‘take_majority_strict’ will raise ValueError, while ‘take_majority_drop’ ignores this site altogether and ‘take_max_species’ will use Fe as the site specie.


coordination number.

Return type:


get_cn_dict(structure: Structure, n: int, use_weights: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Get coordination number, CN, of each element bonded to site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine CN.

  • use_weights (bool) – flag indicating whether (True) to use weights for computing the coordination number or not (False, default: each coordinated site has equal weight).


coordination number and list of coordinated sites

Return type:

dict[int, list[dict]]

get_nn_data(structure: Structure, n: int, length=None)[source]

The main logic of the method to compute near neighbor.

  • structure – (Structure) enclosing structure object

  • n – (int) index of target site to get NN info for

  • length – (int) if set, will return a fixed range of CN numbers


  • all near neighbor sites with weights

  • a dict of CN -> weight

  • a dict of CN -> associated near neighbor sites

Return type:

a namedtuple (NNData) object that contains

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int) list[dict][source]

Get all near-neighbor information.

  • structure – (Structure) pymatgen Structure

  • n – (int) index of target site


each dictionary provides information

about a single near neighbor, where key ‘site’ gives access to the corresponding Site object, ‘image’ gives the image location, and ‘weight’ provides the weight that a given near-neighbor site contributes to the coordination number (1 or smaller), ‘site_index’ gives index of the corresponding site in the original structure.

Return type:

siw (list[dict])

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

static transform_to_length(nn_data, length)[source]

Given NNData, transforms data to the specified fingerprint length.

  • nn_data – (NNData)

  • length – (int) desired length of NNData.

class CutOffDictNN(cut_off_dict: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

A basic NN class using a dictionary of fixed cut-off distances. Only pairs of elements listed in the cut-off dictionary are considered during construction of the neighbor lists.

Omit passing a dictionary for a Null/Empty NN class.

  • cut_off_dict (dict[str, float]) – a dictionary

  • distances (of cut-off) – 2.0} for

  • { (e.g.) – 2.0} for

  • Angstroms. (a maximum Fe-O bond length of 2)

  • listed (Bonds will only be created between pairs)

  • dictionary. (in the cut-off)

  • decorated (If your structure is oxidation state)

:param : :param the cut-off distances will have to explicitly include: :param the oxidation state: 2.0}. :type the oxidation state: ‘Fe2+’, ‘O2-’ :param e.g. {: 2.0}. :type e.g. {: ‘Fe2+’, ‘O2-’

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

classmethod from_preset(preset) Self[source]

Initialize a CutOffDictNN according to a preset set of cutoffs.


preset (str) – A preset name. The list of supported presets are: - “vesta_2019”: The distance cutoffs used by the VESTA visualisation program.


A CutOffDictNN using the preset cut-off dictionary.

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int) list[dict][source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one of which

represents a coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class EconNN(tol: float = 0.2, cutoff: float = 10.0, cation_anion: bool = False, use_fictive_radius: bool = False)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determines the average effective coordination number for each cation in a given structure using Hoppe’s algorithm.

This method follows the procedure outlined in:

Hoppe, Rudolf. “Effective coordination numbers (ECoN) and mean fictive ionic radii (MEFIR).” Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 150.1-4 (1979): 23-52.

  • tol – Tolerance parameter for bond determination.

  • cutoff – Cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms.

  • cation_anion – If set to True, will restrict bonding targets to sites with opposite or zero charge. Requires an oxidation states on all sites in the structure.

  • use_fictive_radius – Whether to use the fictive radius in the EcoN calculation. If False, the bond distance will be used.

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one

of which represents a coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class IsayevNN(tol: float = 0.25, targets: Element | list[Element] | None = None, cutoff: float = 13.0, allow_pathological: bool = False, extra_nn_info: bool = True, compute_adj_neighbors: bool = True)[source]

Bases: VoronoiNN

Uses the algorithm defined in 10.1038/ncomms15679.

Sites are considered neighbors if (i) they share a Voronoi facet and (ii) the bond distance is less than the sum of the Cordero covalent radii + 0.25 Å.

  • tol – Tolerance in Å for bond distances that are considered coordinated.

  • targets – Target element(s).

  • cutoff – Cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms.

  • allow_pathological – Whether to allow infinite vertices in Voronoi coordination.

  • extra_nn_info – Add all polyhedron info to get_nn_info.

  • compute_adj_neighbors – Whether to compute which neighbors are adjacent. Turn off for faster performance.

get_all_nn_info(structure: Structure) list[list[dict[str, Any]]][source]

structure (Structure) – input structure.


List of near neighbor information for each site. See get_nn_info for the format of the data for each site.

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int) list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Get all near-neighbor site information.

Gets the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure using Voronoi decomposition and distance cutoff.

  • structure – Input structure.

  • n – Index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


List of dicts containing the near-neighbor information. Each dict has the keys:

  • ”site”: The near-neighbor site.

  • ”image”: The periodic image of the near-neighbor site.

  • ”weight”: The face weight of the Voronoi decomposition.

  • ”site_index”: The index of the near-neighbor site in the original structure.

class JmolNN(tol: float = 0.45, min_bond_distance: float = 0.4, el_radius_updates: dict[SpeciesLike, float] | None = None)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine near-neighbor sites and coordination number using an emulation of Jmol’s default autoBond() algorithm. This version of the algorithm does not take into account any information regarding known charge states.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for bond determination Defaults to 0.56.

  • min_bond_distance (float) – minimum bond distance for consideration Defaults to 0.4.

  • el_radius_updates (dict) – symbol->float to override default atomic radii table values.

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_max_bond_distance(el1_sym, el2_sym)[source]

Use Jmol algorithm to determine bond length from atomic parameters.

  • el1_sym (str) – symbol of atom 1

  • el2_sym (str) – symbol of atom 2.


max bond length

Return type:


get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n using the bond identification algorithm underlying Jmol.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near neighbors.


tuples, each one

of which represents a neighbor site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class LocalStructOrderParams(types: list[str], parameters: list[dict[str, float] | None] | None = None, cutoff: float = -10.0)[source]

Bases: object

This class permits the calculation of various types of local structure order parameters.

  • types (list[str]) –

    the types of order parameters to be calculated. Note that multiple mentions of the same type may occur. Currently available types recognize following environments:

    ”cn”: simple coordination number—normalized

    if desired;

    ”sgl_bd”: single bonds; “bent”: bent (angular) coordinations

    (Zimmermann & Jain, in progress, 2017);

    ”T”: T-shape coordinations; “see_saw_rect”: see saw-like coordinations; “tet”: tetrahedra

    (Zimmermann et al., submitted, 2017);

    ”oct”: octahedra

    (Zimmermann et al., submitted, 2017);

    ”bcc”: body-centered cubic environments (Peters,
    1. Chem. Phys., 131, 244103, 2009);

    ”tri_plan”: trigonal planar environments; “sq_plan”: square planar environments; “pent_plan”: pentagonal planar environments; “tri_pyr”: trigonal pyramids (coordinated atom is in

    the center of the basal plane);

    ”sq_pyr”: square pyramids; “pent_pyr”: pentagonal pyramids; “hex_pyr”: hexagonal pyramids; “tri_bipyr”: trigonal bipyramids; “sq_bipyr”: square bipyramids; “pent_bipyr”: pentagonal bipyramids; “hex_bipyr”: hexagonal bipyramids; “cuboct”: cuboctahedra; “q2”: motif-unspecific bond orientational order

    parameter (BOOP) of weight l=2 (Steinhardt et al., Phys. Rev. B, 28, 784-805, 1983);

    ”q4”: BOOP of weight l=4; “q6”: BOOP of weight l=6. “reg_tri”: regular triangle with varying height

    to basal plane;

    ”sq”: square coordination (cf., “reg_tri”); “oct_legacy”: original Peters-style OP recognizing

    octahedral coordination environments (Zimmermann et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 13352-13361, 2015) that can, however, produce small negative values sometimes.

    ”sq_pyr_legacy”: square pyramids (legacy);

  • parameters (list[dict]) –

    float-type parameters associated with the definitions of the different order parameters (length of list = number of OPs). If an entry is None, default values are used that are read from the op_params.yaml file. With few exceptions, 9 different parameters are used across all OPs:

    ”norm”: normalizing constant (used in “cn”

    (default value: 1)).

    ”TA”: target angle (TA) in fraction of 180 degrees

    (“bent” (1), “tet” (0.6081734479693927), “tri_plan” (0.66666666667), “pent_plan” (0.6), “sq_pyr_legacy” (0.5)).

    ”IGW_TA”: inverse Gaussian width (IGW) for penalizing

    angles away from the target angle in inverse fractions of 180 degrees to (“bent” and “tet” (15), “tri_plan” (13.5), “pent_plan” (18), “sq_pyr_legacy” (30)).

    ”IGW_EP”: IGW for penalizing angles away from the

    equatorial plane (EP) at 90 degrees (“T”, “see_saw_rect”, “oct”, “sq_plan”, “tri_pyr”, “sq_pyr”, “pent_pyr”, “hex_pyr”, “tri_bipyr”, “sq_bipyr”, “pent_bipyr”, “hex_bipyr”, and “oct_legacy” (18)).

    ”fac_AA”: factor applied to azimuth angle (AA) in cosine

    term (“T”, “tri_plan”, and “sq_plan” (1), “tet”, “tri_pyr”, and “tri_bipyr” (1.5), “oct”, “sq_pyr”, “sq_bipyr”, and “oct_legacy” (2), “pent_pyr” and “pent_bipyr” (2.5), “hex_pyr” and “hex_bipyr” (3)).

    ”exp_cos_AA”: exponent applied to cosine term of AA

    (“T”, “tet”, “oct”, “tri_plan”, “sq_plan”, “tri_pyr”, “sq_pyr”, “pent_pyr”, “hex_pyr”, “tri_bipyr”, “sq_bipyr”, “pent_bipyr”, “hex_bipyr”, and “oct_legacy” (2)).

    ”min_SPP”: smallest angle (in radians) to consider

    a neighbor to be at South pole position (“see_saw_rect”, “oct”, “bcc”, “sq_plan”, “tri_bipyr”, “sq_bipyr”, “pent_bipyr”, “hex_bipyr”, “cuboct”, and “oct_legacy” (2.792526803190927)).

    ”IGW_SPP”: IGW for penalizing angles away from South

    pole position (“see_saw_rect”, “oct”, “bcc”, “sq_plan”, “tri_bipyr”, “sq_bipyr”, “pent_bipyr”, “hex_bipyr”, “cuboct”, and “oct_legacy” (15)).

    ”w_SPP”: weight for South pole position relative to

    equatorial positions (“see_saw_rect” and “sq_plan” (1), “cuboct” (1.8), “tri_bipyr” (2), “oct”, “sq_bipyr”, and “oct_legacy” (3), “pent_bipyr” (4), “hex_bipyr” (5), “bcc” (6)).

  • cutoff (float) – Cutoff radius to determine which nearest neighbors are supposed to contribute to the order parameters. If the value is negative the neighboring sites found by distance and cutoff radius are further pruned using the get_nn method from the VoronoiNN class.

compute_trigonometric_terms(thetas, phis)[source]

Compute trigonometric terms that are required to calculate bond orientational order parameters using internal variables.

  • thetas ([float]) – polar angles of all neighbors in radians.

  • phis ([float]) – azimuth angles of all neighbors in radians. The list of azimuth angles of all neighbors in radians. The list of azimuth angles is expected to have the same size as the list of polar angles; otherwise, a ValueError is raised. Also, the two lists of angles have to be coherent in order. That is, it is expected that the order in the list of azimuth angles corresponds to a distinct sequence of neighbors. And, this sequence has to equal the sequence of neighbors in the list of polar angles.

get_order_parameters(structure: Structure, n: int, indices_neighs: list[int] | None = None, tol: float = 0.0, target_spec: Species | None = None)[source]

Compute all order parameters of site n.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site in input structure, for which OPs are to be calculated. Note that we do not use the sites iterator here, but directly access sites via struct[index].

  • indices_neighs (list[int]) – list of indices of those neighbors in Structure object structure that are to be considered for OP computation. This optional argument overwrites the way neighbors are to be determined as defined in the constructor (i.e., Voronoi coordination finder via negative cutoff radius vs constant cutoff radius if cutoff was positive). We do not use information about the underlying structure lattice if the neighbor indices are explicitly provided. This has two important consequences. First, the input Structure object can, in fact, be a simple list of Site objects. Second, no nearest images of neighbors are determined when providing an index list. Note furthermore that this neighbor determination type ignores the optional target_spec argument.

  • tol (float) – threshold of weight (= solid angle / maximal solid angle) to determine if a particular pair is considered neighbors; this is relevant only in the case when Voronoi polyhedra are used to determine coordination

  • target_spec (Species) – target species to be considered when calculating the order parameters of site n; None includes all species of input structure.


representing order parameters. Should it not be possible to compute a given OP for a conceptual reason, the corresponding entry is None instead of a float. For Steinhardt et al.’s bond orientational OPs and the other geometric OPs (“tet”, “oct”, “bcc”, etc.), this can happen if there is a single neighbor around site n in the structure because that does not permit calculation of angles between multiple neighbors.

Return type:


get_parameters(index: int) dict[str | int, float] | None[source]

Get parameters associated with calculation of the order parameter that was defined at the index provided.

Attention: the parameters do not need to equal those originally inputted because of processing out of efficiency reasons.


index (int) – index of order parameter for which to return associated params.


parameters of a given OP.

Return type:

dict[str, float]

get_q2(thetas=None, phis=None)[source]

Calculates the value of the bond orientational order parameter of weight l=2. If the function is called with non-empty lists of polar and azimuthal angles the corresponding trigonometric terms are computed afresh. Otherwise, it is expected that the compute_trigonometric_terms function has been just called.

  • thetas ([float]) – polar angles of all neighbors in radians.

  • phis ([float]) – azimuth angles of all neighbors in radians.


bond orientational order parameter of weight l=2

corresponding to the input angles thetas and phis.

Return type:


get_q4(thetas=None, phis=None)[source]

Calculates the value of the bond orientational order parameter of weight l=4. If the function is called with non-empty lists of polar and azimuthal angles the corresponding trigonometric terms are computed afresh. Otherwise, it is expected that the compute_trigonometric_terms function has been just called.

  • thetas ([float]) – polar angles of all neighbors in radians.

  • phis ([float]) – azimuth angles of all neighbors in radians.


bond orientational order parameter of weight l=4

corresponding to the input angles thetas and phis.

Return type:


get_q6(thetas=None, phis=None)[source]

Calculates the value of the bond orientational order parameter of weight l=6. If the function is called with non-empty lists of polar and azimuthal angles the corresponding trigonometric terms are computed afresh. Otherwise, it is expected that the compute_trigonometric_terms function has been just called.

  • thetas ([float]) – polar angles of all neighbors in radians.

  • phis ([float]) – azimuth angles of all neighbors in radians.


bond orientational order parameter of weight l=6

corresponding to the input angles thetas and phis.

Return type:



Get type of order parameter at the index provided and represented by a short string.


index (int) – index of order parameter for which type is to be returned.


OP type.

Return type:


property last_nneigh[source]

Number of neighbors encountered during the most recent order parameter calculation. A value of -1 indicates that no such calculation has yet been performed for this instance.

property num_ops: int[source]

Number of different order parameters that are targeted to be calculated.

class MinimumDistanceNN(tol: float = 0.1, cutoff=10, get_all_sites=False)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine near-neighbor sites and coordination number using the nearest neighbor(s) at distance, d_min, plus all neighbors within a distance (1 + tol) * d_min, where tol is a (relative) distance tolerance parameter.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for neighbor identification (default: 0.1).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for trial near-neighbor sites (default: 10).

  • get_all_sites (bool) – If this is set to True then the neighbor sites are only determined by the cutoff radius, tol is ignored.

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int) list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n using the closest neighbor distance-based method.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near neighbors.


dicts with (Site, array, float) each one of which represents a

neighbor site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list[dict])

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class MinimumOKeeffeNN(tol: float = 0.1, cutoff=10)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine near-neighbor sites and coordination number using the neighbor(s) at closest relative distance, d_min_OKeffee, plus some relative tolerance, where bond valence parameters from O’Keeffe’s bond valence method (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 3226-3229) are used to calculate relative distances.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for neighbor identification (default: 0.1).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for trial near-neighbor sites (default: 10).

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n using the closest relative neighbor distance-based method with O’Keeffe parameters.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near neighbors.


tuples, each one

of which represents a neighbor site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class MinimumVIRENN(tol: float = 0.1, cutoff=10)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine near-neighbor sites and coordination number using the neighbor(s) at closest relative distance, d_min_VIRE, plus some relative tolerance, where atom radii from the ValenceIonicRadiusEvaluator (VIRE) are used to calculate relative distances.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for neighbor identification (default: 0.1).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for trial near-neighbor sites (default: 10).

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n using the closest relative neighbor distance-based method with VIRE atomic/ionic radii.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near neighbors.


tuples, each one

of which represents a neighbor site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class NearNeighbors[source]

Bases: object

Base class to determine near neighbors that typically include nearest neighbors and others that are within some tolerable distance.

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_all_nn_info(structure: Structure)[source]

Get a listing of all neighbors for all sites in a structure.


structure (Structure) – Input structure


List of NN site information for each site in the structure. Each

entry has the same format as get_nn_info

get_bonded_structure(structure: Structure, decorate: bool = False, weights: bool = True, edge_properties: bool = False, on_disorder: Literal['take_majority_strict', 'take_majority_drop', 'take_max_species', 'error'] = 'take_majority_strict') StructureGraph | MoleculeGraph[source]

Obtain a StructureGraph object using this NearNeighbor class. Requires pip install networkx.

NOTE: The StructureGraph will not contain sites or bonds that are equivalent under lattice vector translations. For more details please see the following discussion:

  • structure – Structure object.

  • decorate (bool) – whether to annotate site properties with order parameters using neighbors determined by this NearNeighbor class

  • weights (bool) – whether to include edge weights from NearNeighbor class in StructureGraph

  • edge_properties (bool)

  • on_disorder ('take_majority_strict' | 'take_majority_drop' | 'take_max_species' | 'error') – What to do when encountering a disordered structure. ‘error’ will raise ValueError. ‘take_majority_strict’ will use the majority specie on each site and raise ValueError if no majority exists. ‘take_max_species’ will use the first max specie on each site. For {{Fe: 0.4, O: 0.4, C: 0.2}}, ‘error’ and ‘take_majority_strict’ will raise ValueError, while ‘take_majority_drop’ ignores this site altogether and ‘take_max_species’ will use Fe as the site specie.


object from pymatgen.analysis.graphs

Return type:


get_cn(structure: Structure, n: int, use_weights: Literal[False] = False, on_disorder: Literal['take_majority_strict', 'take_majority_drop', 'take_max_species', 'error'] = 'take_majority_strict') int[source]
get_cn(structure: Structure, n: int, use_weights: Literal[True] = True, on_disorder: Literal['take_majority_strict', 'take_majority_drop', 'take_max_species', 'error'] = 'take_majority_strict') float

Get coordination number, CN, of site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine CN.

  • use_weights (bool) – flag indicating whether (True) to use weights for computing the coordination number or not (False, default: each coordinated site has equal weight).

  • on_disorder ('take_majority_strict' | 'take_majority_drop' | 'take_max_species' | 'error') – What to do when encountering a disordered structure. ‘error’ will raise ValueError. ‘take_majority_strict’ will use the majority specie on each site and raise ValueError if no majority exists. ‘take_max_species’ will use the first max specie on each site. For {{Fe: 0.4, O: 0.4, C: 0.2}}, ‘error’ and ‘take_majority_strict’ will raise ValueError, while ‘take_majority_drop’ ignores this site altogether and ‘take_max_species’ will use Fe as the site specie.


coordination number (float if weighted)

Return type:

int | float

get_cn_dict(structure: Structure, n: int, use_weights: bool = False)[source]

Get coordination number, CN, of each element bonded to site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine CN.

  • use_weights (bool) – flag indicating whether (True) to use weights for computing the coordination number or not (False, default: each coordinated site has equal weight).


coordination number of each element bonded to site with index n in structure.

Return type:

dict[str, float]

get_local_order_parameters(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Calculate those local structure order parameters for the given site whose ideal CN corresponds to the underlying motif (e.g., CN=4, then calculate the square planar, tetrahedral, see-saw-like, rectangular see-saw-like order parameters).

  • structure – Structure object

  • n (int) – site index.


A dict of order parameters (values) and the

underlying motif type (keys; for example, tetrahedral).

Return type:

dict[str, float]

get_nn(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get near neighbors of site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site in structure for which to determine neighbors.


near neighbors.

Return type:

sites (list of Site objects)

get_nn_images(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get image location of all near neighbors of site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine the image location of near neighbors.


image locations of

near neighbors.

Return type:

images (list of 3D integer array)

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int) list[dict][source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor information.


each dictionary provides information

about a single near neighbor, where key ‘site’ gives access to the corresponding Site object, ‘image’ gives the image location, and ‘weight’ provides the weight that a given near-neighbor site contributes to the coordination number (1 or smaller), ‘site_index’ gives index of the corresponding site in the original structure.

Return type:

siw (list[dict])

get_nn_shell_info(structure: Structure, site_idx, shell)[source]

Get a certain nearest neighbor shell for a certain site.

Determines all non-backtracking paths through the neighbor network computed by get_nn_info. The weight is determined by multiplying the weight of the neighbor at each hop through the network. For example, a 2nd-nearest-neighbor that has a weight of 1 from its 1st-nearest-neighbor and weight 0.5 from the original site will be assigned a weight of 0.5.

As this calculation may involve computing the nearest neighbors of atoms multiple times, the calculation starts by computing all of the neighbor info and then calling _get_nn_shell_info. If you are likely to call this method for more than one site, consider calling get_all_nn first and then calling this protected method yourself.

  • structure (Structure) – Input structure

  • site_idx (int) – index of site for which to determine neighbor information.

  • shell (int) – Which neighbor shell to retrieve (1 == 1st NN shell)


list of dictionaries. Each entry in the list is information about

a certain neighbor in the structure, in the same format as get_nn_info.

get_weights_of_nn_sites(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get weight associated with each near neighbor of site with index n in structure.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine the weights.


near-neighbor weights.

Return type:

weights (list of floats)

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class OpenBabelNN(order=True)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Determine near-neighbor sites and bond orders using OpenBabel API.

NOTE: This strategy is only appropriate for molecules, and not for structures.

  • order (bool) – True if bond order should be returned as a weight, False

  • weight. (if bond length should be used as a)

property extend_structure_molecules: bool[source]

Do Molecules need to be converted to Structures to use this NearNeighbors class? Note: this property is not defined for classes for which molecules_allowed is False.


Boolean property

get_bonded_structure(structure: Structure, decorate: bool = False) StructureGraph[source]

Obtain a MoleculeGraph object using this NearNeighbor class. Requires the optional dependency networkx (pip install networkx).

  • structure – Molecule object.

  • decorate (bool) – whether to annotate site properties

  • by (with order parameters using neighbors determined)

  • class (this NearNeighbor)


object from pymatgen.analysis.graphs

Return type:


get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites and weights (orders) of bonds for a given atom.

  • structure – Molecule object.

  • n – index of site for which to determine near neighbors.


representing a neighboring site and the type of bond present between site n and the neighboring site.

Return type:


get_nn_shell_info(structure: Structure, site_idx, shell)[source]

Get a certain nearest neighbor shell for a certain site.

Determines all non-backtracking paths through the neighbor network computed by get_nn_info. The weight is determined by multiplying the weight of the neighbor at each hop through the network. For example, a 2nd-nearest-neighbor that has a weight of 1 from its 1st-nearest-neighbor and weight 0.5 from the original site will be assigned a weight of 0.5.

As this calculation may involve computing the nearest neighbors of atoms multiple times, the calculation starts by computing all of the neighbor info and then calling _get_nn_shell_info. If you are likely to call this method for more than one site, consider calling get_all_nn first and then calling this protected method yourself.

  • structure (Molecule) – Input structure

  • site_idx (int) – index of site for which to determine neighbor information.

  • shell (int) – Which neighbor shell to retrieve (1 == 1st NN shell)


list of dictionaries. Each entry in the list is information about

a certain neighbor in the structure, in the same format as get_nn_info.

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

class ValenceIonicRadiusEvaluator(structure: Structure)[source]

Bases: object

Computes site valences and ionic radii for a structure using bond valence analyzer.


structure – pymatgen Structure.

property radii[source]

List of ionic radii of elements in the order of sites.

property structure[source]

Oxidation state decorated structure.

property valences[source]

List of oxidation states of elements in the order of sites.

class VoronoiNN(tol=0, targets=None, cutoff=13.0, allow_pathological=False, weight='solid_angle', extra_nn_info=True, compute_adj_neighbors=True)[source]

Bases: NearNeighbors

Uses a Voronoi algorithm to determine near neighbors for each site in a structure.

  • tol (float) – tolerance parameter for near-neighbor finding. Faces that are smaller than tol fraction of the largest face are not included in the tessellation. (default: 0).

  • targets (Element or list of Elements) – target element(s).

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstrom to look for near-neighbor atoms. Defaults to 13.0.

  • allow_pathological (bool) – whether to allow infinite vertices in determination of Voronoi coordination.

  • weight (string) – available in get_voronoi_polyhedra)

  • extra_nn_info (bool)

  • compute_adj_neighbors (bool) – adjacent. Turn off for faster performance.

get_all_nn_info(structure: Structure)[source]

structure (Structure) – input structure.


All nn info for all sites.

get_all_voronoi_polyhedra(structure: Structure)[source]

Get the Voronoi polyhedra for all site in a simulation cell.


structure (Structure) – Structure to be evaluated


A dict of sites sharing a common Voronoi facet with the site n mapped to a directory containing statistics about the facet:

  • solid_angle - Solid angle subtended by face

  • angle_normalized - Solid angle normalized such that the

    faces with the largest

  • area - Area of the facet

  • face_dist - Distance between site n and the facet

  • volume - Volume of Voronoi cell for this face

  • n_verts - Number of vertices on the facet

get_nn_info(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get all near-neighbor sites as well as the associated image locations and weights of the site with index n in structure using Voronoi decomposition.

  • structure (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site for which to determine near-neighbor sites.


tuples, each one

of which represents a coordinated site, its image location, and its weight.

Return type:

siw (list of tuples (Site, array, float))

get_voronoi_polyhedra(structure: Structure, n: int)[source]

Get a weighted polyhedra around a site.

See ref: A Proposed Rigorous Definition of Coordination Number, M. O’Keeffe, Acta Cryst. (1979). A35, 772-775

  • structure (Structure) – structure for which to evaluate the coordination environment.

  • n (int) – site index.


A dict of sites sharing a common Voronoi facet with the site n mapped to a directory containing statistics about the facet:

  • solid_angle - Solid angle subtended by face

  • angle_normalized - Solid angle normalized such that the

    faces with the largest

  • area - Area of the facet

  • face_dist - Distance between site n and the facet

  • volume - Volume of Voronoi cell for this face

  • n_verts - Number of vertices on the facet

property molecules_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Molecule objects?


Boolean property

property structures_allowed: bool[source]

can this NearNeighbors class be used with Structure objects?


Boolean property

get_neighbors_of_site_with_index(struct, n, approach='min_dist', delta=0.1, cutoff=10)[source]

Get the neighbors of a given site using a specific neighbor-finding method.

  • struct (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site in Structure object for which motif type is to be determined.

  • approach (str) – type of neighbor-finding approach, where “min_dist” will use the MinimumDistanceNN class, “voronoi” the VoronoiNN class, “min_OKeeffe” the MinimumOKeeffe class, and “min_VIRE” the MinimumVIRENN class.

  • delta (float) – tolerance involved in neighbor finding.

  • cutoff (float) – radius to find tentative neighbors.


neighbor sites.

get_okeeffe_distance_prediction(el1, el2)[source]

Get an estimate of the bond valence parameter (bond length) using the derived parameters from ‘Atoms Sizes and Bond Lengths in Molecules and Crystals’ (O’Keeffe & Brese, 1991). The estimate is based on two experimental parameters: r and c. The value for r is based off radius, while c is (usually) the Allred-Rochow electronegativity. Values used are not generated from pymatgen, and are found in ‘okeeffe_params.json’.

  • el1 (Element) – two Element objects

  • el2 (Element) – two Element objects


a float value of the predicted bond length


Get the elemental parameters related to atom size and electronegativity which are used for estimating bond-valence parameters (bond length) of pairs of atoms on the basis of data provided in ‘Atoms Sizes and Bond Lengths in Molecules and Crystals’ (O’Keeffe & Brese, 1991).


el_symbol (str) – element symbol.


atom-size (‘r’) and electronegativity-related (‘c’) parameter.

Return type:


gramschmidt(vin, uin)[source]

Get that part of the first input vector that is orthogonal to the second input vector. The output vector is not normalized.

  • vin (numpy array) – first input vector

  • uin (numpy array) – second input vector

metal_edge_extender(mol_graph, cutoff: float = 2.5, metals: list | tuple | None = ('Li', 'Mg', 'Ca', 'Zn', 'B', 'Al'), coordinators: list | tuple = ('O', 'N', 'F', 'S', 'Cl'))[source]

Identify and add missed coordinate bond edges for metals.

  • mol_graph – pymatgen.analysis.graphs.MoleculeGraph object

  • cutoff – cutoff in Angstrom. Metal-coordinator sites that are closer together than this value will be considered coordination bonds. If the MoleculeGraph contains a metal, but no coordination bonds are found with the chosen cutoff, the cutoff will be increased by 1 Angstrom and another attempt will be made to identify coordination bonds.

  • metals – Species considered metals for the purpose of identifying missed coordinate bond edges. The set {“Li”, “Mg”, “Ca”, “Zn”, “B”, “Al”} (default) corresponds to the settings used in the LIBE dataset. Alternatively, set to None to cause any Species classified as a metal by Specie.is_metal to be considered a metal.

  • coordinators – Possible coordinating species to consider when identifying missed coordinate bonds. The default set {“O”, “N”, “F”, “S”, “Cl”} was used in the LIBE dataset.


pymatgen.analysis.graphs.MoleculeGraph object with additional

metal bonds (if any found) added

Return type:


oxygen_edge_extender(mol_graph: MoleculeGraph) MoleculeGraph[source]

Identify and add missed O-C or O-H bonds. This is particularly important when oxygen is forming three bonds, e.g. in H3O+ or XOH2+. See for details.


mol_graph (MoleculeGraph) – molecule graph to extend


object with additional O-C or O-H bonds added (if any found)

Return type:


site_is_of_motif_type(struct, n, approach='min_dist', delta=0.1, cutoff=10, thresh=None)[source]

Get the motif type of the site with index n in structure struct; currently featuring “tetrahedral”, “octahedral”, “bcc”, and “cp” (close-packed: fcc and hcp) as well as “square pyramidal” and “trigonal bipyramidal”. If the site is not recognized, “unrecognized” is returned. If a site should be assigned to two different motifs, “multiple assignments” is returned.

  • struct (Structure) – input structure.

  • n (int) – index of site in Structure object for which motif type is to be determined.

  • approach (str) – type of neighbor-finding approach, where “min_dist” will use the MinimumDistanceNN class, “voronoi” the VoronoiNN class, “min_OKeeffe” the MinimumOKeeffe class, and “min_VIRE” the MinimumVIRENN class.

  • delta (float) – tolerance involved in neighbor finding.

  • cutoff (float) – radius to find tentative neighbors.

  • thresh (dict) – thresholds for motif criteria (currently, required keys and their default values are “qtet”: 0.5, “qoct”: 0.5, “qbcc”: 0.5, “q6”: 0.4).


motif type

Return type:


solid_angle(center, coords)[source]

Helper method to calculate the solid angle of a set of coords from the center.

  • center (3x1 array) – Center to measure solid angle from.

  • coords (Nx3 array) – List of coords to determine solid angle.


The solid angle.

vol_tetra(vt1, vt2, vt3, vt4)[source]

Calculate the volume of a tetrahedron, given the four vertices of vt1, vt2, vt3 and vt4.

  • vt1 (array-like) – coordinates of vertex 1.

  • vt2 (array-like) – coordinates of vertex 2.

  • vt3 (array-like) – coordinates of vertex 3.

  • vt4 (array-like) – coordinates of vertex 4.


volume of the tetrahedron.

Return type:


pymatgen.analysis.molecule_matcher module

This module provides classes to perform fitting of molecule with arbitrary atom orders. This module is supposed to perform exact comparisons without the atom order correspondence prerequisite, while molecule_structure_comparator is supposed to do rough comparisons with the atom order correspondence prerequisite.

The implementation is based on an excellent python package called rmsd that you can find at

class AbstractMolAtomMapper[source]

Bases: MSONable, ABC

Abstract molecular atom order mapping class. A mapping will be able to find the uniform atom order of two molecules that can pair the geometrically equivalent atoms.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



abstract get_molecule_hash(mol)[source]

Defines a hash for molecules. This allows molecules to be grouped efficiently for comparison.


mol – The molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object


A hashable object. Examples can be string formulas, etc.

abstract uniform_labels(mol1, mol2)[source]

Pair the geometrically equivalent atoms of the molecules.

  • mol1 – First molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object.

  • mol2 – Second molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object.


if uniform atom order is found. list1 and list2

are for mol1 and mol2, respectively. Their length equal to the number of atoms. They represents the uniform atom order of the two molecules. The value of each element is the original atom index in mol1 or mol2 of the current atom in uniform atom order. (None, None) if uniform atom is not available.

Return type:

tuple[list1, list2]

class BruteForceOrderMatcher(target: Molecule)[source]

Bases: KabschMatcher

Finding the best match between molecules by selecting molecule order with the smallest RMSD from all the possible order combinations.


When aligning molecules, the atoms of the two molecules must have same number of atoms from the same species.

Constructor of the matcher object.


target – a Molecule object used as a target during the alignment

fit(p: Molecule, ignore_warning=False)[source]

Order, rotate and transform p molecule according to the best match.

A ValueError will be raised when the total number of possible combinations become unfeasible (more than a million combinations).

  • p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.

  • ignore_warning – ignoring error when the number of combination is too large


Rotated and translated of the p Molecule object rmsd: Root-mean-square-deviation between p_prime and the target

Return type:


match(mol: Molecule, ignore_warning: bool = False) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, float][source]

Similar as KabschMatcher.match but this method also finds the order of atoms which belongs to the best match.

A ValueError will be raised when the total number of possible combinations become unfeasible (more than a million combination).

  • mol – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.

  • ignore_warning – ignoring error when the number of combination is too large


The indices of atoms U: 3x3 rotation matrix V: Translation vector rmsd: Root mean squared deviation between P and Q

Return type:


static permutations(atoms)[source]

Generate all the possible permutations of atom order. To achieve better performance all the cases where the atoms are different has been ignored.

class GeneticOrderMatcher(target: Molecule, threshold: float)[source]

Bases: KabschMatcher

This method was inspired by genetic algorithms and tries to match molecules based on their already matched fragments.

It uses the fact that when two molecule is matching their sub-structures have to match as well. The main idea here is that in each iteration (generation) we can check the match of all possible fragments and ignore those which are not feasible.

Although in the worst case this method has N! complexity (same as the brute force one), in practice it performs much faster because many of the combination can be eliminated during the fragment matching.


This method very robust and returns with all the possible orders.

There is a well known weakness/corner case: The case when there is a outlier with large deviation with a small index might be ignored. This happens due to the nature of the average function used to calculate the RMSD for the fragments.

When aligning molecules, the atoms of the two molecules must have the same number of atoms from the same species.

Constructor of the matcher object.

  • target – a Molecule object used as a target during the alignment

  • threshold – value used to match fragments and prune configuration

fit(p: Molecule)[source]

Order, rotate and transform all of the matched p molecule according to the given threshold.


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


possible matches where the elements are:

p_prime: Rotated and translated of the p Molecule object rmsd: Root-mean-square-deviation between p_prime and the target

Return type:

list[tuple[Molecule, float]]

match(p: Molecule)[source]

Similar as KabschMatcher.match but this method also finds all of the possible atomic orders according to the threshold.


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


inds: The indices of atoms U: 3x3 rotation matrix V: Translation vector rmsd: Root mean squared deviation between P and Q

Return type:

Array of the possible matches where the elements are

permutations(p: Molecule)[source]

Generate all of possible permutations of atom order according the threshold.


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


Array of index arrays

class HungarianOrderMatcher(target: Molecule)[source]

Bases: KabschMatcher

Pre-align the molecules based on their principal inertia axis and then re-orders the input atom list using the Hungarian method.


This method cannot guarantee the best match but is very fast.

When aligning molecules, the atoms of the two molecules must have same number of atoms from the same species.

Constructor of the matcher object.


target – a Molecule object used as a target during the alignment

fit(p: Molecule)[source]

Order, rotate and transform p molecule according to the best match.


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


Rotated and translated of the p Molecule object rmsd: Root-mean-square-deviation between p_prime and the target

Return type:


static get_principal_axis(coords, weights)[source]

Get the molecule’s principal axis.

  • coords – coordinates of atoms

  • weights – the weight use for calculating the inertia tensor


Array of dim 3 containing the principal axis

match(p: Molecule)[source]

Similar as KabschMatcher.match but this method also finds the order of atoms which belongs to the best match.


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


The indices of atoms U: 3x3 rotation matrix V: Translation vector rmsd: Root mean squared deviation between P and Q

Return type:


static permutations(p_atoms, p_centroid, p_weights, q_atoms, q_centroid, q_weights)[source]

Generate two possible permutations of atom order. This method uses the principle component of the inertia tensor to pre-align the molecules and hungarian method to determine the order. There are always two possible permutation depending on the way to pre-aligning the molecules.

  • p_atoms – atom numbers

  • p_centroid – array of atom positions

  • p_weights – array of atom weights

  • q_atoms – atom numbers

  • q_centroid – array of atom positions

  • q_weights – array of atom weights


perm_inds – array of atoms’ order

static rotation_matrix_vectors(v1, v2)[source]

Get the rotation matrix that rotates v1 onto v2 using Rodrigues’ rotation formula.

See more:

  • v1 – initial vector

  • v2 – target vector


3x3 rotation matrix

class InchiMolAtomMapper(angle_tolerance=10.0)[source]

Bases: AbstractMolAtomMapper

Pair atoms by inchi labels.


angle_tolerance (float) – Angle threshold to assume linear molecule. In degrees.


Get MSONable dict.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict Representation.




Return inchi as molecular hash.

uniform_labels(mol1, mol2)[source]


class IsomorphismMolAtomMapper[source]

Bases: AbstractMolAtomMapper

Pair atoms by isomorphism permutations in the OpenBabel::OBAlign class.


Get MSONable dict.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.




Return inchi as molecular hash.

uniform_labels(mol1, mol2)[source]

Pair the geometrically equivalent atoms of the molecules. Calculate RMSD on all possible isomorphism mappings and return mapping with the least RMSD.

  • mol1 – First molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object.

  • mol2 – Second molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object.


if uniform atom order is found. list1 and list2

are for mol1 and mol2, respectively. Their length equal to the number of atoms. They represents the uniform atom order of the two molecules. The value of each element is the original atom index in mol1 or mol2 of the current atom in uniform atom order. (None, None) if uniform atom is not available.

Return type:

tuple[list1, list2]

class KabschMatcher(target: Molecule)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Molecule matcher using Kabsch algorithm.

The Kabsch algorithm capable aligning two molecules by finding the parameters (translation, rotation) which minimize the root-mean-square-deviation (RMSD) of two molecules which are topologically (atom types, geometry) similar two each other.


When aligning molecules, the atoms of the two molecules must be in the same order for the results to be sensible.

Constructor of the matcher object.


target – a Molecule object used as a target during the alignment

fit(p: Molecule)[source]

Rotate and transform p molecule according to the best match.


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


Rotated and translated of the p Molecule object rmsd: Root-mean-square-deviation between p_prime and the target

Return type:


static kabsch(P: ndarray, Q: ndarray)[source]

The Kabsch algorithm is a method for calculating the optimal rotation matrix that minimizes the root mean squared deviation (RMSD) between two paired sets of points P and Q, centered around the their centroid.

For more info see: - and -

  • P – Nx3 matrix, where N is the number of points.

  • Q – Nx3 matrix, where N is the number of points.


3x3 rotation matrix

Return type:


match(p: Molecule)[source]

Using the Kabsch algorithm the alignment of two molecules (P, Q) happens in three steps: - translate the P and Q into their centroid - compute of the optimal rotation matrix (U) using Kabsch algorithm - compute the translation (V) and rmsd.

The function returns the rotation matrix (U), translation vector (V), and RMSD between Q and P’, where P’ is:

P’ = P * U + V


p – a Molecule object what will be matched with the target one.


Rotation matrix (D,D) V: Translation vector (D) RMSD : Root mean squared deviation between P and Q

Return type:


class MoleculeMatcher(tolerance: float = 0.01, mapper=None)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Match molecules and identify whether molecules are the same.

  • tolerance (float) – RMSD difference threshold whether two molecules are different

  • mapper (AbstractMolAtomMapper) – MolAtomMapper object that is able to map the atoms of two molecule to uniform order.


Get MSONable dict.

fit(mol1, mol2)[source]

Fit two molecules.

  • mol1 – First molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object

  • mol2 – Second molecule. OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen Molecule object


True if two molecules are the same.

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



get_rmsd(mol1, mol2)[source]

Get RMSD between two molecule with arbitrary atom order.


RMSD if topology of the two molecules are the same Infinite if the topology is different


Group molecules by structural equality.


mol_list – List of OpenBabel OBMol or pymatgen objects


A list of lists of matched molecules Assumption: if s1=s2 and s2=s3, then s1=s3 This may not be true for small tolerances.

pymatgen.analysis.molecule_structure_comparator module

This module provides classes to comparison the structures of the two molecule. As long as the two molecule have the same bond connection tables, the molecules are deemed to be same. The atom in the two molecule must be paired accordingly. This module is supposed to perform rough comparisons with the atom order correspondence prerequisite, while molecule_matcher is supposed to do exact comparisons without the atom order correspondence prerequisite.

class CovalentRadius[source]

Bases: object

Covalent radius of the elements.

Beatriz C. et al. Dalton Trans. 2008, 2832-2838.

radius: ClassVar = {'Ac': 2.15, 'Ag': 1.45, 'Al': 1.21, 'Am': 1.8, 'Ar': 1.06, 'As': 1.19, 'At': 1.5, 'Au': 1.36, 'B': 0.84, 'Ba': 2.15, 'Be': 0.96, 'Bi': 1.48, 'Br': 1.2, 'C': 0.73, 'Ca': 1.76, 'Cd': 1.44, 'Ce': 2.04, 'Cl': 1.02, 'Cm': 1.69, 'Co': 1.38, 'Cr': 1.39, 'Cs': 2.44, 'Cu': 1.32, 'Dy': 1.92, 'Er': 1.89, 'Eu': 1.98, 'F': 0.57, 'Fe': 1.42, 'Fr': 2.6, 'Ga': 1.22, 'Gd': 1.96, 'Ge': 1.2, 'H': 0.31, 'He': 0.28, 'Hf': 1.75, 'Hg': 1.32, 'Ho': 1.92, 'I': 1.39, 'In': 1.42, 'Ir': 1.41, 'K': 2.03, 'Kr': 1.16, 'La': 2.07, 'Li': 1.28, 'Lu': 1.87, 'Mg': 1.41, 'Mn': 1.5, 'Mo': 1.54, 'N': 0.71, 'Na': 1.66, 'Nb': 1.64, 'Nd': 2.01, 'Ne': 0.58, 'Ni': 1.24, 'Np': 1.9, 'O': 0.66, 'Os': 1.44, 'P': 1.07, 'Pa': 2, 'Pb': 1.46, 'Pd': 1.39, 'Pm': 1.99, 'Po': 1.4, 'Pr': 2.03, 'Pt': 1.36, 'Pu': 1.87, 'Ra': 2.21, 'Rb': 2.2, 'Re': 1.51, 'Rh': 1.42, 'Rn': 1.5, 'Ru': 1.46, 'S': 1.05, 'Sb': 1.39, 'Sc': 1.7, 'Se': 1.2, 'Si': 1.11, 'Sm': 1.98, 'Sn': 1.39, 'Sr': 1.95, 'Ta': 1.7, 'Tb': 1.94, 'Tc': 1.47, 'Te': 1.38, 'Th': 2.06, 'Ti': 1.6, 'Tl': 1.45, 'Tm': 1.9, 'U': 1.96, 'V': 1.53, 'W': 1.62, 'Xe': 1.4, 'Y': 1.9, 'Yb': 1.87, 'Zn': 1.22, 'Zr': 1.75}[source]
class MoleculeStructureComparator(bond_length_cap=0.3, covalent_radius={'Ac': 2.15, 'Ag': 1.45, 'Al': 1.21, 'Am': 1.8, 'Ar': 1.06, 'As': 1.19, 'At': 1.5, 'Au': 1.36, 'B': 0.84, 'Ba': 2.15, 'Be': 0.96, 'Bi': 1.48, 'Br': 1.2, 'C': 0.73, 'Ca': 1.76, 'Cd': 1.44, 'Ce': 2.04, 'Cl': 1.02, 'Cm': 1.69, 'Co': 1.38, 'Cr': 1.39, 'Cs': 2.44, 'Cu': 1.32, 'Dy': 1.92, 'Er': 1.89, 'Eu': 1.98, 'F': 0.57, 'Fe': 1.42, 'Fr': 2.6, 'Ga': 1.22, 'Gd': 1.96, 'Ge': 1.2, 'H': 0.31, 'He': 0.28, 'Hf': 1.75, 'Hg': 1.32, 'Ho': 1.92, 'I': 1.39, 'In': 1.42, 'Ir': 1.41, 'K': 2.03, 'Kr': 1.16, 'La': 2.07, 'Li': 1.28, 'Lu': 1.87, 'Mg': 1.41, 'Mn': 1.5, 'Mo': 1.54, 'N': 0.71, 'Na': 1.66, 'Nb': 1.64, 'Nd': 2.01, 'Ne': 0.58, 'Ni': 1.24, 'Np': 1.9, 'O': 0.66, 'Os': 1.44, 'P': 1.07, 'Pa': 2, 'Pb': 1.46, 'Pd': 1.39, 'Pm': 1.99, 'Po': 1.4, 'Pr': 2.03, 'Pt': 1.36, 'Pu': 1.87, 'Ra': 2.21, 'Rb': 2.2, 'Re': 1.51, 'Rh': 1.42, 'Rn': 1.5, 'Ru': 1.46, 'S': 1.05, 'Sb': 1.39, 'Sc': 1.7, 'Se': 1.2, 'Si': 1.11, 'Sm': 1.98, 'Sn': 1.39, 'Sr': 1.95, 'Ta': 1.7, 'Tb': 1.94, 'Tc': 1.47, 'Te': 1.38, 'Th': 2.06, 'Ti': 1.6, 'Tl': 1.45, 'Tm': 1.9, 'U': 1.96, 'V': 1.53, 'W': 1.62, 'Xe': 1.4, 'Y': 1.9, 'Yb': 1.87, 'Zn': 1.22, 'Zr': 1.75}, priority_bonds=(), priority_cap=0.8, ignore_ionic_bond=True, bond_13_cap=0.05)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Check whether the connection tables of the two molecules are the same. The atom in the two molecule must be paired accordingly.

  • bond_length_cap – The ratio of the elongation of the bond to be acknowledged. If the distance between two atoms is less than ( empirical covalent bond length) X (1 + bond_length_cap), the bond between the two atoms will be acknowledged.

  • covalent_radius – The covalent radius of the atoms. dict (element symbol -> radius)

  • priority_bonds – The bonds that are known to be existed in the initial molecule. Such bonds will be acknowledged in a loose criteria. The index should start from 0.

  • priority_cap – The ratio of the elongation of the bond to be acknowledged for the priority bonds.

are_equal(mol1, mol2) bool[source]

Compare the bond table of the two molecules.

  • mol1 – first molecule. pymatgen Molecule object.

  • mol2 – second molecules. pymatgen Molecule object.


Get MSONable dict.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



static get_13_bonds(priority_bonds)[source]

priority_bonds (list[tuple]) – 12 bonds


13 bonds

Return type:


halogen_list = ('F', 'Cl', 'Br', 'I')[source]
ionic_element_list = ('Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Sc', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Rb', 'Sr')[source]

pymatgen.analysis.nmr module

A module for NMR analysis.

class ChemicalShielding(cs_matrix, vscale=None)[source]

Bases: SquareTensor

This class extends the SquareTensor to perform extra analysis unique to NMR Chemical shielding tensors.

Three notations to describe chemical shielding tensor (RK Harris; Magn. Resonance Chem. 2008, 46, 582-598; DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2225) are supported.

Authors: Shyam Dwaraknath, Xiaohui Qu

Create a Chemical Shielding tensor. Note that the constructor uses __new__ rather than __init__ according to the standard method of subclassing numpy ndarrays.

  • cs_matrix (1x3 or 3x3 array-like) – the 3x3 array-like representing the chemical shielding tensor or a 1x3 array of the primary sigma values corresponding to the principal axis system

  • vscale (6x1 array-like) – 6x1 array-like scaling the Voigt notation vector with the tensor entries

class HaeberlenNotation(sigma_iso, delta_sigma_iso, zeta, eta)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Create new instance of HaeberlenNotation(sigma_iso, delta_sigma_iso, zeta, eta)

delta_sigma_iso: Any[source]

Alias for field number 1

eta: Any[source]

Alias for field number 3

sigma_iso: Any[source]

Alias for field number 0

zeta: Any[source]

Alias for field number 2

class MarylandNotation(sigma_iso, omega, kappa)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Create new instance of MarylandNotation(sigma_iso, omega, kappa)

kappa: Any[source]

Alias for field number 2

omega: Any[source]

Alias for field number 1

sigma_iso: Any[source]

Alias for field number 0

class MehringNotation(sigma_iso, sigma_11, sigma_22, sigma_33)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Create new instance of MehringNotation(sigma_iso, sigma_11, sigma_22, sigma_33)

sigma_11: Any[source]

Alias for field number 1

sigma_22: Any[source]

Alias for field number 2

sigma_33: Any[source]

Alias for field number 3

sigma_iso: Any[source]

Alias for field number 0

classmethod from_maryland_notation(sigma_iso, omega, kappa) Self[source]

Initialize from Maryland notation.

  • sigma_iso (float) – isotropic chemical shielding

  • omega (float) – anisotropy

  • kappa (float) – asymmetry parameter



property haeberlen_values[source]

The Chemical shielding tensor in Haeberlen Notation.

property maryland_values[source]

The Chemical shielding tensor in Maryland Notation.

property mehring_values[source]

The Chemical shielding tensor in Mehring Notation.

property principal_axis_system[source]

A chemical shielding tensor aligned to the principle axis system so that only the 3 diagonal components are non-zero.

class ElectricFieldGradient(efg_matrix, vscale=None)[source]

Bases: SquareTensor

This class extends the SquareTensor to perform extra analysis unique to NMR Electric Field Gradient tensors in units of V/Angstrom^2.

Authors: Shyam Dwaraknath, Xiaohui Qu

Create a Chemical Shielding tensor. Note that the constructor uses __new__ rather than __init__ according to the standard method of subclassing numpy ndarrays.

  • efg_matrix (1x3 or 3x3 array-like) – the 3x3 array-like representing the electric field tensor or a 1x3 array of the primary values corresponding to the principal axis system

  • vscale (6x1 array-like) – 6x1 array-like scaling the Voigt notation vector with the tensor entries

property V_xx[source]

First diagonal element.

property V_yy[source]

Second diagonal element.

property V_zz[source]

Third diagonal element.

property asymmetry[source]

Asymmetry of the electric field tensor defined as (V_yy - V_xx)/V_zz.


Compute the coupling constant C_q as defined in:

Wasylishen R E, Ashbrook S E, Wimperis S. NMR of quadrupolar nuclei in solid materials[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. (Chapter 3.2).

C_q for a specific atom type for this electric field tensor:


h: Planck’s constant Q: nuclear electric quadrupole moment in mb (millibarn e: elementary proton charge


specie – flexible input to specify the species at this site. Can take a isotope or element string, Species object, or Site object


the coupling constant as a FloatWithUnit in MHz

property principal_axis_system[source]

An electric field gradient tensor aligned to the principle axis system so that only the 3 diagonal components are non-zero.

pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram module

This module defines tools to generate and analyze phase diagrams.

class CompoundPhaseDiagram(entries, terminal_compositions, normalize_terminal_compositions=True)[source]

Bases: PhaseDiagram

Generates phase diagrams from compounds as terminations instead of elements.

Initialize a CompoundPhaseDiagram.

  • entries ([PDEntry]) – Sequence of input entries. For example, if you want a Li2O-P2O5 phase diagram, you might have all Li-P-O entries as an input.

  • terminal_compositions (list[Composition]) – Terminal compositions of phase space. In the Li2O-P2O5 example, these will be the Li2O and P2O5 compositions.

  • normalize_terminal_compositions (bool) – Whether to normalize the terminal compositions to a per atom basis. If normalized, the energy above hulls will be consistent for comparison across systems. Non-normalized terminals are more intuitive in terms of compositional breakdowns.

amount_tol = 1e-05[source]

Get MSONable dict representation of CompoundPhaseDiagram.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – dictionary representation of CompoundPhaseDiagram.



static num2str(num)[source]

Convert number to a list of letter(s). First letter must be f.


int (num) – Number to convert

Return type:


:return Converted string

transform_entries(entries, terminal_compositions)[source]

Method to transform all entries to the composition coordinate in the terminal compositions. If the entry does not fall within the space defined by the terminal compositions, they are excluded. For example, Li3PO4 is mapped into a Li2O:1.5, P2O5:0.5 composition. The terminal compositions are represented by DummySpecies.

  • entries – Sequence of all input entries

  • terminal_compositions – Terminal compositions of phase space.


Sequence of TransformedPDEntries falling within the phase space.

class GrandPotPDEntry(entry, chempots, name=None)[source]

Bases: PDEntry

A grand potential pd entry object encompassing all relevant data for phase diagrams. Chemical potentials are given as a element-chemical potential dict.

  • entry – A PDEntry-like object.

  • chempots – Chemical potential specification as {Element: float}.

  • name – Optional parameter to name the entry. Defaults to the reduced chemical formula of the original entry.


Get MSONable dict representation of GrandPotPDEntry.

property chemical_energy[source]

The chemical energy term mu*N in the grand potential.


The chemical energy term mu*N in the grand potential

property composition: Composition[source]

The composition after removing free species.



property energy: float[source]

Grand potential energy.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – dictionary representation of GrandPotPDEntry.



class GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram(entries, chempots, elements=None, *, computed_data=None)[source]

Bases: PhaseDiagram

A class representing a Grand potential phase diagram. Grand potential phase diagrams are essentially phase diagrams that are open to one or more components. To construct such phase diagrams, the relevant free energy is the grand potential, which can be written as the Legendre transform of the Gibbs free energy as follows.

Grand potential = G - u_X N_X

The algorithm is based on the work in the following papers:

  1. S. P. Ong, L. Wang, B. Kang, and G. Ceder, Li-Fe-P-O2 Phase Diagram from First Principles Calculations. Chem. Mater., 2008, 20(5), 1798-1807. doi:10.1021/cm702327g

  2. S. P. Ong, A. Jain, G. Hautier, B. Kang, G. Ceder, Thermal stabilities of delithiated olivine MPO4 (M=Fe, Mn) cathodes investigated using first principles calculations. Electrochem. Comm., 2010, 12(3), 427-430. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2010.01.010

Standard constructor for grand potential phase diagram.

  • entries ([PDEntry]) – A list of PDEntry-like objects having an energy, energy_per_atom and composition.

  • ({Element (chempots) – float}): Specify the chemical potentials of the open elements.

  • elements ([Element]) – Optional list of elements in the phase diagram. If set to None, the elements are determined from the entries themselves.

  • computed_data (dict) – A dict containing pre-computed data. This allows PhaseDiagram object to be reconstituted without performing the expensive convex hull computation. The dict is the output from the PhaseDiagram._compute() method and is stored in PhaseDiagram.computed_data when generated for the first time.


Get MSONable dict representation of GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – dictionary representation of GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram.



class PDEntry(composition: Composition, energy: float, name: str | None = None, attribute: object = None)[source]

Bases: Entry

An object encompassing all relevant data for phase diagrams.


The composition associated with the PDEntry.




The energy associated with the entry.




A name for the entry. This is the string shown in the phase diagrams. By default, this is the reduced formula for the composition, but can be set to some other string for display purposes.




A arbitrary attribute. Can be used to specify that the entry is a newly found compound, or to specify a particular label for the entry, etc. An attribute can be anything but must be MSONable.



  • composition (Composition) – Composition

  • energy (float) – Energy for composition.

  • name (str) – Optional parameter to name the entry. Defaults to the reduced chemical formula.

  • attribute – Optional attribute of the entry. Must be MSONable.


Get MSONable dict representation of PDEntry.

property energy: float[source]

The entry’s energy.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – dictionary representation of PDEntry.



class PDPlotter(phasediagram: PhaseDiagram, show_unstable: float = 0.2, backend: Literal['plotly', 'matplotlib'] = 'plotly', ternary_style: Literal['2d', '3d'] = '2d', **plotkwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A plotting class for compositional phase diagrams.

To use, initialize this class with a PhaseDiagram object containing 1-4 components and call get_plot() or show().

  • phasediagram (PhaseDiagram) – PhaseDiagram object (must be 1-4 components).

  • show_unstable (float) – Whether unstable (above the hull) phases will be plotted. If a number > 0 is entered, all phases with e_hull < show_unstable (eV/atom) will be shown.

  • backend ("plotly" | "matplotlib") – Python package to use for plotting. Defaults to “plotly”.

  • ternary_style ("2d" | "3d") – Ternary phase diagrams are typically plotted in two-dimensions (2d), but can be plotted in three dimensions (3d) to visualize the depth of the hull. This argument only applies when backend=”plotly”. Defaults to “2d”.

  • **plotkwargs (dict) –

    Keyword args passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot (only applies when backend=”matplotlib”). Can be used to customize markers etc. If not set, the default is:


    “markerfacecolor”: “#4daf4a”, “markersize”: 10, “linewidth”: 3


get_chempot_range_map_plot(elements, referenced=True)[source]

Get a plot of the chemical potential range _map. Currently works only for 3-component PDs.

Note: this functionality is now included in the ChemicalPotentialDiagram class (pymatgen.analysis.chempot_diagram).

  • elements – Sequence of elements to be considered as independent variables. e.g. if you want to show the stability ranges of all Li-Co-O phases w.r.t. to uLi and uO, you will supply [Element(“Li”), Element(“O”)]

  • referenced – if True, gives the results with a reference being the energy of the elemental phase. If False, gives absolute values.


matplotlib axes object.

Return type:



Plot a contour phase diagram plot, where phase triangles are colored according to degree of instability by interpolation. Currently only works for 3-component phase diagrams.


A matplotlib plot object.

get_plot(label_stable: bool = True, label_unstable: bool = True, ordering: Sequence[str] | None = None, energy_colormap=None, process_attributes: bool = False, ax: plt.Axes = None, label_uncertainties: bool = False, fill: bool = True, highlight_entries: Collection[PDEntry] | None = None) go.Figure | plt.Axes[source]
  • label_stable – Whether to label stable compounds.

  • label_unstable – Whether to label unstable compounds.

  • ordering – Ordering of vertices, given as a list [‘Up’, ‘Left’,’Right’] (matplotlib only).

  • energy_colormap – Colormap for coloring energy (matplotlib only).

  • process_attributes – Whether to process the attributes (matplotlib only).

  • ax – Existing matplotlib Axes object if plotting multiple phase diagrams (matplotlib only).

  • label_uncertainties – Whether to add error bars to the hull. For binaries, this also shades the hull with the uncertainty window. (plotly only).

  • fill – Whether to shade the hull. For ternary_2d and quaternary plots, this colors facets arbitrarily for visual clarity. For ternary_3d plots, this shades the hull by formation energy (plotly only).

  • highlight_entries – Entries to highlight in the plot (plotly only). This will create a new marker trace that is separate from the other entries.


Plotly figure or matplotlib axes object depending on backend.

Return type:

go.Figure | plt.Axes

property pd_plot_data[source]

Plotting data for phase diagram. Cached for repetitive calls.

2-comp - Full hull with energies 3/4-comp - Projection into 2D or 3D Gibbs triangles


  • lines is a list of list of coordinates for lines in the PD.

  • stable_entries is a dict of {coordinatesentry} for each stable node

    in the phase diagram. (Each coordinate can only have one stable phase)

  • unstable_entries is a dict of {entry: coordinates} for all unstable

    nodes in the phase diagram.

Return type:

A tuple containing three objects (lines, stable_entries, unstable_entries)

plot_chempot_range_map(elements, referenced=True) None[source]

Plot the chemical potential range _map using matplotlib. Currently works only for 3-component PDs. This shows the plot but does not return it.

Note: this functionality is now included in the ChemicalPotentialDiagram class (pymatgen.analysis.chempot_diagram).

  • elements – Sequence of elements to be considered as independent variables. e.g. if you want to show the stability ranges of all Li-Co-O phases w.r.t. to uLi and uO, you will supply [Element(“Li”), Element(“O”)]

  • referenced – if True, gives the results with a reference being the energy of the elemental phase. If False, gives absolute values.

plot_element_profile(element, comp, show_label_index=None, xlim=5)[source]

Draw the element profile plot for a composition varying different chemical potential of an element.

X value is the negative value of the chemical potential reference to elemental chemical potential. For example, if choose Element(“Li”), X= -(μLi-μLi0), which corresponds to the voltage versus metal anode. Y values represent for the number of element uptake in this composition (unit: per atom). All reactions are printed to help choosing the profile steps you want to show label in the plot.

  • element (Element) – An element of which the chemical potential is considered. It also must be in the phase diagram.

  • comp (Composition) – A composition.

  • show_label_index (list of integers) – The labels for reaction products you want to show in the plot. Default to None (not showing any annotation for reaction products). For the profile steps you want to show the labels, just add it to the show_label_index. The profile step counts from zero. For example, you can set show_label_index=[0, 2, 5] to label profile step 0,2,5.

  • xlim (float) – The max x value. x value is from 0 to xlim. Default to 5 eV.


Plot of element profile evolution by varying the chemical potential of an element.

show(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Draw the phase diagram with the provided arguments and display it. This shows the figure but does not return it.

  • *args – Passed to get_plot.

  • **kwargs – Passed to get_plot.

write_image(stream: str | StringIO, image_format: str = 'svg', **kwargs) None[source]

Directly save the plot to a file. This is a wrapper for calling plt.savefig() or fig.write_image(), depending on the backend. For more customization, it is recommended to call those methods directly.

  • stream (str | StringIO) – Filename or StringIO stream.

  • image_format (str) – Can be any supported image format for the plotting backend. Defaults to ‘svg’ (vector graphics).

  • **kwargs – Optinoal kwargs passed to the get_plot function.

class PatchedPhaseDiagram(entries: Sequence[PDEntry] | set[PDEntry], elements: Sequence[Element] | None = None, keep_all_spaces: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: PhaseDiagram

Computing the Convex Hull of a large set of data in multiple dimensions is highly expensive. This class acts to breakdown large chemical spaces into smaller chemical spaces which can be computed much more quickly due to having both reduced dimensionality and data set sizes.

subspaces ({str

{Element, }}): Dictionary of the sets of elements for each of the PhaseDiagrams within the PatchedPhaseDiagram.

pds ({str

PhaseDiagram}): Dictionary of PhaseDiagrams within the PatchedPhaseDiagram.


All entries provided for Phase Diagram construction. Note that this does not mean that all these entries are actually used in the phase diagram. For example, this includes the positive formation energy entries that are filtered out before Phase Diagram construction.




List of the lowest energy entries for each composition in the data provided for Phase Diagram construction.




List of elemental references for the phase diagrams. These are entries corresponding to the lowest energy element entries for simple compositional phase diagrams.




List of elements in the phase diagram.



  • entries (list[PDEntry]) – A list of PDEntry-like objects having an energy, energy_per_atom and composition.

  • elements (list[Element], optional) – Optional list of elements in the phase diagram. If set to None, the elements are determined from the entries themselves and are sorted alphabetically. If specified, element ordering (e.g. for pd coordinates) is preserved.

  • keep_all_spaces (bool) – Pass True to keep chemical spaces that are subspaces of other spaces.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to show progress bar during convex hull construction.

as_dict() dict[str, Any][source]

Write the entries and elements used to construct the PatchedPhaseDiagram to a dictionary.

NOTE unlike PhaseDiagram the computation involved in constructing the PatchedPhaseDiagram is not saved on serialization. This is done because hierarchically calling the PhaseDiagram.as_dict() method would break the link in memory between entries in overlapping patches leading to a ballooning of the amount of memory used.

NOTE For memory efficiency the best way to store patched phase diagrams is via pickling. As this allows all the entries in overlapping patches to share the same id in memory when unpickling.


MSONable dictionary representation of PatchedPhaseDiagram.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

Reconstruct PatchedPhaseDiagram from dictionary serialization.

NOTE unlike PhaseDiagram the computation involved in constructing the PatchedPhaseDiagram is not saved on serialization. This is done because hierarchically calling the PhaseDiagram.as_dict() method would break the link in memory between entries in overlapping patches leading to a ballooning of the amount of memory used.

NOTE For memory efficiency the best way to store patched phase diagrams is via pickling. As this allows all the entries in overlapping patches to share the same id in memory when unpickling.


dct (dict) – dictionary representation of PatchedPhaseDiagram.




Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.

get_decomp_and_e_above_hull(entry: PDEntry, allow_negative: bool = False, check_stable: bool = False, on_error: Literal['raise', 'warn', 'ignore'] = 'raise') tuple[dict[PDEntry, float], float] | tuple[None, None][source]

Same as method on parent class PhaseDiagram except check_stable defaults to False for speed. See for details.

get_decomposition(comp: Composition) dict[PDEntry, float][source]

See PhaseDiagram.


comp (Composition) – A composition


amount} where amount is the amount of the fractional composition.

Return type:

Decomposition as a dict of {PDEntry


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.

get_equilibrium_reaction_energy(entry: Entry) float[source]

See PhaseDiagram.

NOTE this is only approximately the same as the what we would get from PhaseDiagram as we make use of the slsqp approach inside get_phase_separation_energy().


entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry like object


Equilibrium reaction energy of entry. Stable entries should have equilibrium reaction energy <= 0. The energy is given per atom.

get_pd_for_entry(entry: Entry | Composition) PhaseDiagram[source]

Get the possible phase diagrams for an entry.


entry (PDEntry | Composition) – A PDEntry or Composition-like object


phase diagram that the entry is part of

Return type:



ValueError – If no suitable PhaseDiagram is found for the entry.


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.


Not Implemented - See PhaseDiagram.

static remove_redundant_spaces(spaces, keep_all_spaces=False)[source]
class PhaseDiagram(entries: Sequence[PDEntry] | set[PDEntry], elements: Sequence[Element] = (), *, computed_data: dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Simple phase diagram class taking in elements and entries as inputs. The algorithm is based on the work in the following papers:

      1. Ong, L. Wang, B. Kang, and G. Ceder, Li-Fe-P-O2 Phase Diagram from

    First Principles Calculations. Chem. Mater., 2008, 20(5), 1798-1807. doi:10.1021/cm702327g

      1. Ong, A. Jain, G. Hautier, B. Kang, G. Ceder, Thermal stabilities

    of delithiated olivine MPO4 (M=Fe, Mn) cathodes investigated using first principles calculations. Electrochem. Comm., 2010, 12(3), 427-430. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2010.01.010


The dimensionality of the phase diagram.




Elements in the phase diagram.


List of elemental references for the phase diagrams. These are entries corresponding to the lowest energy element entries for simple compositional phase diagrams.


All entries provided for Phase Diagram construction. Note that this does not mean that all these entries are actually used in the phase diagram. For example, this includes the positive formation energy entries that are filtered out before Phase Diagram construction.


Actual entries used in convex hull. Excludes all positive formation energy entries.


Data used in the convex hull operation. This is essentially a matrix of composition data and energy per atom values created from qhull_entries.


Facets of the phase diagram in the form of [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]…]. For a ternary, it is the indices (references to qhull_entries and qhull_data) for the vertices of the phase triangles. Similarly extended to higher D simplices for higher dimensions.


The simplices of the phase diagram as a list of np.ndarray, i.e., the list of stable compositional coordinates in the phase diagram.

  • entries (list[PDEntry]) – A list of PDEntry-like objects having an energy, energy_per_atom and composition.

  • elements (list[Element]) – Optional list of elements in the phase diagram. If set to None, the elements are determined from the entries themselves and are sorted alphabetically. If specified, element ordering (e.g. for pd coordinates) is preserved.

  • computed_data (dict) – A dict containing pre-computed data. This allows PhaseDiagram object to be reconstituted without performing the expensive convex hull computation. The dict is the output from the PhaseDiagram._compute() method and is stored in PhaseDiagram.computed_data when generated for the first time.

property all_entries_hulldata[source]

The ndarray used to construct the convex hull.


Get MSONable dict representation of PhaseDiagram.

formation_energy_tol = 1e-11[source]
classmethod from_dict(dct: dict[str, Any]) Self[source]

dct (dict) – dictionary representation of PhaseDiagram.




Get chemical potentials at a given composition.


comp (Composition) – Composition


Chemical potentials.

get_chempot_range_map(elements: Sequence[Element], referenced: bool = True, joggle: bool = True) dict[Element, list[Simplex]][source]

Get a chemical potential range map for each stable entry.

  • elements – Sequence of elements to be considered as independent variables. e.g. if you want to show the stability ranges of all Li-Co-O phases with respect to mu_Li and mu_O, you will supply [Element(“Li”), Element(“O”)]

  • referenced – If True, gives the results with a reference being the energy of the elemental phase. If False, gives absolute values.

  • joggle (bool) – Whether to joggle the input to avoid precision errors.


[simplices]}. The list of simplices are the sides of the N-1 dim polytope bounding the allowable chemical potential range of each entry.

Return type:

Returns a dict of the form {entry

get_chempot_range_stability_phase(target_comp, open_elt)[source]

Get a set of chemical potentials corresponding to the max and min chemical potential of the open element for a given composition. It is quite common to have for instance a ternary oxide (e.g., ABO3) for which you want to know what are the A and B chemical potential leading to the highest and lowest oxygen chemical potential (reducing and oxidizing conditions). This is useful for defect computations.

  • target_comp – A Composition object

  • open_elt – Element that you want to constrain to be max or min


A dictionary of the form {Element: (min_mu, max_mu)} where min_mu and max_mu are the minimum and maximum chemical potentials for the given element (as “absolute” values, i.e. not referenced to 0).

Return type:

dict[Element, (float, float)]


Get the chemical potentials for all elements at a given composition.


comp (Composition) – Composition


Dictionary of chemical potentials.

get_critical_compositions(comp1, comp2)[source]

Get the critical compositions along the tieline between two compositions. I.e. where the decomposition products change. The endpoints are also returned.

  • comp1 (Composition) – First composition to define the tieline

  • comp2 (Composition) – Second composition to define the tieline


list of critical compositions. All are of

the form x * comp1 + (1-x) * comp2

Return type:


get_decomp_and_e_above_hull(entry: PDEntry, allow_negative: bool = False, check_stable: bool = True, on_error: Literal['raise', 'warn', 'ignore'] = 'raise') tuple[dict[PDEntry, float], float] | tuple[None, None][source]

Provides the decomposition and energy above convex hull for an entry. Due to caching, can be much faster if entries with the same composition are processed together.

  • entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry like object

  • allow_negative (bool) – Whether to allow negative e_above_hulls. Used to calculate equilibrium reaction energies. Defaults to False.

  • check_stable (bool) – Whether to first check whether an entry is stable. In normal circumstances, this is the faster option since checking for stable entries is relatively fast. However, if you have a huge proportion of unstable entries, then this check can slow things down. You should then set this to False.

  • on_error ('raise' | 'warn' | 'ignore') – What to do if no valid decomposition was found. ‘raise’ will throw ValueError. ‘warn’ will print return (None, None). ‘ignore’ just returns (None, None). Defaults to ‘raise’.


ValueError – If on_error is ‘raise’ and no valid decomposition exists in this phase diagram for given entry.


The decomposition is provided

as a dict of {PDEntry: amount} where amount is the amount of the fractional composition. Stable entries should have energy above convex hull of 0. The energy is given per atom.

Return type:

tuple[decomp, energy_above_hull]

get_decomp_and_hull_energy_per_atom(comp: Composition) tuple[dict[PDEntry, float], float][source]

comp (Composition) – Input composition.


Energy of lowest energy equilibrium at desired composition per atom

get_decomp_and_phase_separation_energy(entry: PDEntry, space_limit: int = 200, stable_only: bool = False, tols: Sequence[float] = (1e-08,), maxiter: int = 1000, **kwargs: Any) tuple[dict[PDEntry, float], float] | tuple[None, None][source]

Provides the combination of entries in the PhaseDiagram that gives the lowest formation enthalpy with the same composition as the given entry excluding entries with the same composition and the energy difference per atom between the given entry and the energy of the combination found.

For unstable entries that are not polymorphs of stable entries (or completely novel entries) this is simply the energy above (or below) the convex hull.

For entries with the same composition as one of the stable entries in the phase diagram setting stable_only to False (Default) allows for entries not previously on the convex hull to be considered in the combination. In this case the energy returned is what is referred to as the decomposition enthalpy in:

  1. Bartel, C., Trewartha, A., Wang, Q., Dunn, A., Jain, A., Ceder, G.,

    A critical examination of compound stability predictions from machine-learned formation energies, npj Computational Materials 6, 97 (2020)

For stable entries setting stable_only to True returns the same energy as get_equilibrium_reaction_energy. This function is based on a constrained optimization rather than recalculation of the convex hull making it algorithmically cheaper. However, if tol is too loose there is potential for this algorithm to converge to a different solution.

  • entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry like object.

  • space_limit (int) – The maximum number of competing entries to consider before calculating a second convex hull to reducing the complexity of the optimization.

  • stable_only (bool) – Only use stable materials as competing entries.

  • tols (list[float]) – Tolerances for convergence of the SLSQP optimization when finding the equilibrium reaction. Tighter tolerances tested first.

  • maxiter (int) – The maximum number of iterations of the SLSQP optimizer when finding the equilibrium reaction.

  • **kwargs – Passed to get_decomp_and_e_above_hull.


The decomposition is given as a dict of {PDEntry, amount}

for all entries in the decomp reaction where amount is the amount of the fractional composition. The phase separation energy is given per atom.

Return type:

tuple[decomp, energy]

get_decomposition(comp: Composition) dict[PDEntry, float][source]

Provides the decomposition at a particular composition.


comp (Composition) – A composition


amount} where amount is the amount of the fractional composition.

Return type:

Decomposition as a dict of {PDEntry

get_e_above_hull(entry: PDEntry, **kwargs: Any) float | None[source]

Provides the energy above convex hull for an entry.

  • entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry like object.

  • **kwargs – Passed to get_decomp_and_e_above_hull().


Energy above convex hull of entry. Stable entries should have

energy above hull of 0. The energy is given per atom.

Return type:

float | None

get_element_profile(element, comp, comp_tol=1e-05)[source]

Provides the element evolution data for a composition. For example, can be used to analyze Li conversion voltages by varying mu_Li and looking at the phases formed. Also can be used to analyze O2 evolution by varying mu_O2.

  • element – An element. Must be in the phase diagram.

  • comp – A Composition

  • comp_tol – The tolerance to use when calculating decompositions. Phases with amounts less than this tolerance are excluded. Defaults to 1e-5.


[ {‘chempot’: -10.487582, ‘evolution’: -2.0, ‘reaction’: Reaction Object], …]

Return type:

Evolution data as a list of dictionaries of the following format

get_equilibrium_reaction_energy(entry: PDEntry) float | None[source]

Provides the reaction energy of a stable entry from the neighboring equilibrium stable entries (also known as the inverse distance to hull).


entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry like object


Equilibrium reaction energy of entry. Stable entries should have

equilibrium reaction energy <= 0. The energy is given per atom.

Return type:

float | None

get_form_energy(entry: PDEntry) float[source]

Get the formation energy for an entry (NOT normalized) from the elemental references.


entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry-like object.


Formation energy from the elemental references.

Return type:


get_form_energy_per_atom(entry: PDEntry) float[source]

Get the formation energy per atom for an entry from the elemental references.


entry (PDEntry) – An PDEntry-like object


Formation energy per atom from the elemental references.

get_hull_energy(comp: Composition) float[source]

comp (Composition) – Input composition.


Energy of lowest energy equilibrium at desired composition. Not

normalized by atoms, i.e. E(Li4O2) = 2 * E(Li2O)

get_hull_energy_per_atom(comp: Composition, **kwargs) float[source]

comp (Composition) – Input composition.


Energy of lowest energy equilibrium at desired composition.

get_phase_separation_energy(entry, **kwargs)[source]

Provides the energy to the convex hull for the given entry. For stable entries already in the phase diagram the algorithm provides the phase separation energy which is referred to as the decomposition enthalpy in:

  1. Bartel, C., Trewartha, A., Wang, Q., Dunn, A., Jain, A., Ceder, G.,

    A critical examination of compound stability predictions from machine-learned formation energies, npj Computational Materials 6, 97 (2020)

  • entry (PDEntry) – A PDEntry like object

  • **kwargs

    Keyword args passed to get_decomp_and_decomp_energy space_limit (int): The maximum number of competing entries to consider. stable_only (bool): Only use stable materials as competing entries tol (float): The tolerance for convergence of the SLSQP optimization

    when finding the equilibrium reaction.

    maxiter (int): The maximum number of iterations of the SLSQP optimizer

    when finding the equilibrium reaction.


phase separation energy per atom of entry. Stable entries should have energies <= 0, Stable elemental entries should have energies = 0 and unstable entries should have energies > 0. Entries that have the same composition as a stable energy may have positive or negative phase separation energies depending on their own energy.

get_plot(show_unstable: float = 0.2, backend: Literal['plotly', 'matplotlib'] = 'plotly', ternary_style: Literal['2d', '3d'] = '2d', label_stable: bool = True, label_unstable: bool = True, ordering: Sequence[str] | None = None, energy_colormap=None, process_attributes: bool = False, ax: plt.Axes = None, label_uncertainties: bool = False, fill: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Convenient wrapper for PDPlotter. Initializes a PDPlotter object and calls get_plot() with provided combined arguments.

Plotting is only supported for phase diagrams with <=4 elements (unary, binary, ternary, or quaternary systems).

  • show_unstable (float) – Whether unstable (above the hull) phases will be plotted. If a number > 0 is entered, all phases with e_hull < show_unstable (eV/atom) will be shown.

  • backend ("plotly" | "matplotlib") – Python package to use for plotting. Defaults to “plotly”.

  • ternary_style ("2d" | "3d") – Ternary phase diagrams are typically plotted in two-dimensions (2d), but can be plotted in three dimensions (3d) to visualize the depth of the hull. This argument only applies when backend=”plotly”. Defaults to “2d”.

  • label_stable – Whether to label stable compounds.

  • label_unstable – Whether to label unstable compounds.

  • ordering – Ordering of vertices (matplotlib backend only).

  • energy_colormap – Colormap for coloring energy (matplotlib backend only).

  • process_attributes – Whether to process the attributes (matplotlib backend only).

  • ax – Existing Axes object if plotting multiple phase diagrams (matplotlib backend only).

  • label_uncertainties – Whether to add error bars to the hull (plotly backend only). For binaries, this also shades the hull with the uncertainty window.

  • fill – Whether to shade the hull. For ternary_2d and quaternary plots, this colors facets arbitrarily for visual clarity. For ternary_3d plots, this shades the hull by formation energy (plotly backend only).

  • **kwargs (dict) – Keyword args passed to PDPlotter.get_plot(). Can be used to customize markers etc. If not set, the default is { “markerfacecolor”: “#4daf4a”, “markersize”: 10, “linewidth”: 3 }

get_reference_energy(comp: Composition) float[source]

Sum of elemental reference energies over all elements in a composition.


comp (Composition) – Input composition.


Reference energy

Return type:


get_reference_energy_per_atom(comp: Composition) float[source]

Sum of elemental reference energies over all elements in a composition.


comp (Composition) – Input composition.


Reference energy per atom

Return type:



Get the critical chemical potentials for an element in the Phase Diagram.


element – An element. Has to be in the PD in the first place.


A sorted sequence of critical chemical potentials, from less negative to more negative.

getmu_vertices_stability_phase(target_comp, dep_elt, tol_en=0.01)[source]

Get a set of chemical potentials corresponding to the vertices of the simplex in the chemical potential phase diagram. The simplex is built using all elements in the target_composition except dep_elt. The chemical potential of dep_elt is computed from the target composition energy. This method is useful to get the limiting conditions for defects computations for instance.

  • target_comp – A Composition object

  • dep_elt – the element for which the chemical potential is computed from the energy of the stable phase at the target composition

  • tol_en – a tolerance on the energy to set


mu}]: An array of conditions on simplex vertices for which each element has a chemical potential set to a given value. “absolute” values (i.e., not referenced to element energies)

Return type:


numerical_tol = 1e-08[source]
pd_coords(comp: Composition) ndarray[source]

The phase diagram is generated in a reduced dimensional space (n_elements - 1). This function returns the coordinates in that space. These coordinates are compatible with the stored simplex objects.


comp (Composition) – A composition


The coordinates for a given composition in the PhaseDiagram’s basis

property stable_entries: set[Entry][source]

Returns: set[Entry]: of stable entries in the phase diagram.

property unstable_entries: set[Entry][source]

Returns: set[Entry]: unstable entries in the phase diagram. Includes positive formation energy entries.

exception PhaseDiagramError[source]

Bases: Exception

An exception class for Phase Diagram generation.

class ReactionDiagram(entry1, entry2, all_entries, tol: float = 0.0001, float_fmt='%.4f')[source]

Bases: object

Analyzes the possible reactions between a pair of compounds, e.g. an electrolyte and an electrode.

  • entry1 (ComputedEntry) – Entry for 1st component. Note that corrections, if any, must already be pre-applied. This is to give flexibility for different kinds of corrections, e.g. if a particular entry is fitted to an experimental data (such as EC molecule).

  • entry2 (ComputedEntry) – Entry for 2nd component. Note that corrections must already be pre-applied. This is to give flexibility for different kinds of corrections, e.g. if a particular entry is fitted to an experimental data (such as EC molecule).

  • all_entries ([ComputedEntry]) – All other entries to be considered in the analysis. Note that corrections, if any, must already be pre-applied.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance to be used to determine validity of reaction. Defaults to 1e-4.

  • float_fmt (str) – Formatting string to be applied to all floats. Determines number of decimal places in reaction string. Defaults to “%.4f”.


Get the CompoundPhaseDiagram object, which can then be used for plotting.



class TransformedPDEntry(entry, sp_mapping, name=None)[source]

Bases: PDEntry

This class represents a TransformedPDEntry, which allows for a PDEntry to be transformed to a different composition coordinate space. It is used in the construction of phase diagrams that do not have elements as the terminal compositions.

  • entry (PDEntry) – Original entry to be transformed.

  • ({Composition (sp_mapping) – DummySpecies}): dictionary mapping Terminal Compositions to Dummy Species.

amount_tol = 1e-05[source]

Get MSONable dict representation of TransformedPDEntry.

property composition: Composition[source]

The composition in the dummy species space.



classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – dictionary representation of TransformedPDEntry.



exception TransformedPDEntryError[source]

Bases: Exception

An exception class for TransformedPDEntry.

get_facets(qhull_data: ArrayLike, joggle: bool = False) ConvexHull[source]

Get the simplex facets for the Convex hull.

  • qhull_data (np.ndarray) – The data from which to construct the convex hull as a Nxd array (N being number of data points and d being the dimension)

  • joggle (bool) – Whether to joggle the input to avoid precision errors.


with list of simplices of the convex hull.

Return type:


order_phase_diagram(lines, stable_entries, unstable_entries, ordering)[source]

Orders the entries (their coordinates) in a phase diagram plot according to the user specified ordering. Ordering should be given as [‘Up’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’], where Up, Left and Right are the names of the entries in the upper, left and right corners of the triangle respectively.

  • lines – list of list of coordinates for lines in the PD.

  • stable_entries – {coordinate : entry} for each stable node in the phase diagram. (Each coordinate can only have one stable phase)

  • unstable_entries – {entry: coordinates} for all unstable nodes in the phase diagram.

  • ordering – Ordering of the phase diagram, given as a list [‘Up’, ‘Left’,’Right’]


  • new_lines is a list of list of coordinates for lines in the PD.

  • new_stable_entries is a {coordinate: entry} for each stable node

in the phase diagram. (Each coordinate can only have one stable phase) - new_unstable_entries is a {entry: coordinates} for all unstable nodes in the phase diagram.

Return type:

tuple[list, dict, dict]


Convert a 3D coordinate into a tetrahedron based coordinate system for a prettier phase diagram.


coord – coordinate used in the convex hull computation.


coordinates in a tetrahedron-based coordinate system.


Convert a 2D coordinate into a triangle-based coordinate system for a prettier phase diagram.


coord – coordinate used in the convex hull computation.


coordinates in a triangular-based coordinate system.


Given all the facets, convert it into a set of unique lines. Specifically used for converting convex hull facets into line pairs of coordinates.


q – A 2-dim sequence, where each row represents a facet. e.g. [[1,2,3],[3,6,7],…]


A set of tuple of lines. e.g. ((1,2), (1,3), (2,3), ….)

Return type:


pymatgen.analysis.piezo module

This module provides classes for the Piezoelectric tensor.

class PiezoTensor(input_array: ArrayLike, tol: float = 0.001)[source]

Bases: Tensor

This class describes the 3x6 piezo tensor in Voigt notation.

Create an PiezoTensor object. The constructor throws an error if the shape of the input_matrix argument is not 3x3x3, i.e. in true tensor notation. Note that the constructor uses __new__ rather than __init__ according to the standard method of subclassing numpy ndarrays.


input_matrix (3x3x3 array-like) – the 3x6 array-like representing the piezo tensor

classmethod from_vasp_voigt(input_vasp_array: ArrayLike) Self[source]

input_vasp_array (nd.array) – Voigt form of tensor.



pymatgen.analysis.piezo_sensitivity module

Piezo sensitivity analysis module.

class BornEffectiveCharge(structure: Structure, bec, pointops, tol: float = 0.001)[source]

Bases: object

This class describes the Nx3x3 born effective charge tensor.

Create an BornEffectiveChargeTensor object defined by a structure, point operations of the structure’s atomic sites. Note that the constructor uses __new__ rather than __init__ according to the standard method of subclassing numpy ndarrays.


input_matrix (Nx3x3 array-like) – the Nx3x3 array-like representing the born effective charge tensor

get_BEC_operations(eigtol=1e-05, opstol=0.001)[source]

Get the symmetry operations which maps the tensors belonging to equivalent sites onto each other in the form [site index 1, site index 2, [Symmops mapping from site index 1 to site index 2]].

  • eigtol (float) – tolerance for determining if two sites are

  • symmetry (related by)

  • opstol (float) – tolerance for determining if a symmetry

  • sites (operation relates two)


list of symmetry operations mapping equivalent sites and the indexes of those sites.


Generate a random born effective charge tensor which obeys a structure’s symmetry and the acoustic sum rule.


max_charge (float) – maximum born effective charge value


np.array Born effective charge tensor

class ForceConstantMatrix(structure: Structure, fcm, pointops, sharedops, tol: float = 0.001)[source]

Bases: object

This class describes the NxNx3x3 force constant matrix defined by a structure, point operations of the structure’s atomic sites, and the shared symmetry operations between pairs of atomic sites.

Create an ForceConstantMatrix object.


input_matrix (NxNx3x3 array-like) – the NxNx3x3 array-like representing the force constant matrix

get_FCM_operations(eigtol=1e-05, opstol=1e-05)[source]

Get the symmetry operations which maps the tensors belonging to equivalent sites onto each other in the form [site index 1a, site index 1b, site index 2a, site index 2b, [Symmops mapping from site index 1a, 1b to site index 2a, 2b]].

  • eigtol (float) – tolerance for determining if two sites are

  • symmetry (related by)

  • opstol (float) – tolerance for determining if a symmetry

  • sites (operation relates two)


list of symmetry operations mapping equivalent sites and the indexes of those sites.

get_asum_FCM(fcm: ndarray, numiter: int = 15)[source]

Generate a symmetrized force constant matrix that obeys the objects symmetry constraints and obeys the acoustic sum rule through an iterative procedure.

  • fcm (numpy array) – 3Nx3N unsymmetrized force constant matrix

  • numiter (int) – number of iterations to attempt to obey the acoustic sum rule


numpy array representing the force constant matrix

get_rand_FCM(asum=15, force=10)[source]

Generate a symmetrized force constant matrix from an unsymmetrized matrix that has no unstable modes and also obeys the acoustic sum rule through an iterative procedure.

  • force (float) – maximum force constant

  • asum (int) – number of iterations to attempt to obey the acoustic sum rule


NxNx3x3 np.array representing the force constant matrix

get_stable_FCM(fcm, fcmasum=10)[source]

Generate a symmetrized force constant matrix that obeys the objects symmetry constraints, has no unstable modes and also obeys the acoustic sum rule through an iterative procedure.

  • fcm (numpy array) – unsymmetrized force constant matrix

  • fcmasum (int) – number of iterations to attempt to obey the acoustic sum rule


3Nx3N numpy array representing the force constant matrix

get_symmetrized_FCM(unsymmetrized_fcm, max_force=1)[source]

Generate a symmetrized force constant matrix from an unsymmetrized matrix.

  • unsymmetrized_fcm (numpy array) – unsymmetrized force constant matrix

  • max_charge (float) – maximum born effective charge value


3Nx3N numpy array representing the force constant matrix


Generate an unsymmetrized force constant matrix.


max_charge (float) – maximum born effective charge value


numpy array representing the force constant matrix

class InternalStrainTensor(structure: Structure, ist, pointops, tol: float = 0.001)[source]

Bases: object

This class describes the Nx3x3x3 internal tensor defined by a structure, point operations of the structure’s atomic sites.

Create an InternalStrainTensor object.


input_matrix (Nx3x3x3 array-like) – the Nx3x3x3 array-like representing the internal strain tensor

get_IST_operations(opstol=0.001) list[list[list]][source]

Get the symmetry operations which maps the tensors belonging to equivalent sites onto each other in the form [site index 1, site index 2, [SymmOps mapping from site index 1 to site index 2]].

  • opstol (float) – tolerance for determining if a symmetry

  • sites (operation relates two)


symmetry operations mapping equivalent sites and the indexes of those sites.

Return type:



Generate a random internal strain tensor which obeys a structure’s symmetry and the acoustic sum rule.


max_force (float) – maximum born effective charge value



get_piezo(BEC, IST, FCM, rcond=0.0001)[source]

Generate a random piezoelectric tensor based on a structure and corresponding symmetry.

  • BEC (numpy array) – Nx3x3 array representing the born effective charge tensor

  • IST (numpy array) – Nx3x3x3 array representing the internal strain tensor

  • FCM (numpy array) – NxNx3x3 array representing the born effective charge tensor

  • rcondy (float) – condition for excluding eigenvalues in the pseudoinverse


3x3x3 calculated Piezo tensor

rand_piezo(struct, pointops, sharedops, BEC, IST, FCM, anumiter=10)[source]

Generate a random piezoelectric tensor based on a structure and corresponding symmetry.

  • struct (pymatgen structure) – structure whose symmetry operations the piezo tensor must obey

  • pointops – list of point operations obeyed by a single atomic site

  • sharedops – list of point operations shared by a pair of atomic sites

  • BEC (numpy array) – Nx3x3 array representing the born effective charge tensor

  • IST (numpy array) – Nx3x3x3 array representing the internal strain tensor

  • FCM (numpy array) – NxNx3x3 array representing the born effective charge tensor

  • anumiter (int) – number of iterations for acoustic sum rule convergence


list in the form of [Nx3x3 random born effective charge tenosr, Nx3x3x3 random internal strain tensor, NxNx3x3 random force constant matrix, 3x3x3 piezo tensor]

pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix_diagram module

This module is intended to be used to compute Pourbaix diagrams of arbitrary compositions and formation energies.

class IonEntry(ion: Ion, energy: float, name: str | None = None, attribute=None)[source]

Bases: PDEntry

Object similar to PDEntry, but contains an Ion object instead of a Composition object.


A name for the entry. This is the string shown in the phase diagrams. By default, this is the reduced formula for the composition, but can be set to some other string for display purposes.



  • ion – Ion object

  • energy – Energy for composition.

  • name – Optional parameter to name the entry. Defaults to the chemical formula.

  • attribute – Optional attribute of the entry, e.g. band gap.


Create a dict of composition, energy, and ion name.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

Get an IonEntry object from a dict.

class MultiEntry(entry_list, weights=None)[source]

Bases: PourbaixEntry

PourbaixEntry-like object for constructing multi-elemental Pourbaix diagrams.

Initialize a MultiEntry.

  • entry_list ([PourbaixEntry]) – List of component PourbaixEntries

  • weights ([float]) – Weights associated with each entry. Default is None


Get MSONable dict.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



property name[source]

MultiEntry name, i.e. the name of each entry joined by ‘ + ‘.

class PourbaixDiagram(entries: list[PourbaixEntry] | list[MultiEntry], comp_dict: dict[str, float] | None = None, conc_dict: dict[str, float] | None = None, filter_solids: bool = True, nproc: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: MSONable

Create a Pourbaix diagram from entries.

  • entries ([PourbaixEntry] or [MultiEntry]) – Entries list containing Solids and Ions or a list of MultiEntries

  • comp_dict (dict[str, float]) – Dictionary of compositions, defaults to equal parts of each elements

  • conc_dict (dict[str, float]) – Dictionary of ion concentrations, defaults to 1e-6 for each element

  • filter_solids (bool) – applying this filter to a Pourbaix diagram ensures all included solid phases are filtered by stability on the compositional phase diagram. Defaults to True. The practical consequence of this is that highly oxidized or reduced phases that might show up in experiments due to kinetic limitations on oxygen/hydrogen evolution won’t appear in the diagram, but they are not actually “stable” (and are frequently overstabilized from DFT errors). Hence, including only the stable solid phases generally leads to the most accurate Pourbaix diagrams.

  • nproc (int) – number of processes to generate multi-entries with in parallel. Defaults to None (serial processing).

property all_entries[source]

All entries used to generate the Pourbaix diagram.


Get MSONable dict.

find_stable_entry(pH, V)[source]

Find stable entry at a pH,V condition.

  • pH (float) – pH to find stable entry

  • V (float) – V to find stable entry.


stable entry at pH, V

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



get_decomposition_energy(entry, pH, V)[source]

Find decomposition to most stable entries in eV/atom, supports vectorized inputs for pH and V.

  • entry (PourbaixEntry) – PourbaixEntry corresponding to compound to find the decomposition for

  • pH (float, list[float]) – pH at which to find the decomposition

  • V (float, list[float]) – voltage at which to find the decomposition


Decomposition energy for the entry, i.e. the energy above

the “Pourbaix hull” in eV/atom at the given conditions

get_hull_energy(pH: float | list[float], V: float | list[float]) ndarray[source]

Get the minimum energy of the Pourbaix “basin” that is formed from the stable Pourbaix planes. Vectorized.

  • pH (float | list[float]) – pH at which to find the hull energy

  • V (float | list[float]) – V at which to find the hull energy


minimum Pourbaix energy at conditions

Return type:


static get_pourbaix_domains(pourbaix_entries, limits=None)[source]

Get a set of Pourbaix stable domains (i.e. polygons) in pH-V space from a list of pourbaix_entries.

This function works by using scipy’s HalfspaceIntersection function to construct all of the 2-D polygons that form the boundaries of the planes corresponding to individual entry gibbs free energies as a function of pH and V. Hyperplanes of the form a*pH + b*V + 1 - g(0, 0) are constructed and supplied to HalfspaceIntersection, which then finds the boundaries of each Pourbaix region using the intersection points.

  • pourbaix_entries ([PourbaixEntry]) – Pourbaix entries with which to construct stable Pourbaix domains

  • limits ([[float]]) – limits in which to do the pourbaix analysis


[boundary_points]}. The list of boundary points are the sides of the N-1 dim polytope bounding the allowable ph-V range of each entry.

Return type:

Returns a dict of the form {entry

get_stable_entry(pH, V)[source]

Get the stable entry at a given pH, V condition.

  • pH (float) – pH at a given condition

  • V (float) – V at a given condition


Pourbaix or multi-entry

corresponding to the minimum energy entry at a given pH, V condition

Return type:

PourbaixEntry | MultiEntry

static process_multientry(entry_list, prod_comp, coeff_threshold=0.0001)[source]

Static method for finding a multientry based on a list of entries and a product composition. Essentially checks to see if a valid aqueous reaction exists between the entries and the product composition and returns a MultiEntry with weights according to the coefficients if so.

  • entry_list ([Entry]) – list of entries from which to create a MultiEntry

  • prod_comp (Composition) – composition constraint for setting weights of MultiEntry

  • coeff_threshold (float) – threshold of stoichiometric coefficients to filter, if weights are lower than this value, the entry is not returned

property stable_entries[source]

The stable entries in the Pourbaix diagram.

property unprocessed_entries[source]

Unprocessed entries.

property unstable_entries[source]

All unstable entries in the Pourbaix diagram.

class PourbaixEntry(entry, entry_id=None, concentration=1e-06)[source]

Bases: MSONable, Stringify

An object encompassing all data relevant to a solid or ion in a Pourbaix diagram. Each bulk solid/ion has an energy g of the form: e = e0 + 0.0591 log10(conc) - nO mu_H2O + (nH - 2nO) pH + phi (-nH + 2nO + q).

Note that the energies corresponding to the input entries should be formation energies with respect to hydrogen and oxygen gas in order for the Pourbaix diagram formalism to work. This may be changed to be more flexible in the future.


Get dict which contains Pourbaix Entry data. Note that the pH, voltage, H2O factors are always calculated when constructing a PourbaixEntry object.

property composition[source]


property conc_term[source]

The concentration contribution to the free energy. Should only be present when there are ions in the entry.

property elements[source]

Elements in the entry.

property energy[source]

Total energy of the Pourbaix entry (at pH, V = 0 vs. SHE).

energy_at_conditions(pH, V)[source]

Get free energy for a given pH and V.

  • pH (float) – pH at which to evaluate free energy

  • V (float) – voltage at which to evaluate free energy


free energy at conditions

property energy_per_atom[source]

Energy per atom of the Pourbaix entry.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

Invokes a PourbaixEntry from a dictionary.


Get the elemental fraction of a given non-OH element.


element (Element or str) – string or element corresponding to element to get from composition


fraction of element / sum(all non-OH elements)

property nH2O[source]

The number of H2O.

property nPhi[source]

The number of electrons.

property name[source]

The entry’s name.

property normalization_factor[source]

Sum of number of atoms minus the number of H and O in composition.

property normalized_energy[source]

Energy normalized by number of non H or O atoms, e.g. for Zn2O6, energy / 2 or for AgTe3(OH)3, energy / 4.

normalized_energy_at_conditions(pH, V)[source]

Energy at an electrochemical condition, compatible with numpy arrays for pH/V input.

  • pH (float) – pH at condition

  • V (float) – applied potential at condition


energy normalized by number of non-O/H atoms at condition

property npH[source]

The number of H.

property num_atoms[source]

Number of atoms in current formula. Useful for normalization.

to_pretty_string() str[source]

A pretty string representation.

class PourbaixPlotter(pourbaix_diagram)[source]

Bases: object

A plotter class for phase diagrams.


pourbaix_diagram (PourbaixDiagram) – A PourbaixDiagram object.


Get the vertices of the Pourbaix domain.


entry – Entry for which domain vertices are desired


list of vertices

get_pourbaix_plot(limits: tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]] | None = None, title: str = '', label_domains: bool = True, label_fontsize: int = 20, show_water_lines: bool = True, show_neutral_axes: bool = True, ax: plt.Axes = None) plt.Axes[source]

Plot Pourbaix diagram.

  • limits – tuple containing limits of the Pourbaix diagram of the form ((xlo, xhi), (ylo, yhi)).

  • title (str) – Title to display on plot

  • label_domains (bool) – whether to label Pourbaix domains

  • label_fontsize – font size for domain labels

  • show_water_lines – whether to show dashed lines indicating the region of water stability.

  • lines (show_neutral_axes; whether to show dashed horizontal and vertical) – at 0 V and pH 7, respectively.

  • ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes instance for plotting


matplotlib Axes object with Pourbaix diagram

Return type:


plot_entry_stability(entry: Any, pH_range: tuple[float, float] = (-2, 16), pH_resolution: int = 100, V_range: tuple[float, float] = (-3, 3), V_resolution: int = 100, e_hull_max: float = 1, cmap: str = 'RdYlBu_r', ax: plt.Axes | None = None, **kwargs: Any) plt.Axes[source]

Plots the stability of an entry in the Pourbaix diagram.

  • entry (Any) – The entry to plot stability for.

  • pH_range (tuple[float, float], optional) – pH range for the plot. Defaults to (-2, 16).

  • pH_resolution (int, optional) – pH resolution. Defaults to 100.

  • V_range (tuple[float, float], optional) – Voltage range for the plot. Defaults to (-3, 3).

  • V_resolution (int, optional) – Voltage resolution. Defaults to 100.

  • e_hull_max (float, optional) – Maximum energy above the hull. Defaults to 1.

  • cmap (str, optional) – Colormap for the plot. Defaults to “RdYlBu_r”.

  • ax (Axes, optional) – Existing matplotlib Axes object for plotting. Defaults to None.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to get_pourbaix_plot.


Matplotlib Axes object with the plotted stability.

Return type:


show(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Show the Pourbaix plot.

  • *args – args to get_pourbaix_plot

  • **kwargs – kwargs to get_pourbaix_plot


Generates a label for the Pourbaix plotter.


entry (PourbaixEntry or MultiEntry) – entry to get a label for


Get an Ion or Composition object given a formula.


formula – String formula. Eg. of ion: NaOH(aq), Na[+]; Eg. of solid: Fe2O3(s), Fe(s), Na2O


Composition/Ion object

pymatgen.analysis.prototypes module

This module is intended to match crystal structures against known crystallographic “prototype” structures.

In this module, the AflowPrototypeMatcher uses the AFLOW LIBRARY OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC PROTOTYPES. If using this particular class, please cite their publication appropriately:

Mehl, M. J., Hicks, D., Toher, C., Levy, O., Hanson, R. M., Hart, G., & Curtarolo, S. (2017). The AFLOW library of crystallographic prototypes: part 1. Computational Materials Science, 136, S1-S828.

class AflowPrototypeMatcher(initial_ltol=0.2, initial_stol=0.3, initial_angle_tol=5)[source]

Bases: object

This class will match structures to their crystal prototypes, and will attempt to group species together to match structures derived from prototypes (e.g. an A_xB_1-x_C from a binary prototype), and will give these the names the “-like” suffix.

This class uses data from the AFLOW LIBRARY OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC PROTOTYPES. If using this class, please cite their publication appropriately:

Mehl, M. J., Hicks, D., Toher, C., Levy, O., Hanson, R. M., Hart, G., & Curtarolo, S. (2017). The AFLOW library of crystallographic prototypes: part 1. Computational Materials Science, 136, S1-S828.

Tolerances as defined in StructureMatcher. Tolerances will be gradually decreased until only a single match is found (if possible).

  • initial_ltol – fractional length tolerance

  • initial_stol – site tolerance

  • initial_angle_tol – angle tolerance

get_prototypes(structure: Structure) list | None[source]

Get prototype(s) structures for a given input structure. If you use this method in your work, please cite the appropriate AFLOW publication:

Mehl, M. J., Hicks, D., Toher, C., Levy, O., Hanson, R. M., Hart, G., & Curtarolo, S. (2017). The AFLOW library of crystallographic prototypes: part 1. Computational Materials Science, 136, S1-S828.


structure – structure to match


A list of dicts with keys ‘snl’ for the matched prototype and

’tags’, a dict of tags (‘mineral’, ‘strukturbericht’ and ‘aflow’) of that prototype. This should be a list containing just a single entry, but it is possible a material can match multiple prototypes.

Return type:

list | None

pymatgen.analysis.quasiharmonic module

This module implements the Quasi-harmonic Debye approximation that can be used to compute thermal properties.

See the following papers for more info:

class QuasiHarmonicDebyeApprox(energies, volumes, structure, t_min=300.0, t_step=100, t_max=300.0, eos='vinet', pressure=0.0, poisson=0.25, use_mie_gruneisen=False, anharmonic_contribution=False)[source]

Bases: object

Quasi-harmonic approximation.

  • energies (list) – list of DFT energies in eV

  • volumes (list) – list of volumes in Ang^3

  • structure (Structure) – pymatgen structure object

  • t_min (float) – min temperature

  • t_step (float) – temperature step

  • t_max (float) – max temperature

  • eos (str) –

    equation of state used for fitting the energies and the volumes. options supported by pymatgen: “quadratic”, “murnaghan”, “birch”,

    ”birch_murnaghan”, “pourier_tarantola”, “vinet”, “deltafactor”, “numerical_eos”

  • pressure (float) – in GPa, optional.

  • poisson (float) – poisson ratio.

  • use_mie_gruneisen (bool) – whether or not to use the mie-gruneisen formulation to compute the gruneisen parameter. The default is the slater-gamma formulation.

  • anharmonic_contribution (bool) – whether or not to consider the anharmonic contribution to the Debye temperature. Cannot be used with use_mie_gruneisen. Defaults to False.

static debye_integral(y)[source]

Debye integral. Eq(5) in


y (float) – Debye temperature / T, upper limit



Return type:


debye_temperature(volume: float) float[source]

Calculates the Debye temperature. Eq(6) in Thanks to Joey.

Eq(6) above is equivalent to Eq(3) in which does not consider anharmonic effects. Eq(20) in the same paper and Eq(18) in both consider anharmonic contributions to the Debye temperature through the Gruneisen parameter at 0K (Gruneisen constant).

The anharmonic contribution is toggled by setting the anharmonic_contribution to True or False in the QuasiHarmonicDebyeApprox constructor.


volume (float) – in Ang^3


Debye temperature in K

Return type:



Get a dict with a summary of the computed properties.

gruneisen_parameter(temperature, volume)[source]
Slater-gamma formulation(the default):
gruneisen parameter = - d log(theta)/ d log(V) = - (1/6 + 0.5 d log(B)/ d log(V))

= - (1/6 + 0.5 V/B dB/dV), where dB/dV = d^2E/dV^2 + V * d^3E/dV^3.

Mie-gruneisen formulation:

Eq(31) in Eq(7) in Blanco et. al. Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem)

368 (1996) 245-255

Also see J.P. Poirier, Introduction to the Physics of the Earth’s

Interior, 2nd ed. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000) Eq(3.53)

  • temperature (float) – temperature in K

  • volume (float) – in Ang^3



Return type:



Evaluate the Gibbs free energy as a function of V, T and P i.e G(V, T, P), minimize G(V, T, P) w.r.t. V for each T and store the optimum values.

Note: The data points for which the equation of state fitting fails

are skipped.


Evaluate G(V, T, P) at the given temperature(and pressure) and minimize it w.r.t. V.

  1. Compute the vibrational Helmholtz free energy, A_vib.

  2. Compute the Gibbs free energy as a function of volume, temperature

    and pressure, G(V,T,P).

  3. Perform an equation of state fit to get the functional form of

    Gibbs free energy:G(V, T, P).

  4. Finally G(V, P, T) is minimized with respect to V.


temperature (float) – temperature in K


G_opt(V_opt, T, P) in eV and V_opt in Ang^3.

Return type:

float, float

thermal_conductivity(temperature: float, volume: float) float[source]

Eq(17) in 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.174107.

  • temperature (float) – temperature in K

  • volume (float) – in Ang^3


thermal conductivity in W/K/m

Return type:


vibrational_free_energy(temperature, volume)[source]

Vibrational Helmholtz free energy, A_vib(V, T). Eq(4) in

  • temperature (float) – temperature in K

  • volume (float)


vibrational free energy in eV

Return type:


vibrational_internal_energy(temperature, volume)[source]

Vibrational internal energy, U_vib(V, T). Eq(4) in

  • temperature (float) – temperature in K

  • volume (float) – in Ang^3


vibrational internal energy in eV

Return type:


class QuasiharmonicDebyeApprox(energies, volumes, structure, t_min=300.0, t_step=100, t_max=300.0, eos='vinet', pressure=0.0, poisson=0.25, use_mie_gruneisen=False, anharmonic_contribution=False)[source]

Bases: QuasiHarmonicDebyeApprox

  • energies (list) – list of DFT energies in eV

  • volumes (list) – list of volumes in Ang^3

  • structure (Structure) – pymatgen structure object

  • t_min (float) – min temperature

  • t_step (float) – temperature step

  • t_max (float) – max temperature

  • eos (str) –

    equation of state used for fitting the energies and the volumes. options supported by pymatgen: “quadratic”, “murnaghan”, “birch”,

    ”birch_murnaghan”, “pourier_tarantola”, “vinet”, “deltafactor”, “numerical_eos”

  • pressure (float) – in GPa, optional.

  • poisson (float) – poisson ratio.

  • use_mie_gruneisen (bool) – whether or not to use the mie-gruneisen formulation to compute the gruneisen parameter. The default is the slater-gamma formulation.

  • anharmonic_contribution (bool) – whether or not to consider the anharmonic contribution to the Debye temperature. Cannot be used with use_mie_gruneisen. Defaults to False.

pymatgen.analysis.quasirrho module

A module to calculate free energies using the Quasi-Rigid Rotor Harmonic Oscillator approximation. Modified from a script by Steven Wheeler. See: Grimme, S. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 9955.

class QuasiRRHO(mol: Molecule, frequencies: list[float], energy: float, mult: int, sigma_r: float = 1, temp: float = 298.15, press: float = 101317, v0: float = 100)[source]

Bases: object

Calculate thermochemistry using Grimme’s Quasi-RRHO approximation. All outputs are in atomic units, e.g. energy outputs are in Hartrees. Citation: Grimme, S. Chemistry - A European Journal 18, 9955-9964 (2012).


Temperature [K]




Pressure [Pa]




Cutoff frequency for Quasi-RRHO method [1/cm]




Quasi-RRHO entropy [Ha/K]




Total entropy calculated with a harmonic oscillator approximation for the vibrational entropy [Ha/K]




Thermal correction to the enthalpy [Ha]




Quasi-RRHO free energy [Ha]




Free energy calculated without the Quasi-RRHO method, i.e. with a harmonic oscillator approximation for the vibrational entropy [Ha]



  • mol (Molecule) – Pymatgen molecule

  • frequencies (list) – List of frequencies (float) [cm^-1]

  • energy (float) – Electronic energy [Ha]

  • mult (int) – Spin multiplicity

  • sigma_r (int) – Rotational symmetry number. Defaults to 1.

  • temp (float) – Temperature [K]. Defaults to 298.15.

  • press (float) – Pressure [Pa]. Defaults to 101_317.

  • v0 (float) – Cutoff frequency for Quasi-RRHO method [cm^-1]. Defaults to 100.

classmethod from_gaussian_output(output: GaussianOutput, **kwargs) Self[source]

output (GaussianOutput) – Pymatgen GaussianOutput object.


QuasiRRHO class instantiated from a Gaussian Output

Return type:


classmethod from_qc_output(output: QCOutput, **kwargs) Self[source]

output (QCOutput) – Pymatgen QCOutput object.


QuasiRRHO class instantiated from a QChem Output

Return type:



Calculate the average moment of inertia of a molecule.


mol (Molecule) – Pymatgen Molecule


average moment of inertia, eigenvalues of the inertia tensor

Return type:

int, list

pymatgen.analysis.reaction_calculator module

This module provides classes that define a chemical reaction.

class BalancedReaction(reactants_coeffs: Mapping[CompositionLike, int | float], products_coeffs: Mapping[CompositionLike, int | float])[source]

Bases: MSONable

Represent a complete chemical reaction.

Reactants and products to be specified as dict of {Composition: coeff}.

  • reactants_coeffs (dict[Composition, float]) – Reactants as dict of {Composition: amt}.

  • products_coeffs (dict[Composition, float]) – Products as dict of {Composition: amt}.

TOLERANCE = 1e-06[source]
property all_comp: list[Composition][source]

List of all compositions in the reaction.

as_dict() dict[source]

A dictionary representation of BalancedReaction.

as_entry(energies) ComputedEntry[source]

Get a ComputedEntry representation of the reaction.

calculate_energy(energies: dict[Composition, ufloat]) ufloat[source]
calculate_energy(energies: dict[Composition, float]) float

Calculates the energy of the reaction.


({Composition (energies) – float}): Energy for each composition. E.g ., {comp1: energy1, comp2: energy2}.


reaction energy as a float.

property coeffs: list[float][source]

Final coefficients of the calculated reaction.

property elements: list[Element | Species][source]

List of elements in the reaction.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – from as_dict().



classmethod from_str(rxn_str: str) Self[source]

Generate a balanced reaction from a string. The reaction must already be balanced.


rxn_string (str) – The reaction string. For example, “4 Li + O2 -> 2Li2O”



get_coeff(comp: Composition) float[source]

Get coefficient for a particular composition.

get_el_amount(element: Element | Species) float[source]

Get the amount of the element in the reaction.


element (SpeciesLike) – Element in the reaction


Amount of that element in the reaction.

normalize_to(comp: Composition, factor: float = 1) None[source]

Normalizes the reaction to one of the compositions. By default, normalizes such that the composition given has a coefficient of 1. Another factor can be specified.

  • comp (Composition) – Composition to normalize to

  • factor (float) – Factor to normalize to. Defaults to 1.

normalize_to_element(element: Species | Element, factor: float = 1) None[source]

Normalizes the reaction to one of the elements. By default, normalizes such that the amount of the element is 1. Another factor can be specified.

  • element (SpeciesLike) – Element to normalize to.

  • factor (float) – Factor to normalize to. Defaults to 1.

property normalized_repr: str[source]

A normalized representation of the reaction. All factors are converted to lowest common factors.

normalized_repr_and_factor() tuple[str, float][source]

Normalized representation for a reaction For example, 4 Li + 2 O -> 2Li2O becomes 2 Li + O -> Li2O.

property products: list[Composition][source]

List of products.

property reactants: list[Composition][source]

List of reactants.

class ComputedReaction(reactant_entries: list[ComputedEntry], product_entries: list[ComputedEntry])[source]

Bases: Reaction

Convenience class to generate a reaction from ComputedEntry objects, with some additional attributes, such as a reaction energy based on computed energies.

property all_entries[source]

Equivalent of all_comp but returns entries, in the same order as the coefficients.

as_dict() dict[source]

A dictionary representation of ComputedReaction.

property calculated_reaction_energy: float[source]

Returns: float: The calculated reaction energy.

property calculated_reaction_energy_uncertainty: float[source]

Calculates the uncertainty in the reaction energy based on the uncertainty in the energies of the products and reactants.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – from as_dict().


A ComputedReaction object.

class Reaction(reactants: list[Composition], products: list[Composition])[source]

Bases: BalancedReaction

A more flexible class representing a Reaction. The reaction amounts will be automatically balanced. Reactants and products can swap sides so that all coefficients are positive, however this class will find the solution with the minimum number of swaps and coefficients of 0. Normalizes so that the FIRST product (or products, if underdetermined) has a coefficient of one.

Reactants and products to be specified as list of pymatgen.core.structure.Composition. e.g. [comp1, comp2].

as_dict() dict[source]

A dictionary representation of Reaction.

copy() Self[source]

Get a copy of the Reaction object.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – from as_dict().



exception ReactionError(msg: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception class for Reactions. Allows more information in exception messages to cover situations not covered by standard exception classes.

Create a ReactionError.


msg (str) – More information about the ReactionError.

pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer module

This module provides classes to perform topological analyses of structures.

class OxideType(structure: Structure, relative_cutoff=1.1)[source]

Bases: object

Separate class for determining oxide type.

  • structure – Input structure.

  • relative_cutoff – Relative_cutoff * act. cutoff stipulates the max. distance two O atoms must be from each other. Default value is 1.1. At most 1.1 is recommended, nothing larger, otherwise the script cannot distinguish between superoxides and peroxides.

parse_oxide() tuple[str, int][source]

Determines if an oxide is a peroxide/superoxide/ozonide/normal oxide.


Type of oxide (ozonide/peroxide/superoxide/hydroxide/None) and number of

peroxide/superoxide/hydroxide bonds in structure.

Return type:

tuple[str, int]

class RelaxationAnalyzer(initial_structure: Structure, final_structure: Structure)[source]

Bases: object

This class analyzes the relaxation in a calculation.

Please note that the input and final structures should have the same ordering of sites. This is typically the case for most computational codes.

  • initial_structure (Structure) – Initial input structure to calculation.

  • final_structure (Structure) – Final output structure from calculation.


ValueError – If initial and final structures have different formulas.

get_percentage_bond_dist_changes(max_radius: float = 3.0) dict[int, dict[int, float]][source]

Get the percentage bond distance changes for each site up to a maximum radius for nearest neighbors.


max_radius (float) – Maximum radius to search for nearest neighbors. This radius is applied to the initial structure, not the final structure.


Bond distance changes in the form {index1: {index2: 0.011, …}}.

For economy of representation, the index1 is always less than index2, i.e., since bonding between site1 and site_n is the same as bonding between site_n and site1, there is no reason to duplicate the information or computation.

Return type:

dict[int, dict[int, float]]

get_percentage_lattice_parameter_changes() dict[str, float][source]

Get the percentage lattice parameter changes.


Percent changes in lattice parameter, e.g.

{‘a’: 0.012, ‘b’: 0.021, ‘c’: -0.031} implies a change of 1.2%, 2.1% and -3.1% in the a, b and c lattice parameters respectively.

Return type:

dict[str, float]

get_percentage_volume_change() float[source]

Get the percentage volume change.


Volume change in percent. 0.055 means a 5.5% increase.

Return type:


class VoronoiAnalyzer(cutoff=5.0, qhull_options='Qbb Qc Qz')[source]

Bases: object

Performs a statistical analysis of Voronoi polyhedra around each site. Each Voronoi polyhedron is described using Schaefli notation. That is a set of indices {c_i} where c_i is the number of faces with i number of vertices. E.g. for a bcc crystal, there is only one polyhedron notation of which is [0,6,0,8,0,0,…]. In perfect crystals, these also corresponds to the Wigner-Seitz cells. For distorted-crystals, liquids or amorphous structures, rather than one-type, there is a statistical distribution of polyhedra. See ref: Microstructure and its relaxation in Fe-B amorphous system simulated by molecular dynamics,

Stepanyuk et al., J. Non-cryst. Solids (1993), 159, 80-87.

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff distance to search for neighbors of a given atom (default = 5.0)

  • qhull_options (str) – options to pass to qhull (optional).

analyze(structure: Structure, n=0)[source]

Performs Voronoi analysis and returns the polyhedra around atom n in Schlaefli notation.

  • structure (Structure) – structure to analyze

  • n (int) – index of the center atom in structure



where c_i denotes number of facets with i vertices.

Return type:

voronoi index of n

analyze_structures(structures, step_freq=10, most_frequent_polyhedra=15)[source]

Perform Voronoi analysis on a list of Structures. Note that this might take a significant amount of time depending on the size and number of structures.

  • structures (list) – list of Structures

  • (float (cutoff) – cutoff distance around an atom to search for neighbors

  • step_freq (int) – perform analysis every step_freq steps

  • qhull_options (str) – options to pass to qhull

  • most_frequent_polyhedra (int) – this many unique polyhedra with highest frequencies is stored.


A list of tuples in the form (voronoi_index,frequency)

static plot_vor_analysis(voronoi_ensemble: list[tuple[str, float]]) Axes[source]

Plot the Voronoi analysis.


voronoi_ensemble (list[tuple[str, float]]) – List of tuples containing labels and values for Voronoi analysis.


Matplotlib Axes object with the plotted Voronoi analysis.

Return type:


class VoronoiConnectivity(structure: Structure, cutoff=10)[source]

Bases: object

Computes the solid angles swept out by the shared face of the voronoi polyhedron between two sites.

  • structure (Structure) – Input structure

  • cutoff (float)

property connectivity_array[source]

The connectivity array of shape [atom_i, atom_j, image_j]. atom_i is the index of the atom in the input structure. Since the second atom can be outside of the unit cell, it must be described by both an atom index and an image index. Array data is the solid angle of polygon between atom_i and image_j of atom_j.


Get a list of site pairs that are Voronoi Neighbors, along with their real-space distances.

get_sitej(site_index, image_index)[source]

Assuming there is some value in the connectivity array at indices (1, 3, 12). site_i can be obtained directly from the input structure (structure[1]). site_j can be obtained by passing 3, 12 to this function.

  • site_index (int) – index of the site (3 in the example)

  • image_index (int) – index of the image (12 in the example)

property max_connectivity[source]

The 2d array [site_i, site_j] that represents the maximum connectivity of site i to any periodic image of site j.

average_coordination_number(structures, freq=10)[source]

Calculates the ensemble averaged Voronoi coordination numbers of a list of Structures using VoronoiNN. Typically used for analyzing the output of a Molecular Dynamics run.

  • structures (list) – list of Structures.

  • freq (int) – sampling frequency of coordination number [every freq steps].


Dictionary of elements as keys and average coordination numbers as values.

contains_peroxide(structure, relative_cutoff=1.1)[source]

Determines if a structure contains peroxide anions.

  • structure (Structure) – Input structure.

  • relative_cutoff – The peroxide bond distance is 1.49 Angstrom. Relative_cutoff * 1.49 stipulates the maximum distance two O atoms must be to each other to be considered a peroxide.


True if structure contains a peroxide anion.

Return type:


get_max_bond_lengths(structure, el_radius_updates=None)[source]

Provides max bond length estimates for a structure based on the JMol table and algorithms.

  • structure – (structure)

  • el_radius_updates – (dict) symbol->float to update atom_ic radii


The two elements are ordered by Z.

Return type:

dict[(Element1, Element2)], float]

oxide_type(structure: Structure, relative_cutoff: float = 1.1, return_nbonds: bool = False) str | tuple[str, int][source]

Determines if an oxide is a peroxide/superoxide/ozonide/normal oxide.

  • structure (Structure) – Input structure.

  • relative_cutoff (float) – Relative_cutoff * act. cutoff stipulates the max distance two O atoms must be from each other.

  • return_nbonds (bool) – Should number of bonds be requested?

solid_angle(center, coords)[source]

Helper method to calculate the solid angle of a set of coords from the center.

  • center (3x1 array) – Center to measure solid angle from.

  • coords (Nx3 array) – List of coords to determine solid angle.


The solid angle.

Return type:



Determines if a structure is a sulfide/polysulfide/sulfate.


structure (Structure) – Input structure.


sulfide/polysulfide or None if structure is a sulfate.

Return type:


pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher module

This module provides classes to perform fitting of structures.

class AbstractComparator[source]

Bases: MSONable, ABC

Abstract Comparator class. A Comparator defines how sites are compared in a structure.

abstract are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]

Defines how the species of two sites are considered equal. For example, one can consider sites to have the same species only when the species are exactly the same, i.e., Fe2+ matches Fe2+ but not Fe3+. Or one can define that only the element matters, and all oxidation state information are ignored.

  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True if species are considered equal.

Return type:



MSONable dict.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



abstract get_hash(composition)[source]

Defines a hash to group structures. This allows structures to be grouped efficiently for comparison. The hash must be invariant under supercell creation. (e.g. composition is not a good hash, but fractional_composition might be). Reduced formula is not a good formula, due to weird behavior with fractional occupancy.

Composition is used here instead of structure because for anonymous matches it is much quicker to apply a substitution to a composition object than a structure object.


composition (Composition) – composition of the structure


A hashable object. Examples can be string formulas, integers etc.

class ElementComparator[source]

Bases: AbstractComparator

A Comparator that matches elements. i.e. oxidation states are ignored.

are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]

True if element:amounts are exactly the same, i.e., oxidation state is not considered.

  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True if species are the same based on element and amounts.

Return type:



Get the fractional element composition.

class FrameworkComparator[source]

Bases: AbstractComparator

A Comparator that matches sites, regardless of species.

are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]

True if there are atoms on both sites.

  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True always


No hash possible.

class OccupancyComparator[source]

Bases: AbstractComparator

A Comparator that matches occupancies on sites, irrespective of the species of those sites.

are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]
  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True if sets of occupancies (amt) are equal on both sites.

Return type:



composition – Composition.

TODO: might need a proper hash method


  1. Difficult to define sensible hash

class OrderDisorderElementComparator[source]

Bases: AbstractComparator

A Comparator that matches sites, given some overlap in the element composition.

are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]

True if there is some overlap in composition between the species.

  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True always


Get the fractional composition.

class SiteOrderedIStructure(lattice: ArrayLike | Lattice, species: Sequence[CompositionLike], coords: Sequence[ArrayLike], charge: float | None = None, validate_proximity: bool = False, to_unit_cell: bool = False, coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, site_properties: dict | None = None, labels: Sequence[str | None] | None = None, properties: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: IStructure

Imutable structure where the order of sites matters.

In caching reduced structures (see StructureMatcher._get_reduced_structure) the order of input sites can be important. In general, the order of sites in a structure does not matter, but when a method like StructureMatcher.get_s2_like_s1 tries to put s2’s sites in the same order as s1, the site order matters.

Create a periodic structure.

  • lattice (Lattice/3x3 array) – The lattice, either as a pymatgen.core.Lattice or simply as any 2D array. Each row should correspond to a lattice vector. e.g. [[10,0,0], [20,10,0], [0,0,30]] specifies a lattice with lattice vectors [10,0,0], [20,10,0] and [0,0,30].

  • species ([Species]) –

    Sequence of species on each site. Can take in flexible input, including:

    1. A sequence of element / species specified either as string symbols, e.g. [“Li”, “Fe2+”, “P”, …] or atomic numbers, e.g. (3, 56, …) or actual Element or Species objects.

    2. List of dict of elements/species and occupancies, e.g. [{“Fe” : 0.5, “Mn”:0.5}, …]. This allows the setup of disordered structures.

  • coords (Nx3 array) – list of fractional/Cartesian coordinates of each species.

  • charge (int) – overall charge of the structure. Defaults to behavior in SiteCollection where total charge is the sum of the oxidation states.

  • validate_proximity (bool) – Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 0.01 Ang apart. Defaults to False.

  • to_unit_cell (bool) – Whether to map all sites into the unit cell, i.e. fractional coords between 0 and 1. Defaults to False.

  • coords_are_cartesian (bool) – Set to True if you are providing coordinates in Cartesian coordinates. Defaults to False.

  • site_properties (dict) – Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g. {“magmom”:[5, 5, 5, 5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Defaults to None for no properties.

  • labels (list[str]) – Labels associated with the sites as a list of strings, e.g. [‘Li1’, ‘Li2’]. Must have the same length as the species and fractional coords. Defaults to None for no labels.

  • properties (dict) – Properties associated with the whole structure. Will be serialized when writing the structure to JSON or YAML but is lost when converting to other formats.

class SpeciesComparator[source]

Bases: AbstractComparator

A Comparator that matches species exactly. The default used in StructureMatcher.

are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]

True if species are exactly the same, i.e., Fe2+ == Fe2+ but not Fe3+.

  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True if species are equal.

Return type:


get_hash(composition: Composition)[source]

Get the fractional composition.

class SpinComparator[source]

Bases: AbstractComparator

A Comparator that matches magnetic structures to their inverse spins. This comparator is primarily used to filter magnetically ordered structures with opposite spins, which are equivalent.

are_equal(sp1, sp2) bool[source]

True if species are exactly the same, i.e., Fe2+ == Fe2+ but not Fe3+. and the spins are reversed. i.e., spin up maps to spin down, and vice versa.

  • sp1 – First species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.

  • sp2 – Second species. A dict of {specie/element: amt} as per the definition in Site and PeriodicSite.


True if species are equal.

Return type:



Get the fractional composition.

class StructureMatcher(ltol: float = 0.2, stol: float = 0.3, angle_tol: float = 5, primitive_cell: bool = True, scale: bool = True, attempt_supercell: bool = False, allow_subset: bool = False, comparator: AbstractComparator | None = None, supercell_size: Literal['num_sites', 'num_atoms', 'volume'] = 'num_sites', ignored_species: Sequence[SpeciesLike] = ())[source]

Bases: MSONable

Match structures by similarity.

Algorithm: 1. Given two structures: s1 and s2 2. Optional: Reduce to primitive cells. 3. If the number of sites do not match, return False 4. Reduce to s1 and s2 to Niggli Cells 5. Optional: Scale s1 and s2 to same volume. 6. Optional: Remove oxidation states associated with sites 7. Find all possible lattice vectors for s2 within shell of ltol. 8. For s1, translate an atom in the smallest set to the origin 9. For s2: find all valid lattices from permutations of the list

of lattice vectors (invalid if: det(Lattice Matrix) < half volume of original s2 lattice)

  1. For each valid lattice:

    1. If the lattice angles of are within tolerance of s1, basis change s2 into new lattice.

    2. For each atom in the smallest set of s2:

      i. Translate to origin and compare fractional sites in structure within a fractional tolerance. ii. If true:

      ia. Convert both lattices to Cartesian and place both structures on an average lattice ib. Compute and return the average and max rms displacement between the two structures normalized by the average free length per atom

      if fit function called:

      if normalized max rms displacement is less than stol. Return True

      if get_rms_dist function called:

      if normalized average rms displacement is less than the stored rms displacement, store and continue. (This function will search all possible lattices for the smallest average rms displacement between the two structures)

  • ltol (float) – Fractional length tolerance. Default is 0.2.

  • stol (float) – Site tolerance. Defined as the fraction of the average free length per atom := ( V / Nsites ) ** (1/3) Default is 0.3.

  • angle_tol (float) – Angle tolerance in degrees. Default is 5 degrees.

  • primitive_cell (bool) – If true: input structures will be reduced to primitive cells prior to matching. Default to True.

  • scale (bool) – Input structures are scaled to equivalent volume if true; For exact matching, set to False.

  • attempt_supercell (bool) – If set to True and number of sites in cells differ after a primitive cell reduction (divisible by an integer) attempts to generate a supercell transformation of the smaller cell which is equivalent to the larger structure.

  • allow_subset (bool) – Allow one structure to match to the subset of another structure. Eg. Matching of an ordered structure onto a disordered one, or matching a delithiated to a lithiated structure. This option cannot be combined with attempt_supercell, or with structure grouping.

  • comparator (Comparator) –

    A comparator object implementing an equals method that declares equivalency of sites. Default is SpeciesComparator, which implies rigid species mapping, i.e., Fe2+ only matches Fe2+ and not Fe3+.

    Other comparators are provided, e.g. ElementComparator which matches only the elements and not the species.

    The reason why a comparator object is used instead of supplying a comparison function is that it is not possible to pickle a function, which makes it otherwise difficult to use StructureMatcher with Python’s multiprocessing.

  • supercell_size (str or list) – Method to use for determining the size of a supercell (if applicable). Possible values are ‘num_sites’, ‘num_atoms’, ‘volume’, or an element or list of elements present in both structures.

  • ignored_species (list) – A list of ions to be ignored in matching. Useful for matching structures that have similar frameworks except for certain ions, e.g. Li-ion intercalation frameworks. This is more useful than allow_subset because it allows better control over what species are ignored in the matching.


MSONable dict.

fit(struct1: Structure, struct2: Structure, symmetric: bool = False, skip_structure_reduction: bool = False) bool[source]

Fit two structures.

  • struct1 (Structure) – 1st structure

  • struct2 (Structure) – 2nd structure

  • symmetric (bool) – Defaults to False If True, check the equality both ways. This only impacts a small percentage of structures

  • skip_structure_reduction (bool) – Defaults to False If True, skip to get a primitive structure and perform Niggli reduction for struct1 and struct2


True if the structures are equivalent

Return type:


fit_anonymous(struct1: Structure, struct2: Structure, niggli: bool = True, skip_structure_reduction: bool = False) bool[source]

Performs an anonymous fitting, which allows distinct species in one structure to map to another. e.g. to compare if the Li2O and Na2O structures are similar.

  • struct1 (Structure) – 1st structure

  • struct2 (Structure) – 2nd structure

  • niggli (bool) – If true, perform Niggli reduction for struct1 and struct2

  • skip_structure_reduction (bool) – Defaults to False If True, skip to get a primitive structure and perform Niggli reduction for struct1 and struct2


True if a species mapping can map struct1 to struct2

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



get_all_anonymous_mappings(struct1, struct2, niggli=True, include_dist=False)[source]

Performs an anonymous fitting, which allows distinct species in one structure to map to another. Returns a dictionary of species substitutions that are within tolerance.

  • struct1 (Structure) – 1st structure

  • struct2 (Structure) – 2nd structure

  • niggli (bool) – Find niggli cell in preprocessing

  • include_dist (bool) – Return the maximin distance with each mapping


list of species mappings that map struct1 to struct2.

get_best_electronegativity_anonymous_mapping(struct1: Structure, struct2: Structure) dict | None[source]

Performs an anonymous fitting, which allows distinct species in one structure to map to another. e.g. to compare if the Li2O and Na2O structures are similar. If multiple substitutions are within tolerance this will return the one which minimizes the difference in electronegativity between the matches species.


Mapping of struct1 species to struct2 species.

Return type:

dict[Element, Element] | None

get_mapping(superset, subset)[source]

Calculate the mapping from superset to subset.

  • superset (Structure) – Structure containing at least the sites in subset (within the structure matching tolerance)

  • subset (Structure) – Structure containing some of the sites in superset (within the structure matching tolerance)


numpy array such that superset.sites[mapping] is within matching tolerance of subset.sites or None if no such mapping is possible

get_rms_anonymous(struct1, struct2)[source]

Performs an anonymous fitting, which allows distinct species in one structure to map to another. e.g. to compare if the Li2O and Na2O structures are similar.


1st element is min_rms, 2nd is min_mapping.

min_rms is the minimum RMS distance, and min_mapping is the corresponding minimal species mapping that would map struct1 to struct2. (None, None) is returned if the minimax_rms exceeds the threshold.

Return type:

tuple[float, float] | tuple[None, None]

get_rms_dist(struct1, struct2)[source]

Calculate RMS displacement between two structures.


rms displacement normalized by (Vol / nsites) ** (1/3) and maximum distance between paired sites. If no matching lattice is found None is returned.

get_s2_like_s1(struct1, struct2, include_ignored_species=True)[source]

Performs transformations on struct2 to put it in a basis similar to struct1 (without changing any of the inter-site distances).

  • struct1 (Structure) – Reference structure

  • struct2 (Structure) – Structure to transform.

  • include_ignored_species (bool) – Defaults to True, the ignored_species is also transformed to the struct1 lattice orientation, though obviously there is no direct matching to existing sites.


A structure object similar to struct1, obtained by making a supercell, sorting, and translating struct2.

get_supercell_matrix(supercell, struct) ndarray | None[source]

Get the matrix for transforming struct to supercell. This can be used for very distorted ‘supercells’ where the primitive cell is impossible to find.

get_transformation(struct1, struct2)[source]

Get the supercell transformation, fractional translation vector, and a mapping to transform struct2 to be similar to struct1.

  • struct1 (Structure) – Reference structure

  • struct2 (Structure) – Structure to transform.


supercell matrix vector (np.array(3)): fractional translation vector mapping (list[int | None]):

The first len(struct1) items of the mapping vector are the indices of struct1’s corresponding sites in struct2 (or None if there is no corresponding site), and the other items are the remaining site indices of struct2.

Return type:

supercell (np.array(3, 3))

group_structures(s_list, anonymous=False)[source]

Given a list of structures, use fit to group them by structural equality.

  • s_list ([Structure]) – List of structures to be grouped

  • anonymous (bool) – Whether to use anonymous mode.


A list of lists of matched structures Assumption: if s1 == s2 but s1 != s3, than s2 and s3 will be put in different groups without comparison.

pymatgen.analysis.surface_analysis module

This module defines tools to analyze surface and adsorption related quantities as well as related plots. If you use this module, please consider citing the following works:

  1. Tran, Z. Xu, B. Radhakrishnan, D. Winston, W. Sun, K. A. Persson,

S. P. Ong, “Surface Energies of Elemental Crystals”, Scientific Data, 2016, 3:160080, doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.80.


Kang, S., Mo, Y., Ong, S. P., & Ceder, G. (2014). Nanoscale stabilization of sodium oxides: Implications for Na-O2 batteries. Nano Letters, 14(2), 1016-1020.


Montoya, J. H., & Persson, K. A. (2017). A high-throughput framework

for determining adsorption energies on solid surfaces. Npj Computational Materials, 3(1), 14.

Todo: - Still assumes individual elements have their own chempots

in a molecular adsorbate instead of considering a single chempot for a single molecular adsorbate. E.g. for an OH adsorbate, the surface energy is a function of delu_O and delu_H instead of delu_OH

  • Need a method to automatically get chempot range when

    dealing with non-stoichiometric slabs

  • Simplify the input for SurfaceEnergyPlotter such that the

    user does not need to generate a dict

class NanoscaleStability(se_analyzers, symprec=1e-05)[source]

Bases: object

A class for analyzing the stability of nanoparticles of different polymorphs with respect to size. The Wulff shape will be the model for the nanoparticle. Stability will be determined by an energetic competition between the weighted surface energy (surface energy of the Wulff shape) and the bulk energy. A future release will include a 2D phase diagram (e.g. w.r.t. size vs chempot for adsorbed or non-stoichiometric surfaces). Based on the following work:

Kang, S., Mo, Y., Ong, S. P., & Ceder, G. (2014). Nanoscale

stabilization of sodium oxides: Implications for Na-O2 batteries. Nano Letters, 14(2), 1016-1020.


Each item corresponds to a different polymorph.




Tolerance for symmetry finding. See WulffShape.



Analyzes the nanoscale stability of different polymorphs.

static bulk_gform(bulk_entry)[source]

Get the formation energy of the bulk.


bulk_entry (ComputedStructureEntry) – Entry of the corresponding bulk.


bulk formation energy (in eV)

Return type:


plot_all_stability_map(max_r, increments=50, delu_dict=None, delu_default=0, ax=None, labels=None, from_sphere_area=False, e_units='keV', r_units='nanometers', normalize=False, scale_per_atom=False)[source]
Get the plot of the formation energy of a particles

of different polymorphs against its effect radius.

  • max_r (float) – The maximum radius of the particle to plot up to.

  • increments (int) – Number of plot points

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • plt (pyplot) – Plot

  • labels (list) – List of labels for each plot, corresponds to the list of se_analyzers

  • from_sphere_area (bool) – There are two ways to calculate the bulk formation energy. Either by treating the volume and thus surface area of the particle as a perfect sphere, or as a Wulff shape.


matplotlib Axes object

Return type:


plot_one_stability_map(analyzer, max_r, delu_dict=None, label='', increments=50, delu_default=0, ax=None, from_sphere_area=False, e_units='keV', r_units='nanometers', normalize=False, scale_per_atom=False)[source]
Get the plot of the formation energy of a particle against its

effect radius.

  • analyzer (SurfaceEnergyPlotter) – Analyzer associated with the first polymorph

  • max_r (float) – The maximum radius of the particle to plot up to.

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • label (str) – Label of the plot for legend

  • increments (int) – Number of plot points

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • plt (pyplot) – Plot

  • from_sphere_area (bool) – There are two ways to calculate the bulk formation energy. Either by treating the volume and thus surface area of the particle as a perfect sphere, or as a Wulff shape.

  • r_units (str) – Can be nanometers or Angstrom

  • e_units (str) – Can be keV or eV

  • normalize (str) – Whether or not to normalize energy by volume


matplotlib Axes object

Return type:


scaled_wulff(wulff_shape, r)[source]
Scales the Wulff shape with an effective radius r. Note that the resulting

Wulff does not necessarily have the same effective radius as the one provided. The Wulff shape is scaled by its surface energies where first the surface energies are scale by the minimum surface energy and then multiplied by the given effective radius.

  • wulff_shape (WulffShape) – Initial, unscaled WulffShape

  • r (float) – Arbitrary effective radius of the WulffShape


WulffShape (scaled by r)

solve_equilibrium_point(analyzer1, analyzer2, delu_dict=None, delu_default=0, units='nanometers')[source]

Get the radial size of two particles where equilibrium is reached between both particles. NOTE: the solution here is not the same as the solution visualized in the plot because solving for r requires that both the total surface area and volume of the particles are functions of r.

  • analyzer1 (SurfaceEnergyPlotter) – Analyzer associated with the first polymorph

  • analyzer2 (SurfaceEnergyPlotter) – Analyzer associated with the second polymorph

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • units (str) – Can be nanometers or Angstrom


Particle radius in nm or Angstrom

Return type:


wulff_gform_and_r(wulff_shape, bulk_entry, r, from_sphere_area=False, r_units='nanometers', e_units='keV', normalize=False, scale_per_atom=False)[source]

Calculates the formation energy of the particle with arbitrary radius r.

  • wulff_shape (WulffShape) – Initial unscaled WulffShape

  • bulk_entry (ComputedStructureEntry) – Entry of the corresponding bulk.

  • r (float (Ang)) – Arbitrary effective radius of the WulffShape

  • from_sphere_area (bool) – There are two ways to calculate the bulk formation energy. Either by treating the volume and thus surface area of the particle as a perfect sphere, or as a Wulff shape.

  • r_units (str) – Can be nanometers or Angstrom

  • e_units (str) – Can be keV or eV

  • normalize (bool) – Whether or not to normalize energy by volume

  • scale_per_atom (True) – Whether or not to normalize by number of atoms in the particle


particle formation energy (float in keV), effective radius

class SlabEntry(structure, energy, miller_index, correction=0.0, parameters=None, data=None, entry_id=None, label=None, adsorbates=None, clean_entry=None, marker=None, color=None)[source]

Bases: ComputedStructureEntry

A ComputedStructureEntry object encompassing all data relevant to a

slab for analyzing surface thermodynamics.


Miller index of plane parallel to surface.




Brief description for this slab.




List of ComputedStructureEntry for the types of adsorbates.




SlabEntry for the corresponding clean slab for an adsorbed slab.




Dictionary where the key is the reduced composition of the adsorbate entry and value is the entry itself.



Make a SlabEntry containing all relevant surface thermodynamics data.

  • structure (Slab) – The primary slab associated with this entry.

  • energy (float) – Energy from total energy calculation

  • miller_index (tuple(h, k, l)) – Miller index of plane parallel to surface

  • correction (float) – See ComputedSlabEntry

  • parameters (dict) – See ComputedSlabEntry

  • data (dict) – See ComputedSlabEntry

  • entry_id (str) – See ComputedSlabEntry

  • data – See ComputedSlabEntry

  • entry_id – See ComputedSlabEntry

  • label (str) – Any particular label for this slab, e.g. “Tasker 2”, “non-stoichiometric”, “reconstructed”

  • adsorbates ([ComputedStructureEntry]) – List of reference entries for the adsorbates on the slab, can be an isolated molecule (e.g. O2 for O or O2 adsorption), a bulk structure (eg. fcc Cu for Cu adsorption) or anything.

  • clean_entry (ComputedStructureEntry) – If the SlabEntry is for an adsorbed slab, this is the corresponding SlabEntry for the clean slab

  • marker (str) – Custom marker for gamma plots (”–” and “-” are typical)

  • color (str or rgba) – Custom color for gamma plots

property Nads_in_slab[source]

The TOTAL number of adsorbates in the slab on BOTH sides.

property Nsurfs_ads_in_slab[source]

The TOTAL number of adsorbed surfaces in the slab.


Get dict which contains Slab Entry data.

property cleaned_up_slab[source]

A slab with the adsorbates removed.

property create_slab_label[source]

A label (str) for this particular slab based on composition, coverage and Miller index.

classmethod from_computed_structure_entry(entry, miller_index, label=None, adsorbates=None, clean_entry=None, **kwargs) Self[source]

Get SlabEntry from a ComputedStructureEntry.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

Get a SlabEntry by reading in an dictionary.

property get_monolayer[source]

The primitive unit surface area density of the adsorbate.

property get_unit_primitive_area[source]

The surface area of the adsorbed system per unit area of the primitive slab system.


Get the adsorption energy or Gibbs binding energy of an adsorbate on a surface.


eads (bool) – Whether to calculate the adsorption energy (True) or the binding energy (False) which is just adsorption energy normalized by number of adsorbates.

property surface_area[source]

Calculate the surface area of the slab.

surface_energy(ucell_entry, ref_entries=None)[source]

Calculates the surface energy of this SlabEntry.

  • ucell_entry (entry) – An entry object for the bulk

  • (list (ref_entries) – [entry]): A list of entries for each type of element to be used as a reservoir for non-stoichiometric systems. The length of this list MUST be n-1 where n is the number of different elements in the bulk entry. The chempot of the element ref_entry that is not in the list will be treated as a variable.


The surface energy of the slab.

Return type:


class SurfaceEnergyPlotter(all_slab_entries, ucell_entry, ref_entries=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class used for generating plots to analyze the thermodynamics of surfaces of a material. Produces stability maps of different slab configurations, phases diagrams of two parameters to determine stability of configurations (future release), and Wulff shapes.


Either a list of SlabEntry objects (note for a list, the SlabEntry must have the adsorbates and clean_entry parameter plugged in) or a Nested dictionary containing a list of entries for slab calculations as items and the corresponding Miller index of the slab as the key. To account for adsorption, each value is a sub-dictionary with the entry of a clean slab calculation as the sub-key and a list of entries for adsorption calculations as the sub-value. The sub-value can contain different adsorption configurations such as a different site or a different coverage, however, ordinarily only the most stable configuration for a particular coverage will be considered as the function of the adsorbed surface energy has an intercept dependent on the adsorption energy (ie an adsorption site with a higher adsorption energy will always provide a higher surface energy than a site with a lower adsorption energy). An example parameter is provided: {(h1,k1,l1): {clean_entry1: [ads_entry1, ads_entry2, …], clean_entry2: […], …}, (h2,k2,l2): {…}} where clean_entry1 can be a pristine surface and clean_entry2 can be a reconstructed surface while ads_entry1 can be adsorption at site 1 with a 2x2 coverage while ads_entry2 can have a 3x3 coverage. If adsorption entries are present (i.e. if all_slab_entries[(h,k,l)][clean_entry1]), we consider adsorption in all plots and analysis for this particular facet.


dict | list


Dictionary of colors (r,g,b,a) when plotting surface energy stability. The keys are individual surface entries where clean surfaces have a solid color while the corresponding adsorbed surface will be transparent.




ComputedStructureEntry of the bulk reference for this particular material.




List of ComputedStructureEntries to be used for calculating chemical potential.




Randomly generated dictionary of colors associated with each facet.



Object for plotting surface energy in different ways for clean and

adsorbed surfaces.

  • all_slab_entries (dict or list) – Dictionary or list containing all entries for slab calculations. See attributes.

  • ucell_entry (ComputedStructureEntry) – ComputedStructureEntry of the bulk reference for this particular material.

  • ref_entries ([ComputedStructureEntries]) – A list of entries for each type of element to be used as a reservoir for non-stoichiometric systems. The length of this list MUST be n-1 where n is the number of different elements in the bulk entry. The bulk energy term in the grand surface potential can be defined by a summation of the chemical potentials for each element in the system. As the bulk energy is already provided, one can solve for one of the chemical potentials as a function of the other chemical potentials and bulk energy. i.e. there are n-1 variables (chempots). e.g. if your ucell_entry is for LiFePO4 than your ref_entries should have an entry for Li, Fe, and P if you want to use the chempot of O as the variable.

BE_vs_clean_SE(delu_dict, delu_default=0, plot_eads=False, annotate_monolayer=True, JPERM2=False)[source]
For each facet, plot the clean surface energy against the most

stable binding energy.

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • plot_eads (bool) – Option to plot the adsorption energy (binding energy multiplied by number of adsorbates) instead.

  • annotate_monolayer (bool) – Whether or not to label each data point with its monolayer (adsorbate density per unit primiitve area)

  • JPERM2 (bool) – Whether to plot surface energy in /m^2 (True) or eV/A^2 (False)


Plot of clean surface energy vs binding energy for

all facets.

Return type:


area_frac_vs_chempot_plot(ref_delu: Symbol, chempot_range: list[float], delu_dict: dict[Symbol, float] | None = None, delu_default: float = 0, increments: int = 10, no_clean: bool = False, no_doped: bool = False) Axes[source]

1D plot. Plots the change in the area contribution of each facet as a function of chemical potential.

  • ref_delu (Symbol) – The free variable chempot with the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • chempot_range (list[float]) – Min/max range of chemical potential to plot along.

  • delu_dict (dict[Symbol, float]) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials.

  • increments (int) – Number of data points between min/max or point of intersection. Defaults to 10 points.

  • no_clean (bool) – Some parameter, description missing.

  • no_doped (bool) – Some parameter, description missing.


Plot of area frac on the Wulff shape for each facet vs chemical potential.

Return type:


static chempot_plot_addons(ax, xrange, ref_el, pad=2.4, rect=None, ylim=None)[source]

Helper function to a chempot plot look nicer.

  • plt (Plot)

  • xrange (list) – xlim parameter

  • ref_el (str) – Element of the referenced chempot.

  • axes (axes)

  • pad (float)

  • rect (list) – For tight layout

  • ylim (ylim parameter)

return (Plot): Modified plot with addons. return (Plot): Modified plot with addons.

chempot_vs_gamma(ref_delu, chempot_range, miller_index=(), delu_dict=None, delu_default=0, JPERM2=False, show_unstable=False, ylim=None, plt=None, no_clean=False, no_doped=False, use_entry_labels=False, no_label=False)[source]
Plots the surface energy as a function of chemical potential.

Each facet will be associated with its own distinct colors. Dashed lines will represent stoichiometries different from that of the mpid’s compound. Transparent lines indicates adsorption.

  • ref_delu (sympy Symbol) – The range stability of each slab is based on the chempot range of this chempot. Should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element

  • chempot_range ([max_chempot, min_chempot]) – Range to consider the stability of the slabs.

  • miller_index (list) – Miller index for a specific facet to get a dictionary for.

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • JPERM2 (bool) – Whether to plot surface energy in /m^2 (True) or eV/A^2 (False)

  • show_unstable (bool) – Whether or not to show parts of the surface energy plot outside the region of stability.

  • ylim ([ymax, ymin]) – Range of y axis

  • no_doped (bool) – Whether to plot for the clean slabs only.

  • no_clean (bool) – Whether to plot for the doped slabs only.

  • use_entry_labels (bool) – If True, will label each slab configuration according to their given label in the SlabEntry object.

  • no_label (bool) – Option to turn off labels.


Plot of surface energy vs chempot for all entries.

Return type:


chempot_vs_gamma_plot_one(ax: Axes, entry: SlabEntry, ref_delu: Symbol, chempot_range: list[float], delu_dict: dict[Symbol, float] | None = None, delu_default: float = 0, label: str = '', JPERM2: bool = False) Axes[source]

Helper function to help plot the surface energy of a single SlabEntry as a function of chemical potential.

  • ax (plt.Axes) – Matplotlib Axes instance for plotting.

  • entry – Entry of the slab whose surface energy we want to plot. (Add appropriate description for type)

  • ref_delu (Symbol) – The range stability of each slab is based on the chempot range of this chempot.

  • chempot_range (list[float]) – Range to consider the stability of the slabs.

  • delu_dict (dict[Symbol, float]) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials.

  • label (str) – Label of the slab for the legend.

  • JPERM2 (bool) – Whether to plot surface energy in /m^2 (True) or eV/A^2 (False).


Plot of surface energy vs chemical potential for one entry.

Return type:



Helper function to assign each facet a unique color using a dictionary.


alpha (float) – Degree of transparency

return (dict): Dictionary of colors (r,g,b,a) when plotting surface

energy stability. The keys are individual surface entries where clean surfaces have a solid color while the corresponding adsorbed surface will be transparent.

get_stable_entry_at_u(miller_index, delu_dict=None, delu_default=0, no_doped=False, no_clean=False) tuple[SlabEntry, float][source]
Get the entry corresponding to the most stable slab for a particular

facet at a specific chempot. We assume that surface energy is constant so all free variables must be set with delu_dict, otherwise they are assumed to be equal to delu_default.

  • miller_index ((h,k,l)) – The facet to find the most stable slab in

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • no_doped (bool) – Consider stability of clean slabs only.

  • no_clean (bool) – Consider stability of doped slabs only.


The most stable slab entry and its surface energy.

Return type:

tuple[SlabEntry, float]

get_surface_equilibrium(slab_entries, delu_dict=None)[source]
Takes in a list of SlabEntries and calculates the chemical potentials

at which all slabs in the list coexists simultaneously. Useful for building surface phase diagrams. Note that to solve for x equations (x slab_entries), there must be x free variables (chemical potentials). Adjust delu_dict as need be to get the correct number of free variables.

  • slab_entries (array) – The coefficients of the first equation

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.


Array containing a solution to x equations with x

variables (x-1 chemical potential and 1 surface energy)

Return type:


Plots the binding energy as a function of monolayers (ML), i.e.

the fractional area adsorbate density for all facets. For each facet at a specific monolayer, only plot the lowest binding energy.


plot_eads (bool) – Option to plot the adsorption energy (binding energy multiplied by number of adsorbates) instead.


Plot of binding energy vs monolayer for all facets.

Return type:


set_all_variables(delu_dict, delu_default)[source]
Set all chemical potential values and returns a dictionary where

the key is a sympy Symbol and the value is a float (chempot).

  • entry (SlabEntry) – Computed structure entry of the slab

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials


Dictionary of set chemical potential values

stable_u_range_dict(chempot_range, ref_delu, no_doped=True, no_clean=False, delu_dict=None, miller_index=(), dmu_at_0=False, return_se_dict=False)[source]

Creates a dictionary where each entry is a key pointing to a chemical potential range where the surface of that entry is stable. Does so by enumerating through all possible solutions (intersect) for surface energies of a specific facet.

  • chempot_range ([max_chempot, min_chempot]) – Range to consider the stability of the slabs.

  • ref_delu (sympy Symbol) – The range stability of each slab is based on the chempot range of this chempot. Should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element

  • no_doped (bool) – Consider stability of clean slabs only.

  • no_clean (bool) – Consider stability of doped slabs only.

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • miller_index (list) – Miller index for a specific facet to get a dictionary for.

  • dmu_at_0 (bool) – If True, if the surface energies corresponding to the chemical potential range is between a negative and positive value, the value is a list of three chemical potentials with the one in the center corresponding a surface energy of 0. Uselful in identifying unphysical ranges of surface energies and their chemical potential range.

  • return_se_dict (bool) – Whether or not to return the corresponding dictionary of surface energies

surface_chempot_range_map(elements, miller_index, ranges, incr=50, no_doped=False, no_clean=False, delu_dict=None, ax=None, annotate=True, show_unphysical_only=False, fontsize=10) Axes[source]
Adapted from the get_chempot_range_map() method in the PhaseDiagram

class. Plot the chemical potential range map based on surface energy stability. Currently works only for 2-component PDs. At the moment uses a brute force method by enumerating through the range of the first element chempot with a specified increment and determines the chempot range of the second element for each SlabEntry. Future implementation will determine the chempot range map first by solving systems of equations up to 3 instead of 2.

  • elements (list) – Sequence of elements to be considered as independent variables. e.g. if you want to show the stability ranges of all Li-Co-O phases w.r.t. to duLi and duO, you will supply [Element(“Li”), Element(“O”)]

  • miller_index ([h, k, l]) – Miller index of the surface we are interested in

  • ranges ([[range1], [range2]]) – List of chempot ranges (max and min values) for the first and second element.

  • incr (int) – Number of points to sample along the range of the first chempot

  • no_doped (bool) – Whether or not to include doped systems.

  • no_clean (bool) – Whether or not to include clean systems.

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • ax (plt.Axes) – Axes object to plot on. If None, will create a new plot.

  • annotate (bool) – Whether to annotate each “phase” with the label of the entry. If no label, uses the reduced formula

  • show_unphysical_only (bool) – Whether to only show the shaded region where surface energy is negative. Useful for drawing other chempot range maps.

  • fontsize (int) – Font size of the annotation

wulff_from_chempot(delu_dict=None, delu_default=0, symprec=1e-05, no_clean=False, no_doped=False) WulffShape[source]

Method to get the Wulff shape at a specific chemical potential.

  • delu_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the chemical potentials to be set as constant. Note the key should be a sympy Symbol object of the format: Symbol(“delu_el”) where el is the name of the element.

  • delu_default (float) – Default value for all unset chemical potentials

  • symprec (float) – See WulffShape.

  • no_doped (bool) – Consider stability of clean slabs only.

  • no_clean (bool) – Consider stability of doped slabs only.


The WulffShape at u_ref and u_ads.

Return type:


class WorkFunctionAnalyzer(structure: Structure, locpot_along_c, efermi, shift=0, blength=3.5)[source]

Bases: object

A class used for calculating the work function from a slab model and visualizing the behavior of the local potential along the slab.


The Fermi energy.




Local potential in eV along points along the c axis.




The maximum local potential along the c direction for the slab model, i.e. the potential at the vacuum.




The minimum energy needed to move an electron from the surface to infinity. Defined as the difference between the potential at the vacuum and the Fermi energy.




The slab structure model.




Points along the c direction with same increments as the locpot in the c axis.




Mean of the minimum and maximum (vacuum) locpot along c.




List of sites from the slab sorted along the c direction.




The average locpot of the slab region along the c direction.



Initialize the WorkFunctionAnalyzer class.

  • structure (Structure) – Structure object modelling the surface

  • locpot_along_c (list) – Local potential along the c direction

  • outcar (MSONable) – Outcar vasp output object

  • shift (float) – Parameter to translate the slab (and therefore the vacuum) of the slab structure, thereby translating the plot along the x axis.

  • blength (float (Ang)) – The longest bond length in the material. Used to handle pbc for noncontiguous slab layers

classmethod from_files(poscar_filename, locpot_filename, outcar_filename, shift=0, blength=3.5) Self[source]

Initialize a WorkFunctionAnalyzer from POSCAR, LOCPOT, and OUTCAR files.

  • poscar_filename (str) – The path to the POSCAR file.

  • locpot_filename (str) – The path to the LOCPOT file.

  • outcar_filename (str) – The path to the OUTCAR file.

  • shift (float) – The shift value. Defaults to 0.

  • blength (float) – The longest bond length in the material. Used to handle pbc for noncontiguous slab layers. Defaults to 3.5.


A WorkFunctionAnalyzer instance.

Return type:


get_labels(plt, label_fontsize=10)[source]

Handles the optional labelling of the plot with relevant quantities.

  • plt (plt) – Plot of the locpot vs c axis

  • label_fontsize (float) – Fontsize of labels

Returns Labelled plt.

get_locpot_along_slab_plot(label_energies=True, plt=None, label_fontsize=10)[source]
Get a plot of the local potential (eV) vs the

position along the c axis of the slab model (Ang).

  • label_energies (bool) – Whether to label relevant energy quantities such as the work function, Fermi energy, vacuum locpot, bulk-like locpot

  • plt (plt) – Matplotlib pyplot object

  • label_fontsize (float) – Fontsize of labels

Returns plt of the locpot vs c axis

is_converged(min_points_frac=0.015, tol: float = 0.0025)[source]
A well converged work function should have a flat electrostatic

potential within some distance (min_point) about where the peak electrostatic potential is found along the c direction of the slab. This is dependent on the size of the slab.

  • min_point (fractional coordinates) – The number of data points +/- the point of where the electrostatic potential is at its peak along the c direction.

  • tol (float) – If the electrostatic potential stays the same within this tolerance, within the min_points, it is converged.

Returns a bool (whether or not the work function is converged)

entry_dict_from_list(all_slab_entries) dict[source]

Converts a list of SlabEntry to an appropriate dictionary. It is assumed that if there is no adsorbate, then it is a clean SlabEntry and that adsorbed SlabEntry has the clean_entry parameter set.


all_slab_entries (list) – List of SlabEntry objects


Dictionary of SlabEntry with the Miller index as the main

key to a dictionary with a clean SlabEntry as the key to a list of adsorbed SlabEntry.

Return type:


sub_chempots(gamma_dict, chempots)[source]
Uses dot product of numpy array to sub chemical potentials

into the surface grand potential. This is much faster than using the subs function in sympy.

  • gamma_dict (dict) – Surface grand potential equation as a coefficient dictionary

  • chempots (dict) – Dictionary assigning each chemical potential (key) in gamma a value


Surface energy as a float

pymatgen.analysis.thermochemistry module

A module to perform experimental thermochemical data analysis.

class ThermoData(data_type, cpdname, phaseinfo, formula, value, ref='', method='', temp_range=(298, 298), uncertainty=None)[source]

Bases: object

Container for experimental thermo-chemical data.

  • data_type – The thermochemical data type. Should be one of the following: fH - Formation enthalpy, S - Entropy, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H - variables for use in the various equations for generating formation enthalpies or Cp at various temperatures.

  • cpdname (str) – A name for the compound. For example, hematite for Fe2O3.

  • phaseinfo (str) – Denoting the phase. For example, “solid”, “liquid”, “gas” or “tetragonal”.

  • formula (str) – A proper string formula, e.g. Fe2O3

  • value (float) – The value of the data.

  • ref (str) – A reference, if any, for the data.

  • method (str) – The method by which the data was determined, if available.

  • temp_range ([float, float]) – Temperature range of validity for the data in Kelvin. Defaults to 298 K only.

  • uncertainty (float) – An uncertainty for the data, if available.


Get MSONable dict.

classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self[source]

dct (dict) – Dict representation.



pymatgen.analysis.transition_state module

Some reimplementation of Henkelman’s Transition State Analysis utilities, which are originally in Perl. Additional features beyond those offered by Henkelman’s utilities will be added.

This allows the usage and customization in Python.

class NEBAnalysis(r, energies, forces, structures, spline_options=None)[source]

Bases: MSONable

An NEBAnalysis class.

Initialize an NEBAnalysis from the cumulative root mean squared distances between structures, the energies, the forces, the structures and the interpolation_order for the analysis.

  • r – Root mean square distances between structures

  • energies – Energies of each structure along reaction coordinate

  • forces – Tangent forces along the reaction coordinate.

  • structures ([Structure]) – List of Structures along reaction coordinate.

  • spline_options (dict) – Options for cubic spline. For example, {“saddle_point”: “zero_slope”} forces the slope at the saddle to be zero.


Dict representation of NEBAnalysis.


JSON-serializable dict representation.

classmethod from_dir(root_dir, relaxation_dirs=None, **kwargs) Self[source]

Initialize a NEBAnalysis object from a directory of a NEB run. Note that OUTCARs must be present in all image directories. For the terminal OUTCARs from relaxation calculations, you can specify the locations using relaxation_dir. If these are not specified, the code will attempt to look for the OUTCARs in 00 and 0n directories, followed by subdirs “start”, “end” or “initial”, “final” in the root_dir. These are just some typical conventions used preferentially in Shyue Ping’s MAVRL research group. For the non-terminal points, the CONTCAR is read to obtain structures. For terminal points, the POSCAR is used. The image directories are assumed to be the only directories that can be resolved to integers. e.g. “00”, “01”, “02”, “03”, “04”, “05”, “06”. The minimum sub-directory structure that can be parsed is of the following form ( a 5-image example is shown):

00: - POSCAR - OUTCAR 01, 02, 03, 04, 05: - CONTCAR - OUTCAR 06: - POSCAR - OUTCAR

  • root_dir (str) – Path to the root directory of the NEB calculation.

  • relaxation_dirs (tuple) – This specifies the starting and ending relaxation directories from which the OUTCARs are read for the terminal points for the energies.


NEBAnalysis object.

classmethod from_outcars(outcars, structures, **kwargs) Self[source]

Initialize an NEBAnalysis from Outcar and Structure objects. Use the static constructors, e.g. from_dir instead if you prefer to have these automatically generated from a directory of NEB calculations.

  • outcars ([Outcar]) – List of Outcar objects. Note that these have to be ordered from start to end along reaction coordinates.

  • structures ([Structure]) – List of Structures along reaction coordinate. Must be same length as outcar.

  • interpolation_order (int) – Order of polynomial to use to interpolate between images. Same format as order parameter in scipy.interpolate.PiecewisePolynomial.


Get the positions of the extrema along the MEP. Both local minimums and maximums are returned.


normalize_rxn_coordinate (bool) – Whether to normalize the reaction coordinate to between 0 and 1. Defaults to True.


where the extrema are given as [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …].

Return type:

tuple[min_extrema, max_extrema]

get_plot(normalize_rxn_coordinate: bool = True, label_barrier: bool = True) Axes[source]

Get an NEB plot. Uses Henkelman’s approach of spline fitting each section of the reaction path based on tangent force and energies.

  • normalize_rxn_coordinate (bool) – Whether to normalize the reaction coordinate to between 0 and 1. Defaults to True.

  • label_barrier (bool) – Whether to label the maximum barrier. Defaults to True.


matplotlib axes object.

Return type:



Setup of the options for the spline interpolation.


spline_options (dict) – Options for cubic spline. For example, {“saddle_point”: “zero_slope”} forces the slope at the saddle to be zero.

combine_neb_plots(neb_analyses, arranged_neb_analyses=False, reverse_plot=False)[source]

neb_analyses: a list of NEBAnalysis objects.

arranged_neb_analyses: The code connects two end points with the smallest-energy difference. If all end points have very close energies, it’s likely to result in an inaccurate connection. Manually arrange neb_analyses if the combined plot is not as expected compared with all individual plots. e.g. if there are two NEBAnalysis objects to combine, arrange in such a way that the end-point energy of the first NEBAnalysis object is the start-point energy of the second NEBAnalysis object. Note that the barrier labeled in y-axis in the combined plot might be different from that in the individual plot due to the reference energy used. reverse_plot: reverse the plot or percolation direction.


a NEBAnalysis object

pymatgen.analysis.wulff module

This module define a WulffShape class to generate the Wulff shape from a lattice, a list of indices and their corresponding surface energies, and the total area and volume of the Wulff shape, the weighted surface energy, the anisotropy and shape_factor can also be calculated. In support of plotting from a given view in terms of miller index.

The lattice is from the conventional unit cell, and (hkil) for hexagonal lattices.

If you use this code extensively, consider citing the following:

Tran, R.; Xu, Z.; Radhakrishnan, B.; Winston, D.; Persson, K. A.; Ong, S. P. (2016). Surface energies of elemental crystals. Scientific Data.

class WulffFacet(normal, e_surf, normal_pt, dual_pt, index, m_ind_orig, miller)[source]

Bases: object

Helper container for each Wulff plane.

  • normal

  • e_surf

  • normal_pt

  • dual_pt

  • index

  • m_ind_orig

  • miller

class WulffShape(lattice: Lattice, miller_list, e_surf_list, symprec=1e-05)[source]

Bases: object

Generate Wulff Shape from list of miller index and surface energies, with given conventional unit cell. surface energy (Jm^2) is the length of normal.

Wulff shape is the convex hull. Based on:

  1. get Wulff simplices

  2. label with color

  3. get wulff_area and other properties


Whether to print debug information.




Transparency of the Wulff shape.




colors to use for facets.




Whether to turn off the grid.




Whether to turn off the axis.




Whether to show the area of each facet.




Color of facets not on the Wulff shape.




Input conventional unit cell (with H) from lattice.




input Miller indices, for hcp in the form of hkil.




Modified Miller indices in the same order as input_miller.




input surface energies in the same order as input_miller.




Input lattice for the conventional unit cell.




WulffFacet objects considering symmetry.




Simplices from the dual convex hull (dual_pt).




Wulff points.




Simplices from the convex hull of wulff_pt_list.




List for all input_miller, True if on the Wulff shape.




List for all input_miller, total area on the Wulff shape, off_wulff = 0.




Dictionary of Miller indices and their corresponding areas.



  • lattice – Lattice object of the conventional unit cell

  • miller_list ([(hkl) – list of hkl or hkil for hcp

  • e_surf_list ([float]) – list of corresponding surface energies

  • symprec (float) – for reciprocal lattice operation, default is 1e-5.

property anisotropy: float[source]

Returns: float: Coefficient of Variation from weighted surface energy. The ideal sphere is 0.

property area_fraction_dict: dict[tuple, float][source]

Returns: dict: {hkl: area_hkl/total area on wulff}.

property effective_radius: float[source]

Radius of the WulffShape (in Angstroms) when the WulffShape is approximated as a sphere.


radius R_eff

Return type:



Get the sorted pts in a facet used to draw a line.

get_plot(color_set='PuBu', grid_off=True, axis_off=True, show_area=False, alpha=1, off_color='red', direction=None, bar_pos=(0.75, 0.15, 0.05, 0.65), bar_on=False, units_in_JPERM2=True, legend_on=True, aspect_ratio=(8, 8), custom_colors=None)[source]

Get the Wulff shape plot.

  • color_set – default is ‘PuBu’

  • grid_off (bool) – default is True

  • axis_off (bool) – default is True

  • show_area (bool) – default is False

  • alpha (float) – chosen from 0 to 1 (float), default is 1

  • off_color – Default color for facets not present on the Wulff shape.

  • direction – default is (1, 1, 1)

  • bar_pos – default is [0.75, 0.15, 0.05, 0.65]

  • bar_on (bool) – default is False

  • legend_on (bool) – default is True

  • aspect_ratio – default is (8, 8)

  • ({(h (custom_colors) – [r,g,b,alpha]}): Customize color of each facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it probably won’t make any sense to have the color bar on.

  • k – [r,g,b,alpha]}): Customize color of each facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it probably won’t make any sense to have the color bar on.

  • l} – [r,g,b,alpha]}): Customize color of each facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it probably won’t make any sense to have the color bar on.

  • units_in_JPERM2 (bool) – Units of surface energy, defaults to Joules per square meter (True)


3D plot of the Wulff shape.

Return type:


get_plotly(color_set='PuBu', off_color='red', alpha=1, custom_colors=None, units_in_JPERM2=True)[source]

Get the Wulff shape as a plotly Figure object.

  • color_set – default is ‘PuBu’

  • alpha (float) – chosen from 0 to 1 (float), default is 1

  • off_color – Default color for facets not present on the Wulff shape.

  • ({(h (custom_colors) – [r,g,b,alpha}): Customize color of each facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it probably won’t make any sense to have the color bar on.

  • k – [r,g,b,alpha}): Customize color of each facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it probably won’t make any sense to have the color bar on.

  • l} – [r,g,b,alpha}): Customize color of each facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it probably won’t make any sense to have the color bar on.

  • units_in_JPERM2 (bool) – Units of surface energy, defaults to Joules per square meter (True)



property miller_area_dict: dict[tuple, float][source]

area_hkl on wulff}.



property miller_energy_dict: dict[tuple, float][source]

surface energy_hkl}.



property shape_factor: float[source]

Determine the critical nucleus size. A large shape factor indicates great anisotropy. See Ballufi, R. W., Allen, S. M. & Carter, W. C. Kinetics

of Materials. (John Wiley & Sons, 2005), p.461.


Shape factor.

Return type:


show(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Show the Wulff plot.

  • *args – Passed to get_plot.

  • **kwargs – Passed to get_plot.

property surface_area: float[source]

Total surface area of Wulff shape.

property tot_corner_sites[source]

The number of vertices in the convex hull. Useful for identifying catalytically active sites.

property tot_edges[source]

The number of edges in the convex hull. Useful for identifying catalytically active sites.

property total_surface_energy: float[source]

Total surface energy of the Wulff shape.


sum(surface_energy_hkl * area_hkl)

Return type:


property volume: float[source]

Volume of the Wulff shape.

property weighted_surface_energy: float[source]

Returns: sum(surface_energy_hkl * area_hkl)/ sum(area_hkl).


Given a list of coords for 3 points, Compute the area of this triangle.


pts – [a, b, c] three points


Prepare for display on plots “(hkl)” for surfaces.


hkl – in the form of [h, k, l] or (h, k, l).

pymatgen.analysis.xps module

This is a module for XPS analysis. It is modelled after the Galore package (, but with some modifications for easier analysis from pymatgen itself. Please cite the following original work if you use this:

Adam J. Jackson, Alex M. Ganose, Anna Regoutz, Russell G. Egdell, David O. Scanlon (2018). Galore: Broadening and weighting for simulation of photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(26), 773, doi: 10.21105/joss.007733

You may wish to look at the optional dependency galore for more functionality such as plotting and other cross-sections. Note that the atomic_subshell_photoionization_cross_sections.csv has been reparsed from the original compilation:

Yeh, J. J.; Lindau, I. Atomic Subshell Photoionization Cross Sections and Asymmetry Parameters: 1 ⩽ Z ⩽ 103. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 1985, 32 (1), 1-155.

This version contains all detailed information for all orbitals.

class XPS(x: NDArray, y: NDArray, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Spectrum

An X-ray photoelectron spectra.

  • x (ndarray) – A ndarray of N values.

  • y (ndarray) – A ndarray of N x k values. The first dimension must be the same as that of x. Each of the k values are interpreted as separate.

  • *args – All subclasses should provide args other than x and y when calling super, e.g. super().__init__( x, y, arg1, arg2, kwarg1=val1, ..). This guarantees the +, -, *, etc. operators work properly.

  • **kwargs – Same as that for *args.

XLABEL = 'Binding Energy (eV)'[source]
YLABEL = 'Intensity'[source]
classmethod from_dos(dos: CompleteDos) Self[source]
  • dos – CompleteDos object with project element-orbital DOS.

  • Vasprun.get_complete_dos. (Can be obtained from)

  • sigma – Smearing for Gaussian.


X-ray photoelectron spectrum.

Return type: