pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.connectivity package
Package for analyzing connectivity.
pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.connectivity.connected_components module
Connected components.
- class ConnectedComponent(environments=None, links=None, environments_data=None, links_data=None, graph=None)[source]
Describe the connected components in a structure in terms of coordination environments.
Constructor for the ConnectedComponent object.
- Parameters:
environments – Environments in the connected component.
links – Links between environments in the connected component.
environments_data – Data of environment nodes.
links_data – Data of links between environment nodes.
graph – Graph of the connected component.
- Returns:
Instance of this class
- Return type:
- as_dict()[source]
Bson-serializable dict representation of the ConnectedComponent object.
- Returns:
Bson-serializable dict representation of the ConnectedComponent object.
- Return type:
- compute_periodicity(algorithm='all_simple_paths') None [source]
- Parameters:
algorithm (str) – Algorithm to use to compute the periodicity vectors. Can be either “all_simple_paths” or “cycle_basis”.
- compute_periodicity_all_simple_paths_algorithm()[source]
Get the periodicity vectors of the connected component.
- compute_periodicity_cycle_basis() None [source]
Compute periodicity vectors of the connected component.
- coordination_sequence(source_node, path_size=5, coordination='number', include_source=False)[source]
Get the coordination sequence for a given node.
- Parameters:
source_node – Node for which the coordination sequence is computed.
path_size – Maximum length of the path for the coordination sequence.
coordination – Type of coordination sequence. The default (“number”) corresponds to the number of environment nodes that are reachable by following paths of sizes between 1 and path_size. For coordination “env:number”, this resulting coordination sequence is a sequence of dictionaries mapping the type of environment to the number of such environment reachable by following paths of sizes between 1 and path_size.
include_source – Whether to include the source_node in the coordination sequence.
- Returns:
Mapping between the nth “layer” of the connected component with the corresponding coordination.
- Return type:
The corner-sharing octahedral framework (as in perovskites) have the following coordination sequence (up to a path of size 6) : {1: 6, 2: 18, 3: 38, 4: 66, 5: 102, 6: 146} Considering both the octahedrons and the cuboctahedrons of the typical BaTiO3 perovskite, the “env:number” coordination sequence (up to a path of size 6) starting on the Ti octahedron and Ba cuboctahedron are the following : Starting on the Ti octahedron : {1: {‘O:6’: 6, ‘C:12’: 8}, 2: {‘O:6’: 26, ‘C:12’: 48},
3: {‘O:6’: 90, ‘C:12’: 128}, 4: {‘O:6’: 194, ‘C:12’: 248}, 5: {‘O:6’: 338, ‘C:12’: 408}, 6: {‘O:6’: 522, ‘C:12’: 608}}
- Starting on the Ba cuboctahedron{1: {‘O:6’: 8, ‘C:12’: 18}, 2: {‘O:6’: 48, ‘C:12’: 74},
3: {‘O:6’: 128, ‘C:12’: 170}, 4: {‘O:6’: 248, ‘C:12’: 306}, 5: {‘O:6’: 408, ‘C:12’: 482}, 6: {‘O:6’: 608, ‘C:12’: 698}}
If include_source is set to True, the source node is included in the sequence, e.g. for the corner-sharing octahedral framework : {0: 1, 1: 6, 2: 18, 3: 38, 4: 66, 5: 102, 6: 146}. For the “env:number” coordination starting on a Ba cuboctahedron (as shown above), the coordination sequence is then : {0: {‘C:12’: 1}, 1: {‘O:6’: 8, ‘C:12’: 18}, 2: {‘O:6’: 48, ‘C:12’: 74}, 3: {‘O:6’: 128, ‘C:12’: 170},
4: {‘O:6’: 248, ‘C:12’: 306}, 5: {‘O:6’: 408, ‘C:12’: 482}, 6: {‘O:6’: 608, ‘C:12’: 698}}
- description(full=False)[source]
- Parameters:
full (bool) – Whether to return a short or full description.
- Returns:
A description of the connected component.
- Return type:
- elastic_centered_graph(start_node=None)[source]
- Parameters:
start_node (Node, optional) – Node to start the elastic centering from. If not provided, the first node in the graph is used.
- Returns:
Elastic centered subgraph.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self [source]
Reconstructs the ConnectedComponent object from a dict representation of the ConnectedComponent object created using the as_dict method.
- Parameters:
dct (dict) – dict representation of the ConnectedComponent object
- Returns:
The connected component representing the links of a given set of environments.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_graph(g) Self [source]
Constructor for the ConnectedComponent object from a graph of the connected component.
- Parameters:
g (MultiGraph) – Graph of the connected component.
- Returns:
The connected component representing the links of a given set of environments.
- Return type:
- property graph[source]
The Networkx MultiGraph object of this connected component with environment as nodes and links between these nodes as edges with information about the image cell difference if any.
- make_supergraph(multiplicity)[source]
- Parameters:
multiplicity (int) – Multiplicity of the super graph.
- Returns:
Super graph of the connected component.
- Return type:
- show_graph(graph: MultiGraph | None = None, save_file: str | None = None, drawing_type: str = 'internal') None [source]
Displays the graph using the specified drawing type.
- Parameters:
graph (Graph, optional) – The graph to display. If not provided, the current graph is used.
save_file (str, optional) – The file path to save the graph image to. If not provided, the graph is not saved.
drawing_type (str) – The type of drawing to use. Can be “internal” or “external”.
- draw_network(env_graph, pos, ax, sg=None, periodicity_vectors=None)[source]
Draw network of environments in a matplotlib figure axes.
- Parameters:
env_graph – Graph of environments.
pos – Positions of the nodes of the environments in the 2D figure.
ax – Axes object in which the network should be drawn.
sg – Not used currently (drawing of supergraphs).
periodicity_vectors – List of periodicity vectors that should be drawn.
- make_supergraph(graph, multiplicity, periodicity_vectors)[source]
Make super graph from a graph of environments.
- Parameters:
graph – Graph of environments.
multiplicity – Multiplicity of the super graph.
periodicity_vectors – Periodicity vectors needed to make the super graph.
- Returns:
Super graph of the environments.
- Return type:
pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.connectivity.connectivity_finder module
Module implementing connectivity finding.
- class ConnectivityFinder(multiple_environments_choice=None)[source]
Main class used to find the structure connectivity of a structure.
Constructor for the ConnectivityFinder.
- Parameters:
multiple_environments_choice – defines the procedure to apply when
one (the environment of a given site is described as a "mix" of more than)
environments. (coordination)
- get_structure_connectivity(light_structure_environments)[source]
Get the structure connectivity from the coordination environments provided as an input.
- Parameters:
light_structure_environments – LightStructureEnvironments with the
structure (relevant coordination environments in the)
- Returns:
a StructureConnectivity object describing the connectivity of
the environments in the structure
pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.connectivity.environment_nodes module
Environment nodes module.
- class AbstractEnvironmentNode(central_site, i_central_site)[source]
Abstract class used to define an environment as a node in a graph.
Constructor for the AbstractEnvironmentNode object.
- Parameters:
- class EnvironmentNode(central_site, i_central_site, ce_symbol)[source]
Define an environment as a node in a graph.
Constructor for the EnvironmentNode object.
- Parameters:
pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.connectivity.structure_connectivity module
Structure connectivity class.
- class StructureConnectivity(light_structure_environment, connectivity_graph=None, environment_subgraphs=None)[source]
Main class containing the connectivity of a structure.
Constructor for the StructureConnectivity object.
- Parameters:
light_structure_environment – a LightStructureEnvironments object containing the relevant local environments for the sites in the structure.
connectivity_graph – the networkx MultiGraph if it has already been computed, e.g. stored in a file or dict and StructureConnectivity is reconstructed from that file or dict.
environment_subgraphs – the different subgraphs of environments that have been computed if any (as for connectivity_graph, only if it is reconstructed from a file or dict).
- add_bonds(isite, site_neighbors_set)[source]
Add the bonds for a given site index to the structure connectivity graph.
- Parameters:
isite – Index of the site for which the bonds have to be added.
site_neighbors_set – site_neighbors_set: Neighbors set of the site
- environment_subgraph(environments_symbols=None, only_atoms=None)[source]
- Parameters:
environments_symbols (list[str]) – symbols of the environments to consider.
only_atoms (list[str]) – atoms to consider.
- Returns:
The subgraph of the structure connectivity graph
- Return type:
- classmethod from_dict(dct: dict) Self [source]
- Parameters:
dct (dict)
- Returns: