pymatgen.cli package
This package contains various command line interfaces for common pymatgen functionality such as file conversion, etc. Entry points to these interfaces are defined in
pymatgen.cli.feff_plot_cross_section module
Script for plotting cross sections generated by FEFF found in xmu.dat files.
pymatgen.cli.feff_plot_dos module
Script to plot density of states (DOS) generated by an FEFF run either by site, element, or orbital.
pymatgen.cli.get_environment module
Command line script to get the chemical environment of a structure.
pymatgen.cli.pmg module
A master convenience script with many tools for vasp and structure analysis.
pymatgen.cli.pmg_analyze module
Implementation for pmg analyze CLI.
- analyze(args)[source]
Master function controlling which analysis to call.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – args from argparse.
- get_energies(rootdir, reanalyze, verbose, quick, sort, fmt)[source]
Get energies of all vaspruns in directory (nested).
- Parameters:
rootdir (str) – Root directory.
reanalyze (bool) – Whether to ignore saved results and reanalyze
verbose (bool) – Verbose mode or not.
quick (bool) – Whether to perform a quick analysis (using OSZICAR instead of vasprun.xml
sort (bool) – Whether to sort the results in ascending order.
fmt (str) – tablefmt passed to tabulate.
pymatgen.cli.pmg_config module
Implementation for pmg config CLI.
- add_config_var(tokens: list[str], backup_suffix: str) None [source]
Add/update keys in .pmgrc.yaml config file.
- build_bader(fortran_command='gfortran')[source]
Build bader package.
- Parameters:
fortran_command – The Fortran compiler command.
- build_enum(fortran_command: str = 'gfortran') bool [source]
Build enum.
- Parameters:
fortran_command – The Fortran compiler command.
- install_software(install: Literal['enumlib', 'bader'])[source]
Install all optional external software.
pymatgen.cli.pmg_plot module
Implementation for pmg plot CLI.
- get_chgint_plot(args, ax: Axes | None = None) Axes [source]
Plot integrated charge from CHGCAR file.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – args from argparse.
ax (plt.Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object for plotting.
- Returns:
Matplotlib Axes object.
- Return type:
- get_dos_plot(args) Axes [source]
Plot DOS from vasprun.xml file.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – Args from argparse.
pymatgen.cli.pmg_potcar module
Implementation for pmg potcar CLI.
pymatgen.cli.pmg_structure module
Implementation for pmg structure CLI.
- analyze_localenv(args)[source]
Analyze local env of structures in files.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – Args for argparse.
- analyze_structures(args)[source]
Master function to handle which operation to perform.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – Args from argparse.
- analyze_symmetry(args)[source]
Analyze symmetry of structures in files.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – Args from argparse.